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"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
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Index 152 reviews in total 

248 out of 279 people found the following review useful:

One of the best, funniest and most refreshing shows currently on television

Author: MovieAddict2016 from UK
9 July 2006

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Dennis (Glenn Howerton), Mac (Rob McElhenney), and Charlie (Charlie Day) are all the owners of an Irish bar in Philadelphia, and "Sunny" essentially follows their awkward lives - each episode revolving around some type of political or social issue such as gun control, abortion, steroids, underage drinking, health care, and the handicapped (just to touch on a few issues already addressed in the show).

It begs comparison with "Arrested Development," "The Office," "Seinfeld" and "South Park" in its broad humor and wit, but it is completely original in its own right. The pilot was filmed on a low budget by a few friends and was picked up by FX after wards, so the show retains its low-budget feel - giving it a gritty, down-to-earth edge.

"Sunny" does border on the edge of bad taste sometimes (hell, what am I saying - it crosses the line every time) but it contains enough satire and wit to get away with it. For example: in one episode Mac and Dennis decide to pick up girls at an abortion rally. Mac pretends to be pro-life just so he can be around an attractive woman, whom he ends up sleeping with. Later, she tells him she's pregnant. "You need to get an abortion," he says. This type of irony runs throughout every episode.

The banter between the characters in the show is what tends to be particularly funny. The actors - although novices - are all great. Charlie Day in particular has me laughing like crazy every episode. And his interaction with Danny DeVito (who's been brought in for season two) is hilarious. Season two is more polished so far in terms of the mechanics of the show - the characters have all been setup now and they know what they're doing - and in that regard it is seeming to get better and better with every episode.

You do have to have a very sick sense of humor to like some of this - DeVito's character, Frank, is the father of Dennis and Dee, and his reason for being in the show is that he is getting a divorce and wants to relive his glory days as a youth. He tries to re-ignite a relationship with an old girlfriend of his from high school - but when he finds out she's a grandmother and not interested in doing anything wild, his attention instantly turns to the waitress and he tunes her out. It's cruel, sick and hilarious. DeVito is playing another ruthless character (same as in "Taxi" all those years ago) and it works splendidly.

Overall this was a delightful blast of fresh air - after seeing so many stale sitcoms, this proved to me that FX really is becoming the new lead in character-driven comedy-dramas (such as the equally superb "Rescue Me" which isn't quite as funny, however).

My only hope is that "Sunny" doesn't become so popular that it attracts controversy and sells out and dumbs down its humor. Right now it's on par with the early episodes of "South Park" and "SNL" in terms of how irreverent its humor is - and personally, in my opinion, its plots are better than most comedy films I've seen within the last few years.

If you want to see something new, different, and funny, check this out. I have a feeling it could either become huge, like the next "Seinfeld," or - more realistically - it will become a cult phenomenon. Either way, I'll be watching.

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209 out of 249 people found the following review useful:

Pure brilliance

Author: S C N from United States
11 August 2006

While I am typically not a fan of television, I can't get enough of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

As a resident of Philadelphia and one who enjoys the more scenic and luxurious aspects of life here, 'Sunny' doesn't exactly shine a great light on the city, but it IS without a doubt one of the most brilliant works of ensemble comedy I have ever seen.

It's irreverent, self-serving characters without a doubt suggest a bit of a naughty Seifeld. Yet dare I say it, it's more than that. The subtle interplay of class politics, ivy-league pomp, and south-philly street smarts go far beyond Seinfeld's tried-and-true model.

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214 out of 260 people found the following review useful:

Actually Funny

Author: snortin_php from North Carolina, US
5 August 2005

I've been a big fan of FX ever since my wife coerced me into watching an episode of Nip/Tuck. I then got sucked into the various other dramas like Rescue Me, 30 Days, Over There, etc.

I was a bit worried about FX trying to do comedy. I didn't think it would work out at all.

And yet, I was completely wrong. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a fantastic show. It's about three guys and a girl that own an Irish pub in Philly. You might be thinking that you've heard similar plot lines, but this is completely different.

The show is politically incorrect, vulgar and hilarious. The first episode deals with racism which is a pretty lofty subject to start with, but it handles it with ease.

This is by far one of the best comedies on TV. Well worth checking out.

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144 out of 166 people found the following review useful:

My new favorite show

Author: nkb_junk from United States
3 August 2006

Now that Arrested Development has been laid to rest (RIP), I have found the next best thing.

"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is different and funny, in a crossing-moral-lines kind of way. Good for FX that they have the cojones to put this show on.

How can you not laugh when story lines involve trying to take financial advantage of a religious miracle, or considering sleeping with your fiend's mom to get even, or tea-bagging (not the actual act, but, 'nuff said)?

I can only hope this show stays on the air long enough to gain sufficient viewers to not get canceled.

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153 out of 192 people found the following review useful:

The best show currently on cable TV!

Author: Christopher Smith
21 August 2005

I have said it before, but one of the joys of summer is watching summer shows , knowing that they aren't being given even the slightest chance of survival. In most cases, these shows are being deservingly dumped in the summer because most of them are terrible. Surprisingly, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", which premiered earlier this month, is not terrible. Even though it seemed like it might have been, it ended up being one of the better shows to come along so far in the 2000s. The show is about four friends who own a bar in Philadelphia. At first glance, it doesn't seem like anything special. The owning a bar scenario has been done several times before in a variety of other sitcoms including "Cheers" and the recently canceled "Grounded For Life". However, since the show is more clever and much funnier than the previous sitcoms who have used the device, one can forgive the lack of originality.

What makes "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" better than any other of the sitcoms that are on today is the clever writing. The writing on sitcoms these days is beyond awful. The writing on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is great. In fact, if the show doesn't receive an Emmmy nomination for writing, there is no justice in the world. The three episodes that have aired so far have been incredibly well written and unlike with most sitcoms, the dialogue doesn't seem like typical sitcom dialogue. The dialogue comes across as natural as opposed to coming across as forced like on network sitcoms and other cable comedies. The writers are also the stars and executive producers of the show, which gives them almost complete control. Let's hope the writing staff doesn't change. I'd give "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" 9/10. It's one of the best shows one is ever likely to see on cable.

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124 out of 153 people found the following review useful:


Author: kevinhmj08 from United States
29 June 2006

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is one of the greatest shows on TV right now. It is daring and hilarious. It was created by three guys on a budget of less than $200, which I find very admirable because I am and aspiring actor/writer. Its raucous stories that run the gamut from cancer to abortion to Nazis to pedophilia are written by the cast. Their devotion to the show is very evident and I hope we will not lose this great show to politics of Hollywood. Heading into is second season I am excited to see what we are going to tackle this summer. I am ready to be shocked and amazed at the lengths these guys and a girl will go to to get over. And with Danny Devito joining the show we are really seeing how "sunny" it is in "Philadelphia"

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107 out of 127 people found the following review useful:

About as close to brilliant as you can get

Author: njstorm1 from United States
13 October 2007

There are so few television comedies that generate as much humor with generally unlikable characters, and "Sunny" probably tops the list. "Strangers With Candy" and "Absolutely Fabulous" come closest to capturing the laugh-out loud comedy it generates. Part abstract theatre, part absurdist drama, "Sunny" not only skewers every hot-button issue imaginable, but barbecues and presents it as a scrumptuous entree. And the zingers ... "Which one of you fags is my dad?" and "You might as well call it Rape Bar" are killer. Plus being a Philly boy myself, the opening montage with images of The Linc and 30th Street Station are always good for a smile. With "Drawn Together" set for its impending exit, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is the reigning TV king of comedy.

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114 out of 152 people found the following review useful:

This show is great

Author: sbills89 from United States
31 July 2006

Seriously, The true show that begs comparison to Seinfeld. Like the tag says its Seinfeld on crack, weirdest crazy situations that you can oddly relate to in some psychotic parallel universe.

Awesome show i also like how its made by a few buddies and then FX picked it up and it took off.

Try it, You'll LOVE IT

Also i love the group of friends in it their personalities reflect so funnily on each other which makes it seem like Seinfeld in such a likeness.

Also begs comparison to friends but friends was never this funny.

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73 out of 79 people found the following review useful:

The best 'dark comedy' on TV

Author: I_saw_it_happen from United States
22 June 2010

This is a genuinely funny show, well worth watching, and deserving of it's high ratings on this site. It's compared to South Park for a number of reasons, most notably the enthusiasm with which it tackles socially sensitive issues and assaults them with the most extremist brands of political incorrectness --- but whereas South Park always tries to tidy up it's mess and make sure the audience knows the distinction between right and wrong, this show revels in the depravity and insanity of it's sociopathy. And it works amazingly well.

Since it's a situational comedy, there's not much to say about it without giving away the goods, but the actors all work better than any cast I've seen in a long time. It really seems like half the show is improvised and that the cast is talented enough to make it work without a hitch. The first few episodes are definitely the weakest, but still stronger than just about any comedy out there.

Highly recommended.

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108 out of 149 people found the following review useful:

Always Sunny - Always Funny

Author: goldiemcg from United States
15 August 2005

The show is great! I love the edgy humor and how they're addressing everyday issues and finding the hilarity in them. I think what I enjoy the most is that they're not tip-toeing around issues, gay, abortion, underage drinking (no, they're not promoting these, they're just addressing them). The way they have the real life situations and the true reactions within a set of friends sets this show apart (Seinfeld anyone?)...there's no following the lives of multi-millionaire brats as lead characters (fill in the blank for that show, there's only about 5 on air right now), none of the worn out "the city is going to blow up unless you catch the bad guy in 5 minutes" plot lines...it's real situations and almost everyone can relate...and laugh at.

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