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43 out of 60 people found the following review useful:

Really Funny

Author: tom from United States
27 April 2011

This show is hilarious. The Office, Entourage and 30 Rock have all jumped the shark, and I thought Sunny was getting close until last season, which was stronger than the previous. A few years ago, I found television to be ripe with great comedies, but just recently I was noticing that Curb and Sunny were about the only two that I found hilarious on a consistent basis. But Workaholics surprised me, it really seemed to come out of nowhere. And I'm so glad to hear that they are already writing for season 2. Awesome news.

Everyone has their own unique sense of humor, but I don't see how you could be a young person and not find this funny.

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60 out of 94 people found the following review useful:

Awesome show!

Author: philhendrie from United States
23 April 2011

This show is absolutely hilarious! Blake is the funniest dude on the show, he even looks funny. Along with the other reviewer, I signed up at IMDb here specifically to dispute the review shown on the front page, what do the Brits know about humor anyway? This show is definitely geared toward working class stoners of which there are certainly no shortage. Put your preconceptions aside and just enjoy the senseless humor that this group offers in every episode. Part of why this show is so appealing to me is because I have been in this exact same position, working as a telemarketer, getting stoned everyday, living with a bunch of crazy roommates. This is a comedy show that stays true to real life situations that real people go through and puts a humorous spin on life and friendship. If you don't think the poop dollar is hilarious, you should rethink what you find funny.

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29 out of 36 people found the following review useful:

My new favorite show

Author: ricky-33-806893 from Who cares
21 April 2011

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Seriously the best TV show in a very long time. The whole office thing isn't very original but this show is still fresh and hilarious every episode. I made an IMDb account just to write this review and to mark that other dudes review as unhelpful! I can't wait to watch the rest of these episodes, I have literally watched the first episode four times and I just watched the third one and it blew my mind. Just talking about this show makes me laugh. If somebody told me that this show was a copy of the office I would say that they were probably on shrooms when they watched it because it is ten times better than office! Not that there is anything wrong with the office. The office is probably my fifth favorite show, but Workaholics is by far my number one!

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34 out of 53 people found the following review useful:

Thanks Comedy Central

Author: dinotheman from United States
21 April 2011

I have to applaud Comedy Central, not because this show is particularly great but rather because they put shows like this on the air. It's not as funny as Man Bites Dog, Halfway House, Issues, etc but it is still funny and worth watching. By Comedy Central putting on shows like this, funny people out there actually have an obtainable goal if they want to have a go at getting a show made. Had BBC3 not aired The Office perhaps Ricky Gervais would be a plumber instead of a comedian. I guess my point is that this show isn't paint by the numbers, slick camera shots and laugh tracks. It's one of those shows that takes elements of guys you know and amps them up. Not quite to pro wrestling levels but probably a bit higher than you'd see in real life. It's fun though and you won't walk away feeling as if someone just insulted your intelligence. You never know, one of these young guys could end up being the next big funny man. Lay off the network shows for a week and check this show out.

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22 out of 31 people found the following review useful:

Suuuuuuper Funny.

Author: shinsan1 from Canada
4 May 2011

Irreverent to everything, including itself, this show takes a light look at the harsh reality for most 20somethings. (like when they're wondering how they're going to get clean urine when everyone their age smokes pot. Word, right?) It's refreshing, constantly funny and well-acted. With three slackers as the main characters, it's nice to see each one slack in their own style, be it uptight, mellow or on the edge. (ders, blake and adam). I'd have to agree with other reviewers that I hope Adam tones down the funny-cuz-im-loud aspect. He does it well, and it's usually funny, but it won't be quickly. I get the fratboy lifestyle mocking though.

By the way, austin312's review is clearly an SEO for the show.

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24 out of 35 people found the following review useful:

Definitely worth a watch if you like half hour comedy shows.

Author: Togmo from Australia
9 July 2011

Like most new comedies it took me an episode or two to really get into this although I did like it enough from the first episode to watch more. Like most half hour comedies as the characters develop it gets better and better but where so many new comedies seem to fall down this one doesn't. The show doesn't focus too much on character development which allows the jokes to flow freely and fools you in to developing an interest in the characters, like a good comedy should. I probably enjoy it a little more than some might because Anders, that is Ders with a 'Hard-An' reminds me of a friend of mine at work.

The show is pretty fresh and whilst the teens and twenty somethings will probably be the target audience I think older people (probably not those approaching retirement) will still be able to enjoy this show for what it is - a half hour comedy show that keeps you laughing in the genre of a twenty something/stoner comedy.

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13 out of 15 people found the following review useful:

So Good It Hurts

Author: gbuff8 from United States
12 August 2013

Funny, Irreverent, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Workaholics is the type of show that you need to watch multiple times to get all of the jokes. It is sneaky smart, in that it seems dumb as hell at first, but the more you watch it the more you understand how smart these guys are. The later episodes haven't been as good as they have gotten further away from the office drop-back, however the writing remains sharp and it's obvious the guys don't give a f*ck, which makes it hard to critique them too harshly. Overall, it is a relaxing piece of humor that is easy to share a beer and a laugh with over and over. Thankk gawd CC picked up a 4th and 5th season.

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18 out of 26 people found the following review useful:

The best

Author: westcoastloc from United States
30 December 2011

At first I wasn't paying attention to this show and thought it wasn't funny. Boy was I wrong. I like simple effective concepts for shows. You take 3 goofballs who like to make bad puns, pump themselves up, and not take life very seriously and you've got a great show. Jillian is hilarious how tough she is and how shes like one of the guys. The 90s references are spot on from hip hop catch phrases, old rap lines, video games, tmnt they are spot on. I hope this show is on the air for many years. There's been a ton of times where I did exactly what they did on the show, ie when they were arguing over who would be which ninja turtle (everyone wants to be leonardo or mike and no one wants donatello) the outbursts adam has are also really funny. This is a very strong comedy if you can appreciate drug humor, bad puns, and being juvenile. Its a super relateable show if you are a goofball.

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26 out of 45 people found the following review useful:

No Doubt One of the Funniest Shows I Have Ever Seen.

Author: kedarguru from United States
8 May 2011

I'd say, judging by the user rating, that this is one of those "you-get-it-or-you-don't" shows. I personally don't see how this would be not funny. This is definitely fresh material. Here you have the lives of three just-out-of-college roommates, working together in a call center, having parties, pulling pranks, taking drugs. Livin' the dream.

I think that the target audience is twenty-something recent college graduates, in entry-level positions. Not unlike the content on Adult Swim, or the situational comedy of Peep Show. But, definitely with a college American flavor. I can relate. If you are not in that phase where you still live like you are in college, then go watch something else.

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6 out of 9 people found the following review useful:

Truly LOL watching this.

Author: Halim Sujanto from Indonesia
6 August 2013

A story about 3 young college dropouts who share a house and work at the same company as telemarketer, their life consists of marijuana, booze, work related problem and pranks between them.

I can't remember when was the last time I laugh so hard to a movie / TV series, but this workaholics guys really pulled it off, their comedy is so fresh and just funny. I am 37 years old and honestly it's kinda too young for me, but having passed that phase in my life, I could totally relate to the story they're bringing.

Just finished the season 1, I hope the season 2 and 3 will be just as good.

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