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1516 out of 2460 people found the following review useful:

Who the f cares about the critics?

Author: Fanboy218 from USA
13 June 2013

I know what the critics has said. They complained about too much action, superman being too serious, lack of romance, etc. Since Zack Snyder directed this movie, I don't think he cared about the critics. Don't get me wrong, he DOES care about the fans' opinion. Seems like he really wanted to really satisfy the fans. I see why critics complained about too much action. For me it's just his way to satisfy the viewers. This is the kind of movie that is just really satisfying. When the movie ended, I got that 'satisfying' feeling instead of the 'wanting more' feeling. It's like it was really enough.

Even Snyder's best movies (before this) which were 300 & Watchmen didn't have more ratings than 64% on Rotten Tomatoes. I think the fans should have anticipated the bad reviews. His style is actually what critics hate. The over the top action and CGI is actually his trademark. So, even from the beginning, I think this is actually the kind of movie the producers wanted. About the lack of romance, I really do think it's saved for the sequel. The sequel will definitely explore more about the relationship between Clark and Lois. This film focused on 2 aspects: the origin (krypon,struggle finding his place) & the action (Zod and his army). Don't expect humor or romance.

The visuals were spectacular! What's best about this movie is its action scenes. The action were just relentless. I think the fans would not be disappointed at all. Yes, I know there is only a very few humor this movie but that actually doesn't even matter. The battle between Superman & Zod will definitely 'wow' everyone but the critics. I mean who cares about the critics opinion? A superhero movie MUST NOT be judged by the critics opinion, what's more important is the audience's opinion about the movie and especially the fans'. I think the movie really delivered. Most people will definitely like this movie. I am really sure that many fanboys will consider this as the best comic book of all time. This is a MUST SEE for people who like action movie. The action were better than last year's The Avengers.

The sequel really have a great potential. Considering the minimum amount of romance in this movie (since they just knew each other, and superman was also more focused on Zod), the next movie could explore more of that. One of the things missing from the movie was also the presence of Clark Kent at the daily planet. It's one of the trade marks. But, I believe the sequel will show more scenes in the Daily Planet which is interesting to see.

As a conclusion, I think Man of Steel is so far the best action movie this year. This movie really is a Snyder movie. But it also has a quite lot of nolan-esque feel to it especially in the around first 45 minutes.

If this was compared to Iron man 3, if Iron man 3 was a 7, this movie is a 8.6.

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1565 out of 2563 people found the following review useful:

One of the stupidest movies ever made.

Author: lyre
15 June 2013

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

This review is going to be full of spoilers because I am going to mention various gaping plot inconsistencies and outright idiocies in this dog of a film.

Sure, it looks great and the special effects are generally well done. But some people need their movies to at least make some sense.

Let's start with a really basic one: the planet Krypton is going to be destroyed, and no one can be saved except one baby, presumably because they don't have any spacecraft.

Oh but wait, they do have spacecraft. In fact, they have so much spare technology they use it to send criminals into space... so that they will survive and provide enemies for Superman later in the movie.

Jor-El steals the Codex, which apparently contains the DNA of the Kryptonian race. Somehow, there are no backup copies. Oh but what about the actual Kryptonians who are running around destroying things... surely they each have their own DNA? Apparently not, somehow. And how about that baby-making machine in the scout ship: what was it supposed to use if there's only one Codex?

Clark just happens to hear about some top secret ice digging, and somehow knows to go there. How? And Lois Lane is somehow given a tour of the dig and a free place to stay even though she had to sue to be allowed there at all.

Clark discovers the spacecraft and somehow knows how to pilot it and land it somewhere. But then it never gets used again, for example to help fight the invaders later on. Doesn't it have the same kind of engine that's needed to destroy them? And it actually can fly rather than needing to be dropped via an airplane, as Clark's baby spacecraft is at the end of the film. But somehow no one thinks of this.

When Clark is taken to General Zod's ship, he loses his powers because he supposedly needs the gasses in earth's atmosphere to gain and retain his powers. Yet he's shown repeatedly operating in the vacuum of space. If he needed Earth's atmosphere to retain his powers, he should lose them in space.

In numerous fight scenes, massive damage is caused to probably inhabited buildings, which must have resulted in massive loss of life. Why wouldn't Clark/Superman immediately lure his enemies far away from the city, fight over the ocean, in the mountains, etc? In one scene he deliberately throws an enemy through a bunch of buildings, apparently not caring who gets hurt.

At the end, when the world engine is working, Superman flies into its gravity beam where his powers shouldn't exist because the conditions it's creating are like those of Krypton. But after being unable to do anything, he somehow just decides he's going to do it, and then instantly destroys the machine. Because if you really really decide, then you can do anything.

General Zod's ship will be flipped back into the Phantom Zone if its drive field comes in contact with another drive field of the same type, as found in Clark's baby spacecraft. But wait, don't all their small spacecraft use the same engine? Why don't they cause the same problem?

At the end, Superman and General Zod have an extended fight and appear to be equally matched, but when Zod threatens a prototypical family of Father, Mother and Child with his heat vision (and which he somehow doesn't manage to hurt although all he'd have to do is move his eyes slightly), Superman easily kills him, although he was completely unable to damage him until then. Again, just deciding to do something makes it happen.

These are just some of the really obvious major problems, how about some minor but equally stupid ones?

- Perry White, Jenny and Steve are walking away from General Zor's ship when Perry says "where's Jenny?" Oh, she's suddenly stuck under rubble that apparently no one noticed falling, and she hasn't bothered to scream or make any sound at all. They struggle to free her, when suddenly the beam stops and they say "He saved us!", even though they didn't know anything about Superman trying to save them, nor that the destruction wouldn't resume, or in fact anything about what was going on.

- Martha Kent is violently flung 20 feet or more. But apparently she's completely unhurt even though she's elderly and even a simple fall should have been damaging.

- When Superman and Zor are fighting, they fly a great distance and end up falling through the ceiling of something that looks like Grand Central Station. After a few seconds, Lois Lane suddenly appears out of nowhere, because she should be in that scene.

- In a 'heartwarming' scene at the end, Jonathan Kent sees young Clark playing with a cape and gets all misty eyed. Wait, how did he associate a kid playing with a cape with anything at all? Why would a cape signify something to him? It wouldn't.

This is a movie that didn't bother to make any sense, and the fact that people accept all the illogic, plot holes and dumbness of it really depresses me. Special effects shouldn't be enough to make a movie popular. The story and the logic of the story should count for at least as much and more.

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971 out of 1663 people found the following review useful:

Remember that sinking feeling you had watching The Dark Knight Rises?

Author: arthurcooper from South Korea
13 June 2013

I wanted to like this movie. Admittedly, I went in with high expectations, but I thought the names behind the movie, the actors and the beautiful trailer justified my high hopes.

And - at first - I thought it was all going to work out. For the first 40 minutes or so, this movie is awesome. Krypton, an ALIENated Clark Kent doing odd jobs on earth, a confused boy trying to cope with his powers...

Some reviewers have bashed the movie for being too serious, but there's nothing wrong with a little seriousness, or a little reverence towards the character. In the first half, I think the tone is perfect. A little dark, sure, but it all feels like we're building up towards something truly awesome. Then, kind of suddenly, the main story with Zod and the action starts. And, as much as I love action movies, I really wished it hadn't.

When the serious actions starts, all coherent story telling stops. In the blink of an eye the movie goes from feeling like a sci-fi Batman Begins to Transformers 3 minus the nuanced story telling. Suddenly Superman is here and we get these big sweeping beautiful scenes, and they're just completely boring and out of place. And I don't even want to talk about the totally contrived Lois Lane - Superman romance. (Lots of sighs, and "WTF?" comments at the theater I was in).

I kept waiting for it to recapture the tone of the first half, but the action just keeps getting bigger and dumber. In the middle of the unending action spectacle of the second half, I actually nodded off.

This movie had the creative talent, and the actors to make something really great. And I feel like without a Michael Bay explosion quota maybe they could have done it here... But in the end this is a missed opportunity.

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986 out of 1703 people found the following review useful:

Even for Marvel fans this is a must GO!

Author: Luis Eduardo Moreno from Panama
12 June 2013

The trailers of this movie were released in a so effective way that you start to fear if the product will fill your expectations. And with the usual critics-know-about-everything-nothing-is-good- to-me reviews the chances of be confused about this are increasing. As high as the expectations were raised after trailers, i have to tell you that you will not disappointed with this movie. Is different in many ways to the usual superhero movies but is a solid product that fits in what you expect from this kind of film. Nice references to previous movies are well executed and new plot additions are well received too. As you can expect from a Zack Snyder movie, there are several scenes that try to resemble graphic novel arts and in my opinion are very well made. Some of the nicest things about this movie is the way they made the fast moving scenes. The most of them (unfortunately i can't say all of them) look very realistic according laws of physics, the CGI are so well made that you wish that development for many movies you seen before. The movements are what you expect if such kind of people exist in reality.

About the plot, i believe this is the more controversial point of what i see in reviews across the internet. Most moviegoers like it a lot, but are critics the ones ( not all of them) that are giving mixed reviews. What you realize is that critics expect another Dark Knight but this movie is not looking to be a darker one of your beloved Superman. If you are smart enough to understand that this is ANOTHER hero you will be happy with the story. If you are looking for a fourth darker than Batman movie for sure you will agree with critics giving bad reviews. This is a Superman movie and in that scenario this is a very good one.

The movie has some flaws to me for sure ( i don't know about a perfect movie) but i will not comment about that as i believe everyone need to discover by themselves what - if any- dislike for their preferences.

In summary this is a super hero movie that even Marvel fans will appreciate as is giving a whole new level to a classic story, turning the most beloved hero in an actual hero and mixing a great graphic novel specialist with great digital artists to give you a full action packed movie that make a good foundations for sequels.

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1076 out of 1890 people found the following review useful:

The worlds greatest superhero gets the movie he deserves.

Author: nb3550 from Longford, Ireland
13 June 2013

I saw Man Of Steel last night at an advance screening and at no point was I looking down on the movie.From the trailers and TV spots the movie really gets you interested and dying for more.And the Movie itself soars(yes I know ha-ha)above the expectations.

First of all Henry Cavill is an excellent Clark Kent/Superman.He really gives the character that "not wanted" or "don't feel like you belong" feeling.The cast in the movie is excellent including Russell Crowe and Michael Shannon.Russell Crowe really expands on Jor-el's character and makes him more than just a voice helping Clark.Michael Shannon as Zod is terrific.He was even better than Superman 2's Zod.

The fight scenes in the movie are astonishing.It makes up for all the lack of conflict Superman Returns had.The fight scenes are very destructive yes but there is a very good story around it so it wasn't just mindless explosions like Transformers.Man of steel was by far the best movie of the year.

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607 out of 1052 people found the following review useful:

Defiles everything that Superman stands for.... sad... pathetic

Author: kinshukjaiswal
15 June 2013

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Guys... I'll be honest here... This movie does not do justice to Superman. I mean, for a person who doesn't know anything about Superman except that he flies around in a blue suit, will find the movie exceptionally good. But for a person who has ever tried to read Superman or watched Superman stuff before, this movie is going to be a disappointment.

The movie doesn't portray what Superman stands for. For the last 75 years, Superman has been a pacifist. He JUST DOESN'T KILL...NO MATTER WHAT.. HE JUST DOESN'T KILL....

SPOILER ALERT: 1. The movie shows that the blue suit was given to Superman by Jor-El. But this hasn't appeared in any version of Superman so far. In fact, its Martha Kent, who gave the suit to him.

2. Clark finds the suit on an abandoned Kryptonian Scout Ship. Now the point to be noted is... the ice around the ship was found to be over 3000 years old... So the ship must have landed there over 3000 years ago... While Clark's age is shown to be only 33 years... Does that mean Jor-El sent a ship to Earth 3000 years ago, with a suit that he wanted to give as a gift to his son 3000 years later??? 3. Jonathan Kent didn't die in a tornado... he died of a heart attack in all versions of Superman ever published...

4. The Genetic data of all kryptonians was never a part of Superman's body cells.. In fact, there were only a handful of survivors which escaped in the bottled city of Kandor.

5. Clark Kent grows up on Earth and spends 33 years of his life adjusting to his powers... Zod does that in minutes?????? 6. The much awaited Superman's Rippled Shield of the house of El which was much advertised... I didn't see in on Superman's suit... I saw it at the end-credits...

7. Superman goes super-sonic??? Blasphemy.... He is the guy who can travel faster than the speed of light... and they only manage to make him go super-sonic??? 8. Superman never lets innocent civilians get hurt... NEVER... He will give up his own life to protect them... Yet in the entire fight sequence he never tries to take the fight away from Metropolis. Instead he keeps on ramming Zod into buildings and brings down half the city...killing God know how many...

9. Helicopter sequence... Superman saves the guy who fell from the Helicopter which has gone out of control... But he lets the pilot and remaining crew perish and crash to the ground.

10. Superman coughs up in smoke... as shown in the movie itself... when he was a kid... he saved a bus from drowning... and then saved Pete Ross too... He is able to hold his breath under water... In the oil- rig scene... he stays under water when the oil rig explodes... When he takes flight for the first time he goes in the orbit in the outer space... all of that... and amidst a little smoke... he stars coughing like he has contracted Tuberculosis??? 11. Superman collapses and "BLEEDS" from the mouth when he enters Zod's ship... Dude.. seriously... Kryptonite makes him weak... and he becomes like an ordinary human in presence of a Red Sun like Krypton had... But never does he BLEED...

12. And the best one of all of them... Zod is trying to kill a few people with his heat vision... Superman has Zod in a vice and he is holding Zod's head... perfectly capable of directing Zod's heat vision wherever he pleases... or he could have covered up Zod's eyes with his hand... But instead... He chose to break his neck... Wow Superman... way to stand by everything to symbolized for the last 75 years...

Believe me when I say this... the movie was good.. but it just wasn't Superman... it was some random guy in a blue suit who flies around killing people.

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559 out of 967 people found the following review useful:

I Lost Faith In Humanity!... This Movie broke my heart!

Author: Juan Miguel Gonzalez Loyola from Venezuela
16 June 2013

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I know that this is not a sequel to the other films or series... But if something should exist in this one is the consistency... You can not just take a symbol (for some like me sacred) such as SUPERMAN and make this joke called MAN OF STEEL only for get a lot of money (that is called "sell your soul")... The essence of Superman is that he is the symbol of hope, because of that SUPERMAN is not a SUPER-MAN by their supernatural powers, instead he is by their conviction, principles and values​​, the teachings of his father Jhonathan and what learns JOR-EL (not in 5 minutes)...


-SUPERMAN does not kill!!! (No matter what happens)

-Jhonathan always will protect Clark's secret, but never say it was better to let children die because of it. never!

-Jor-El dies stabbed? Lara dies alone???

-Jhonathan dies in a hurricane, and Clark does not do anything???

-Clark becomes Superman in less than 5 minutes, only for wearing the suit?

-Lois Lane tells almost half the planet that Clark is SUPERMAN (she even goes to the Kent house, looking for Clark with the police)...

-SUPERMAN does not kill... Did i told you that???

I've always admired the work of Kevin Costner, Russell Crowe, Lawrence Fishburne, Diane Lane, among others... But I can not understand that they have agreed to participate in a film that should inspire people to always be better based on the fact that the truth, justice, equality and above all humanity are most powerful things of all the universe.

Today my heart feels stabbed and my faith in humanity more destroyed than ever, the few things that inspired me to always become a better person is destroyed, trampled and spit like crap ... Even worse is to see the indifference of those who criticize the movies and say that it is an excellent movie just to be full of special effects an a history without sense... Even I read someone say that Henry Cavill is much better SUPERMAN than Christopher Reeve, when the truth is that Chris Reeve was much more SUPER MAN in real life until the end of his days, than it was in their own movies...

I think at heart, that this team had in its hands the opportunity to do something magical, colossal but, they waste time in making this blockbuster only by the desire of the money ...

Dc Comics I will not even think of the anger I have against you right now!

I just hope that IMDb publish this review as it was written so that if any person connected directly with the creators of this movie can understand my frustration and maybe if they plan to make a sequel to this movie rectify and understand that they are are dealing not only with a success at the box office but the idea that behind that "S" which means HOPE hides much more... SUPERMAN is not a comic, not a fantasy character, not a marketing article... It is an idea, a way of life, that there are still good things in the world... respect that!

This is a translation with the help of Google Translate

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561 out of 1036 people found the following review useful:

A Brand New Superman You've Never Seen Before

Author: XHW from Indonesia
13 June 2013

This is not like all the previous Superman movies. This is not "Smallville". This is not the sequel of "Superman Returns". This is "Man of Steel"! This movie is awesome.

I am not a big fan of Superman but this is the best Superman movie I've ever seen. (Christopher Reeve's version is also good, but this Man of Steel is better. And.. the Brandon Routh's version? Naaaaah...) The plot is really structural. Not so many flashbacks, so you won't get confused. The whole storyline is just really simple. It told the very beginning of Superman and then, yeah, his adulthood.

The special effects here, I think it is as awesome as Marvel's Avengers. Yeah, alien and superheroes, what do you expect? Battle scenes are good, I can feel Zack Snyder "300" sensation in here.

Henry Cavill succeeded bringing a whole new version of Superman to the big screen. He wiped out all our knowledge of the previous Superman movies and replaced it with a darker version of Superman (Nolan's kinda "darkness") This movie is enjoyable. See? There's still hope for DC Comics' superheroes movies.

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483 out of 886 people found the following review useful:

Excellent movie. See the 2-D though.

Author: Paul Budde from United States
12 June 2013

I really enjoyed this movie. I am a big fan of action and superhero movies, and this did not disappoint. First of all I thought they did a great job on casting Superman. Henry Cavill fits the role perfectly. I liked the supporting cast, except thought they could have done better with Lois Lane. The plot starts out with Superman (Kal-El) being born, and quickly jumps into him being in his 20's and saving people. They show some of his growing up, through flashbacks but I wish they would have done more of this. You don't have to see any previous Superman movies to see this one, you get the whole back story. There was a ton of good action scenes, almost too much I thought. Plot was pretty good, but also pretty predictable. I saw the 3-D version, and I am not a big fan of 3-D. While this movie did not give me a headache, like 'The Hobbit', I didn't think the 3-D added that much, and I would recommend seeing the 2-D version! Overall I gave it a 9/10. Good action, fun, entertaining movie.

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385 out of 691 people found the following review useful:

Worst Superman Ever

Author: Charles Leatherwood from USA Texas
14 June 2013

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I have NEVER been so disappointed in a movie in my life. How in the world can the story of Superman be screwed up so badly. I wish I could get my money back. The storyline was bad, the acting was bad, the action scenes were too much. Why would they do this to such a great story. I honestly do not see how anyone could like this movie if they have ever known anything about Superman. The scenes from Krypton were bad, the way they used flashbacks to tell the Smallville story was bad, the whole Zod storyline was poorly written. The battle scenes look like they destroyed Metropolis yet Clark goes to work at the Daily Planet at the end???? This was an overproduced poorly written movie with a storyline that has so much potential. I suggest everyone save their money.

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