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Monday 11th April 2016
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  • david cameron

    David Cameron

    David Cameron became the youngest British Prime Minister in almost 200 years when his Conservative Party formed a coalition with the Liberal Democrats following the 2010 General Election.

  • Boris Johnson small

    Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson is the Mayor of London and Conservative MP for Uxbridge.

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Jeremy Corbyn is the surprise leader of the Labour part, replacing Ed Miliband as the Leader of the Opposition.

  • budget osborne

    George Osborne

    George Osborne is a Conservative Party MP and is the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the coalition government.

  • nigel farage

    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage is the leader of the UK Independence Party (Ukip) and is an MEP for South East England.

  • Tim Farron sml.jpg

    Tim Farron

    Tim Farron is the leader of the Liberal Democrats.

  • Natalie Bennett

    Natalie Bennett

    Natalie Bennett is the leader of the Green Party in the UK, having taken over from Caroline Lucas in 2012.

  • Ed Miliband

    Ed Miliband

    Ed Miliband is the former leader of the Labour Party, after having beaten his brother David Miliband in the leadership race.

  • nick clegg

    Nick Clegg

    Nick Clegg is the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats.

  • ed balls

    Ed Balls

    Ed Balls is a former Labour MP, who was Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.