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Monday 11th April 2016
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What Happened To Vishal? LBC's New Podcast

vishal postcard

LBC presents our new week-by-week investigation into the disappearance of a young boy in London.

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Imagine your child goes missing.

Just vanishes. Seemingly without a trace.

vishal mehrotraIn 1981, eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra was with his family as they celebrated the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana. As the family were heading home, he was taken.

He was found nine months later, buried in a shallow grave, missing his legs and lower spine.

33 years on, nobody knows who he was taken by.

His father Vishambar believes his son was taken by people linked to the VIP paedophile ring and that police knew this, but covered it up.

The media has been consumed for the last few years with stories of a paedophile ring involving politicians and police officers, judges and diplomats. Vishambar says he has evidence that his son may have been taken by men connected to this group, and that police never investigated.

Week-by-week, LBC’s senior reporter Tom Swarbrick presents his investigation into Vishambar’s claims, in order to try and answer one question:

What happened to Vishal?

Key Evidence

  • Episode 3. Trains and Trainers

    Episode 3. Trains and Trainers

    "Nobody saw anything" was the police verdict on Vishal's disappearance. But did they overlook key witnesses?

  • Episode 2. Nobody Saw Anything

    Episode 2. Nobody Saw Anything

    Vishal's dad believes there was a cover-up by the police. We speak to an ex-Met detective to find out the truth.

  • Episode 1. The Phone Call Video

    Episode 1. The Phone Call

    On the day of the Royal Wedding in 1981, Vishal Mehrotra disappeared. No one knows who did it. But a phone call revealed the murder may have been covered up by police.

