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IMDb > Dr. Eugene Porter (Character)
Dr. Eugene Porter
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Dr. Eugene Porter (Character)
from "The Walking Dead" (2010)

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The Walking Dead: Season 4: Episode 2 -- As the group faces a brand new enemy, Rick and the others must fight to protect the livelihood they worked so hard to create at the prison.

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Dr. Eugene Porter is a highly intelligent scientist... See more »


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  1. "The Walking Dead"
    ... aka "Walking Dead" - USA (English title) (informal short title)
        - Episode #6.16 (2016) TV episode, Played by Josh McDermitt
        - Episode #6.15 (2016) TV episode, Played by Josh McDermitt
        - Episode #6.14 (2016) TV episode, Played by Josh McDermitt
        - Episode #6.13 (2016) TV episode, Played by Josh McDermitt
        - Not Tomorrow Yet (2016) TV episode, Played by Josh McDermitt
          (31 more)

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Fun Stuff

From "The Walking Dead: Self Help (#5.5)" (2014)
[Sgt. Abraham begins to lose his patience when Glenn and the group help calm him down]
Dr. Eugene Porter: Is that your blood?
Sgt. Abraham Ford: Yeah. Damn thing opened again. I swear, the cut's are finer than frog's hair. They're just big bleeders.
Maggie Greene: First aid kit's in the bus, I'll see what we have.
[the mini-bus suddenly goes up in flames]
Sgt. Abraham Ford: We're not stopping. We're rolling on. We'll find another vehicle down the road. The mission hasn't changed.
Dr. Eugene Porter: Devil's advocate, nothing more - We smashed to a stop hard. We spent a lot of time rolling things out of the road. The church is just 15 miles back that way...
Sgt. Abraham Ford: [Sgt. Abraham begins shouting at Eugene] No. We don't stop. We don't go back. We're at war and retreat means we lose. The road fights back, the plan gets jacked. You all know that. Now, we will get through this because we have to. Every direction is a question. We don't go back!
Glenn Rhee: [Glenn pauses Abraham] Hey, hey, hey. You okay?
Sgt. Abraham Ford: I am fit as a damn fiddle.
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