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IMDb > Dr. Arizona Robbins (Character)
Dr. Arizona Robbins
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Dr. Arizona Robbins (Character)
from "Grey's Anatomy" (2005)

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Grey's Anatomy: Season 12: Episode 20 -- Doctors work to save a boy who was accidentally shot.

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Arizona Robbins, introduced in the fifth season, is... See more »


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  1. "Grey's Anatomy"
        - Trigger Happy (2016) TV episode, Played by Jessica Capshaw
        - There's a Fine, Fine Line (2016) TV episode, Played by Jessica Capshaw
        - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (2016) TV episode, Played by Jessica Capshaw
        - I Wear the Face (2016) TV episode, Played by Jessica Capshaw
        - When It Hurts So Bad (2016) TV episode, Played by Jessica Capshaw
          (169 more)

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From "Grey's Anatomy: Invasion (#6.5)" (2009)
Dr. Callie Torres: The man flew 3,000 miles to make me straight. With a priest! I'm lucky they didn't march into the ER swinging incense all hepped up for an exorcism.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Are you done yet?
Dr. Callie Torres: Am I... No! He came here to disinfect you from my life, you don't find that abhorrent?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I do! But...
Dr. Callie Torres: There is no but. Oh what, you're going to tell me you get where he's coming from?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Maybe you should try and talk to him.
Dr. Callie Torres: I have nothing to say! If he wants to throw away our relationship after 30 years then that's his decision.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: He hasn't done anything here; you're the one who changed the game.
Dr. Callie Torres: You didn't expect a little understanding when you came out to your parents?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I... I never had boyfriends. Ever. I had a poster on my wall of Cindy Crawford, and it wasn't just looking at her mole. It wasn't news to my mom when I brought somebody home named Joanne. But you... you dated men your whole life, you loved men. You even married one! You're talking about 30 years of relationship, you know, he's been consistent for 30 years. And all of a sudden you're a whole new girl. So, cut him some slack. Sit down and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked.
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