Privacy policy and cookies

Privacy policy

Taylor & Francis Group website privacy statement

This online privacy policy is designed to tell you about how we collect and use information so that you ("User" or "you") can make an informed choice about using the website identified by the URL, and/or any website which is automatically redirected to that website (together, the "Website") operated by Taylor & Francis Group ("our", "we" or "us") on behalf of Informa plc (registered in the UK).

What information do we collect?

When you submit a request form on this Website we ask for your full name, company name, job title and e-mail address ("Personal Data").

Use of Personal Data

Any Personal Data that you give us will be treated with the utmost care and security. It will not be used in ways to which you have not consented.

The Personal Data we collect is used to provide you with the service that you have requested or to respond to an enquiry that you have made.

The Personal Data we acquire via request forms on this Website will not be used for marketing purposes except where you have indicated that we may do so.

We will not sell, rent or loan any Personal Data or identifiable information collected on this Website, except that we may pass or sell your Personal Data outside our corporate group to third parties in the event that we sell the whole or part of our business.

The information collected from this Website could be stored for as long as is required for the uses stated above.

Users' right to opt-out

If you do not want to receive any e-mail communications from us please let us know by sending an e-mail to

Period of grace

Should you request that we amend or suppress records containing your Personal Data we will endeavour to do so as promptly as practical; however you may receive communications for a transitional period whilst we process your records.


When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful, and reliable. Where services are delivered on the Internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, computer or mobile phone. These include small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through (for example):

  • enabling a service to recognize your device so you don't have to give the same information several times during one task
  • recognizing that you may already have given a username and password so you don't need to do it for every web page requested
  • measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and there's enough capacity to ensure they are fast.

If you do not accept cookies you will be unable to use this website. You can, however, manage these small files yourself and learn more about them through Internet browser cookies - what they are and how to manage them.

Our use of cookies

This website uses the following cookies:

Title of cookie Purpose of cookie Type of cookie Does the cookie link to other data the provider holds on the individual? Lifespan of cookie First party/third party
_utma User tracking: analytics Google Analytics No 2 years Third party
_utmb User tracking: analytics Google Analytics No 20 minutes Third party
_utmc User tracking: analytics Google Analytics No Session Third party
_utmz User tracking: analytics Google Analytics No 180 days Third party