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This Is the End
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Index 581 reviews in total 

319 out of 489 people found the following review useful:

THE END didn't come quick enough for me

Author: blackismylove from United States
27 June 2013

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I don't want to waste time dragging down this review like the movie did, so I'll mention some key elements.

Most of the movie was ad lib, they've admitted it. These are not theater actors, they're film actors. They're not trained to be good at doing things "off the cuff." There WERE parts that were funny, but they were too few and far apart. The humor was sort of a slap in the face to my intelligence. I was more offended that I was expected to be entertained than I was the actual raunchy jokes. It was like a high school project with a really big budget.

Slap in the face #2. It was like watching a really long commercial. The characters actually fight over who gets to eat the milky way and describe why they love the product so much. Seriously? Aside from those things, there were a lot of little crappy plot devices that were way too forced. Why is Noah suddenly getting raped by Satan? Why does Franco's new multi million dollar concrete "fortress" home collapse within minutes catching fire, and why does it have a basement you can only access from outside? The overwhelming success of this movie in only its second week is proof that the standards of young movie goers is almost non existent. Better movies get drowned out because the industry is so over-saturated by crap like this, so in a sense, you can say that movies like this really are actually part of "the end."

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328 out of 533 people found the following review useful:

This movie was awful, self indulgent and funny maybe twice in two hours.

Author: ohgoddammit from United States
11 June 2013

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This movie simply wasn't funny. It dragged on interminably, scenes with little comedic value got dragged out for far too long presumably because the directors (and main featured actors) were too high while making this steaming pile of wasted time.

We get it. You like to do drugs and are generally wastes of humanity and oxygen on this planet. This movie isn't funny though. There have been many funny drug movies made, and made by funny people on drugs. Super Troopers was funny, Cheech and Chong was funny, Half Baked was funny, this was not funny.

This movie is a nauseating bromantic drama pretending to be a comedy. I expected the two main characters to start making out at the end. Not that there would be anything intrinsically wrong with that, in fact it would've been cathartic since they so obviously were in love with each other.

The two funniest actors in the movie, Ansari and Cera, die within the first ten minutes and all you're left with is a weak cast and weaker script.

I want Seth Rogen to give me my money back, though the two wasted hours of my life are something no one can ever give back. Movies like this make me not want to see movies in theaters anymore, because had I known what I was going in for from trailers and the publicity, I never would have bothered seeing this train wreck.

I wish I could give this movie zero out of ten stars.

I guess some people really like this stuff, but I'll be avoiding Seth's movies like the plague in the future.

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219 out of 354 people found the following review useful:

This is the End of me ever attending a Seth Rogen creation

Author: Bill Jordan from Pennsylvania
23 June 2013

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This was perhaps THE worst movie I've ever seen. Perhaps my wife and I are simply too old for the subject matter (50s), but sex-oriented jokes, drug use, and constant use of the f-word do not a humorous movie make - and we are not prudish people, particularly my wife. I think I smiled once, and I heard my wife giggle once, but I was as close to walking out of a movie as I've ever come. I doubt there was much of a script involved, and my guess is that all of the actors were told to ad-lib the nastiest sex joke that could get an 'R' rating they could think of. I mean a five minute scene about ejaculating all over someone's house...??? Hardy-har-har. I now hate Danny McBride even more than I did before this garbage, and what the hell was Emma Watson thinking.

There is absolutely NOTHING I can recommend about this movie, and I think it's the only one I've ever given 1 star to. Complete garbage. The only way I'll ever attend another movie that Seth Rogen is in is if he shows up unexpectedly in a bit part. He and his pal Evan Goldberg have no writing talent whatsoever, and I can't say much about Rogen's acting either. How they make a living in this business is beyond explanation. Thanks for this utter waste of time fellas. You got me.

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213 out of 350 people found the following review useful:

This is a Big Let Down

Author: Bob Petrosino
17 June 2013

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I feel like I saw a different movie than everyone else. It's simply not funny, I think I laughed once. We really don't need to see a erect, giant, detailed, graphic phallus in every movie, it's not funny. Then to have to sit through an extended portion of Satan walking around with his junk out is not funny and not needed. I'm not prudish but this movie adds male genitals just to do it, it was a lame movie. Write something creative like 40-year old virgin. This movie was lamer than Pineapple Express and Your Highness. If you expect the wit of Knocked Up, you'll be as disappointed as me. Save your money.

None of the characters in the film are likable in the least, and they are supposed to be playing themselves. I do not know why people are treating Seth Rogen like he is incapable of mailing it in because This Is The End is lazy and feels like it was mailed in to fulfill an obligation to the movie studio. I also feel cheated by the excellent reviews this movie received from the paid critics. How did anyone find this trash funny?

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191 out of 307 people found the following review useful:

So so so so very disappointed

Author: Ashley Danielle from California
24 June 2013

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Horrible; in my opinion.

I love all of these actors, and I love all the movies they play in...Hell I even went to the movie stoned thinking it would make it even funnier. Nope.

I honestly think I laughed MAYBE 5 times...Emma Watson was my favorite part of the whole movie...Well and Channing Tatum, that was kinda hilarious.

But really, so disappointed by this movie. 2 friends fell asleep, and another friend and myself kept giving each other this look like "Wtf are we watching..Is it over yet??" Go see it if you dare, no one can tell you what to like and what not to like...But just know, you may be extremely disappointed like my friends & I were.

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282 out of 502 people found the following review useful:

A devil put aside for me

Author: Ric-7 from New Orleans LA
12 June 2013

I thoroughly enjoyed the film, though in retrospect, I am not sure if it is really a great film--there's not much to compare it to. One thing's for certain: this film is not "just like" any other film you could name. It is one of the funniest films I have seen in quite a while. And I am probably going to miss the Rapture as a result of my enjoyment.

The film has graphic sex talk and graphic violence. The dialog could hardly be any nastier. And of course, hardly more sacrilegious. However, despite all of that, the film is surprisingly good-natured.

This is not a film for children or for family viewing. Anyone who is squeamish or easily offended should stay away.

And don't automatically assume that anyone over 40 would not like this film. I'm over 60; I had a great time. So I saw it a second time, and loved it even more.

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133 out of 206 people found the following review useful:

Words cannot describe

Author: darkorse6 from United States
30 June 2013

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Seeing the reviews as almost overwhelmingly positive, I had high expectations. I figured, even if it only hit on a few notes, it would be entertaining. Alas, I was led astray, once again, by the Intertubes.

At the 1 hr mark, we finally had enough and walked out. Browsing carpet samples at Lowes was infinitely more entertaining than this piece of garbage. The only way to see this movie and feel any entertainment is to be completely stoned. I cannot fathom the source of all positive reviews I've seen online. I guess it's because there's some attempts early on at self deprecating humor as they make fun of all the cameos.

Some people must see it that way, but I do not. To me, it was nothing more than 107 minutes of a self-indulgence where the actors were so caught up in their awesome idea for a film they forgot to actually WRITE SOME WITTY DIALOG! Seriously, the scene between Franco and McBride about leaving loads all over the place was humorous for the first 5 seconds, but hey...why not stretch this 7th grade humor out another 2 minutes? The audience will LOVE it because WE think it's funny and WE ARE SO AWESOME!

I found it offensive, not for the subject matter, but for how they treat the audience. Rogan thinks his jokes about 'playing the same character in every movie' somehow make it excusable to sit back and do it again? This is a lazy sophomoric stupid humorless pile of stinking garbage that makes me feel bad about losing the 60 minutes of my life I lost before coming out of my coma and walking out.

Rogan and crew, even though they DO play the same characters all the time, can at LEAST feel good that they have some witty dialog in their movies. In this movie, I was waiting for that but it never came. When the sinkhole opened up, I wished I would've been able to fall in and surrender to the sweet release of death rather than endure any more of this circle-jerk ego trip.

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175 out of 299 people found the following review useful:

Had potential but failed miserably

Author: jjdamore11 from United States
16 June 2013

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I went in to this movie today expecting to laugh hard. I have been a fan of Seth Rogan, James Franco and all the rest so I knew what kind of comedy to expect. I found the first couple of scenes funny but then the movie just took a nosedive. I get that they are poking fun at their lifestyles, but is Rogan boasting to the world that he's a pothead? And if Michael Cera doesn't really snort cocaine, then why on Earth would he want to portray that he does?? These aren't characters that they are playing, they are playing themselves in this film. So this movie tells me that these people are immature drug obsessed morons, and it is a real shame that people like this get paid incredible salaries when so many real good people are out there slaving on minimum wage. I know some people may think I've over-analyzing this but I'm not. In a movie where the actors portray themselves, I'm personally stunned that they willingly participated in a movie where not only aren't they selected to get in Heaven, that they continue to act like immature imbeciles (especially McBride) in a time of biblical apocalypse. And one last note, anyone that finds images of a man's junk everywhere hilarious, really has some maturing to do. If I could give this movie no stars I would. I really am upset I wasted money and time on this one.

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139 out of 241 people found the following review useful:

Just bad

Author: Ben McEnderfer from Spokane, Washington
12 June 2013

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I had heard good things from friends about this and I kind of wanted to see it. So I decided might as well go see it. Before I saw what I am about to say, I am a huge fan of almost all the movies these actors have made. I thought pineapple Express, Hot tub time machine, Superbad, and Knocked up were all amazing movies. I died in laughter throughout all of those movies. However, I thought this movie was really bad.

At the beginning of the movie, I found almost all jokes and everything very amusing. i thought it was going to be great until after Danny McBribes scene when he appear. From that point on it just went down hill. The jokes started to get worse. I thought I was the only one at first that thought the movie was getting a little redundant and ridiculous. It was then when i looked around and relieved people had stopped laughing as well. I found myself waiting for the movie to get better but it was just getting worse the jokes were just getting run into the ground (Danny McBride and James Franco referring to masturbating on everything). By the end, all I could think was I wasted 10.50$.

One of the most disappointing was almost all the actors. Seth Rogen, awful. Michael Cera, really weird. Jonah Hill, just bizarre I mean I personally found his performance really strange. Craig Robinson, Okay but wasn't very funny. Danny McBribe, funny at first but then grew on as very annoying. James Franco, funny.

Overall, I really did not like this movie. Between the rape references and biblical references, I found it to be really weird. I usually don't care about that stuff but like I said they would drive it into the ground. I would honestly wait until this is on Netflix. Trust me, this will be on Netflix's for sure. Really not worth 10.50$.

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222 out of 412 people found the following review useful:

If you love these actors, you'll love the movie!

Author: ashhhroy (ashhhroy@yahoo.com)
3 May 2013

If you've seen Superbad, Pineapple Express, etc., then you know the type of humor this movie will have. I, for one, could watch James Franco, Seth Rogan, and Danny McBride leisurely eat a sandwich and manage to laugh my butt off. Thankfully this movie is much more exciting than that. It's brilliant that they all just play themselves and manage to poke fun at their own lifestyles. Expect weed and drug humor of course. The plot sets itself up for hilarity, as they all take refuge in James Franco's fortress of a mansion while the world outside them goes up in flames. Cabin fever mixed with dwindling supplies results in hilarious situations and good one liners.

The movie made me laugh extremely hard and had all my favorite people in one film. I only wouldn't recommend this film if you're uptight and religious.

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