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The Divergent Series: Allegiant Image

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 33 Critics What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 96 Ratings

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  • Starring: , ,
  • Summary: After the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris (Shailene Woodley) must escape with Four (Theo James) and go beyond the wall enclosing Chicago. For the first time ever, they will leave the only city and family they have ever known in order to find a peaceful solution for theirAfter the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris (Shailene Woodley) must escape with Four (Theo James) and go beyond the wall enclosing Chicago. For the first time ever, they will leave the only city and family they have ever known in order to find a peaceful solution for their embroiled city. Once outside, old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless with the revelation of shocking new truths. Tris and Four must quickly decide who they can trust as a ruthless battle ignites beyond the walls of Chicago which threatens all of humanity. In order to survive, Tris will be forced to make impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 33
  2. Negative: 13 out of 33
  1. Reviewed by: Jesse Hassenger
    Mar 16, 2016
    Maybe that call will be answered next time with enough incremental improvements to finally notch a good Divergent movie, a possibility Allegiant raises repeatedly and frustratingly. Ultimately, though, this movie isn’t just adhering to a formula; it’s carefully following a recipe designed to offset any good ingredients that get mixed in there by mistake.
  2. Reviewed by: Tom Russo
    Mar 17, 2016
    This doesn’t even feel much like Tris’s story anymore, just generically overdigitized combat. The main thing she’s diverging from at this point is the tone that hooked us in the first place.
  3. Reviewed by: Steven Rea
    Mar 18, 2016
    Director Robert Schwentke and his writing team do their best to move things along. Actually, who knows if it's their best? Maybe they're suffering from Divergent fatigue along with the rest of us.
  4. 40
    Long, shiny, and treading a lot of water.
  5. Reviewed by: Susan Wloszczyna
    Mar 17, 2016
    As tedious as much of this sounds, an odd thing happened around “Allegiant’s” midway point. The fairly packed audience started vocally reacting “Rocky Horror”-style to some of the more overtly melodramatic turns with “oohs," “ahhs” and even laughter.
  6. Reviewed by: Michael Snydel
    Mar 18, 2016
    Above all of the tiresome, poorly constructed mythology, nonexistent stakes, and presentation of subtext as text, Allegiant’s greatest sin is its total contempt for its viewers.
  7. Reviewed by: Lou Lumenick
    Mar 17, 2016
    By the time David gets someone to unleash the gas, I was wishing he could simply erase all memories of the sorry “Divergent’’ franchise.

See all 33 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 29
  2. Negative: 15 out of 29
  1. Mar 18, 2016
    I went to the movies with low expectations after seeing the weak outcome of The Hunger Games . However , I discovered that the Divergent SagaI went to the movies with low expectations after seeing the weak outcome of The Hunger Games . However , I discovered that the Divergent Saga has action, romance and an interesting plot that keeps the viewer intrigued throughout the movie . I do not understand why so much negative criticism because it is an action film with a good cast . Expand
  2. Mar 18, 2016
    A film specially dedicated for movie fans with an exciting plot and a cast that shines all times. I really liked and Shailene Woodley isA film specially dedicated for movie fans with an exciting plot and a cast that shines all times. I really liked and Shailene Woodley is spectacular as Tris. Expand
  3. Mar 22, 2016
    This is titled after the third/final Divergent book, but they've announced a forth movie. Good thing, because (like every other YA series)This is titled after the third/final Divergent book, but they've announced a forth movie. Good thing, because (like every other YA series) this is just the set-up for the finale in the 4th. Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James) gather a few friends and go beyond the Chicago wall. This leads to the inevitable surprises, lots of dialogue and an insipid romance. Some of the sci-fi elements are cool, but this is more a drama than an adventure. Sure, there are some action sequences, but none of them are special. If you're following the novels, you'll probably want to see how this one plays out. Other than some interesting visuals, there's not much to offer the average walk-in. Expand
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    " Allegiant " was a very bad , seriously boring , bad film photography , as the " Divergent " series focused on what we wanted to focus on" Allegiant " was a very bad , seriously boring , bad film photography , as the " Divergent " series focused on what we wanted to focus on Allegiant but I did not understand the story, a little saturated and stay with flavorless Expand
  5. Mar 18, 2016
    Young girl, beautiful and intelligent, but different from the rest, soon learns that she is the sole hope for saving the entire world. WhereYoung girl, beautiful and intelligent, but different from the rest, soon learns that she is the sole hope for saving the entire world. Where have we heard that before? This is what this movie is, its just so painfully predictable, even the things the characters say. Youve got the cliche "just two days from retirement" chracter deaths, obviously evil but portrayed as good middle aged balding men, you've got imaginative CGI futuristic orange bubbles that cleanse the radioactive crap from the main protagonists bodies, You've even got a character that can tell if a puddle of water is radioactive, just by looking at it! Wtf? The acting is wooden, even from the extras. I actually found the execution at the beginning to be hilarious as the extras were so terrible, waving their hands around like slightly to moderately concerned individuals at bingo. At one point my brother said to me "hey didnt we see this movie before" and i was like "nah that was the scorch trials" and he was like "nah the other one" and I was like "the hunger games" and he was like "nah man, the one where the girl saves the world from the bad guy" and i was like "oh yeah you mean the mortal instruments?" and he was like "nah man the other one". Expand
  6. Mar 18, 2016
    Its more adolescent nonsense to exploit teenage girls that will go over anything that has young handsome guys and girls engage in some fantasyIts more adolescent nonsense to exploit teenage girls that will go over anything that has young handsome guys and girls engage in some fantasy crap. End it already! Expand
  7. Mar 21, 2016
    This movie is absolute **** The characters are bland and have no personality, the special effects are terrible, and it is trying too hard toThis movie is absolute **** The characters are bland and have no personality, the special effects are terrible, and it is trying too hard to be the hunger games. The dialogue and jokes seem like they were written by a five year old. The plot is incredibly formulated and quite frankly, stupid. The only reason you should watch this movie is if you want to get cancer. Expand

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