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How the "Look inside" Feature works?? 5 minutes ago in Getting Started by Rigo
Re: do i do my own book numbering?  URGENT PLEASE 17 minutes ago in Formatting by bucknall
Re: Page numbering question - which software can do what I want? 59 minutes ago in Formatting by danwiz
Re: Marketing Fiction books 1 hour ago in Introduce Yourself by Maaku
Re: Corrupt, too complex files and repeated rejection of document 2 hours ago in Getting Started by Maaku
Re: My book is in arabic... How the formatting should be? 6 hours ago in Book Interior File Formatting by Hadeel
Re: Newbie Question on Accounts 9 hours ago in Getting Started by Rigo
Re: INCREASE Size of Final Cover that is in PDF 6 hours ago in Book Cover File Formatting by Lorem_Ipsum
Re: Expanded Distribution, yes or no?? 8 hours ago in CreateSpace Central by danwiz
Re: Hi everyone! Wanted to introduce myself! 10 hours ago in Introduce Yourself by mb1992
Re: Brand New Book Being Sold By Others as "New" for Less 10 hours ago in CreateSpace Central by ExpertSubjects.com
Re: A tale of real Theft of published out of print novels - note plural. 10 hours ago in CreateSpace Central by telical
Re: Anyone know why book reviews aren't showing up on Amazon? 10 hours ago in Distribution by Tien
Re: Where to list city of publication? 13 hours ago in Book Interior File Formatting by templewms
Digital Book World Interview 13 hours ago in Marketing by Bengal
Re: Rejected for placeholder header text 13 hours ago in Formatting by Lighthouse24
Re: Changing cover art 14 hours ago in Book Cover File Formatting by Lorem_Ipsum
Re: REducing price of book 14 hours ago in Online Marketing by templewms
Re: Converting dpi 16 hours ago in Book Cover File Formatting by walton
Reviewer Dilemma 16 hours ago in HalfwayAuthor's Blog by HalfwayAuthor
Re: Hello Everyone,  I just self-published a novel and am wondering if I should offer it as an ebook as well.  Any ideas, concerns, reservations? 16 hours ago in CreateSpace Central by ironhead
Re: Double page pictured book - Margins 18 hours ago in Formatting by walton
Fun with Barnes & Noble 18 hours ago in Distribution by a-h-k
Re: English to Spanish 19 hours ago in Distribution by walton
Re: Why does my book show up on Amazon two times? 19 hours ago in CreateSpace Central by ozed

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