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Richard Butler
Works at DPReview
Lives in Seattle, Washington
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Richard Butler

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Here's something to ponder: at what point does a style stop being considered 'retro' because it's become a new orthodoxy?
Mark P. (CoffeeGeek)'s profile photoVuduy Thuong's profile photoRichard Butler's profile photo
I know what you mean about the viewfinder. The X100/X-Pro 1 hybrid finder doesn't offer quite the immediacy of using a Leica (perhaps because of the sense of direct control over focus?), but it's the next-best thing, in my opinion. I really like the X100 and I rather like that you can compose via the the rear screen if you want or, at least, set the AF point and everything else simply before pulling the camera to your eye.
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Richard Butler

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I was struggling to find something to shoot to accompany my forthcoming Panasonic GH3 review in a rather grey London. The 12:28 to Shalford (an Orient Express Luncheon Excursion), provided the perfect opportunity. Not a brilliantly planned shooting position but, as the smoke cleared, it turned out pretty well.
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Richard Butler

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Maybe today I'll get to the front of the X100S queue (I had to rush off to a meeting three people before my turn, yesterday).
Amadou Diallo's profile photoMark P. (CoffeeGeek)'s profile photoRichard Butler's profile photodpreview's profile photo
I'd appreciate that, Mark. Cheers.
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Richard Butler

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It's easy to be cynical about extra features and functions added to new cameras, but I've grown to really appreciate Sony's Sweep Panorama function. It's really well implemented - easy to use and impressive at doing all the stitching. I was certainly glad to have it when I saw this sunset in Pensacola, Florida over Christmas.
Richard Butler's profile photoEriksson Tord's profile photo
Like you say Richard, it is hard not to like Sony's Sweep Panorama. In fact, it is the main reason why I still have my NEX-5N, as I've found none of the available lenses with OIS/VR/VR/SR (aka anti-shake) as good as those without (mainly the Zeiss 1.8/24 & Sigma 19/2.8).
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Richard Butler

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A recent photo - Christmas shopping in Seattle. The decorations (including illuminated fruit and veg) make the predictably rain-soaked streets look seasonal. An out-take I shot as part of the 9-camera roundup Barney and I published this week.
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Richard Butler

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Not usually a fan of the floppy-fringed one, but I won't argue with his oratory skills.
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Richard Butler

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After a lot of work by Kelcey and the development team, we can finally show off our new test scene, including a low-light mode. The aim is to provide a better idea of how cameras will behave in the real world, but it does mean the days are numbered for our old test scene, the Martini and Baileys bottles.
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications.
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Richard Butler

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I spoke to Sandor Barna from Aptina. We discussed a range of things, but the thing I found interesting was his belief that many different classes of devices are going to start getting bigger sensors. And that we should expect more cameras with 1" sensors next year. Which sounds like a good thing, to me.
Digital Photography Review: All the latest digital camera reviews and digital imaging news. Lively discussion forums. Vast samples galleries and the largest database of digital camera specifications.
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Richard Butler

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My trip to Japan gave me a chance to complete my samples gallery with the Olympus 17mm F1.8 lens. It's not as spectacularly good as the 45mm and 75mm but the fast focus makes it lovely to work with.
Roger Atkinson's profile photodpreview com's profile photodpreview's profile photovaclav steiner's profile photo
Royi - I agree.  I shot with Olympus film cameras for many years but could not make my self stay with them when I switched to digital.
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Richard Butler

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Good morning from Yokohama. Let's see what the CP+ 2013 show has in store for us. Drop me a replay if there's anything you want me to investigate.
Sascha Robitzki's profile photo
I miss Yokohama... :)
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Richard Butler

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The decorations at the Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans do a great job of celebrating both the holiday and the city. Merry Christmas, seasons greetings or best wishes, everyone.
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Richard Butler

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Flattered to have one of my photos included from New Mexico in Amadou's Sony A99 review ( It was only taken a month or so ago but the lack of sun in Seattle makes it feel like longer.
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Seattle, Washington
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    News Editor, 2007 - present
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