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Wednesday 18th March 2015
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Why do boxers get belts not trophies?


frank brunoAlmost all sports winners get trophies. So why do boxers get belts when they win?
Toma, Watford


** Definitive **
Name: Stuart, Heathrow
Qualification: Have been boxing since I was 7
Answer: In the olden days, when they had the really thick gloves, the laces used to be really tight around their wrists and they couldn't pick a trophy up. So they would never give them trophies and would just tie the belt around their waist instead.

** Steward's Enquiry **
Name: Israel, Peckham
Qualification: Twice Amateur Boxing champion and boxed pro
Answer: Amateur boxers get trophies and professionals get belts. The belt was introduced as a more prestigious way to award professional boxers.
