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Venezuelans Given Fridays Off To Ease Blackouts

Thursday, 7th April 2016 17:39

Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has declared that every Friday for the next two months will be a national holiday, meaning workers will have the day off.

In an appearance on state television on Wednesday night, Maduro told the population that the scheme would begin this Friday and last until 6 June.

It is not immediately clear whether the measure will only apply to public sector workers or if it will extend to all those employed in the country.

The reduction in working hours is hoped to relieve pressure on Venezuela?s beleaguered energy network, which has been hit by repeated blackouts in recent months.

Venezuela relies on hydropower for 60% of its electricity generation and a severe drought, alongside what some say is a lack of investment in infrastructure due to populist policies of low energy prices, has brought the system to the edge of failing.

The announcement is just the latest in a series of measures designed to alleviate the crisis.

Last month Maduro announced an extension to the country?s Easter holiday, giving the population an extra three days off work, and he has also shortened working hours for state employees by over three hours.

The Venezuelan government is expected to publish a full 60-day energy plan on Thursday, setting out the fine print of the four-day working scheme as well as wider measures intended to help put an end to the blackouts.

In his Wednesday address, Maduro also appealed to the population to use less power in their everyday lives, urging them to dry clothes on a line and allow their hair to dry naturally rather than using hairdryers.

"I always think a woman looks better when she just runs her fingers through her hair and lets it dry naturally," he said.

"It's just an idea I have."