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Labour Should Ditch Miliband To Win, Says LBC Poll

Friday 7th November 2014

LBC can reveal a new poll suggests half of voters think Labour would be more likely to win the next election if Ed Miliband wasn't leader.

ed miliband shouting

Our exclusive poll comes as two senior members of the shadow cabinet have denied making a secret pact in the event he steps down.

LBC's political editor Theo Usherwood reports: "This YouGov poll for LBC is more bad news for Ed Miliband.

"49% of voters think Labour would be better off at the election if they ditched him as leader.

"It comes amid reports that Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham, the Shadow Health Secretary, could run on a joint ticket to replace Mr Miliband.

Ed Miliband has rejected reports several backbenchers have demanded his resignation.

John Mills is one of the Labour party's biggest donors and has told LBC the party needs to pull together. He said: "He was chosen by the Labour party four or five years ago and in politics, you get these bad runs from time to time.

"You've just got to put your head down, get on canvassing, stay loyal to the leader, stick to the policies we've got and get elected."

Our poll also looked at Ukip and found that while half the electorate know what their policies on immigration and the EU are, only 8% know any other views.
