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IMDb > Rudolf Rassendyll (Character)
Rudolf Rassendyll
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Rudolf Rassendyll (Character)
from The Prisoner of Zenda (1937)

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Alternate Names:
Major Rudolf Rassendyll / Rudolf Rasendyll / Rudolph Rassendyll / Syd Frewin


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  1. "The Prisoner of Zenda" Played by Malcolm Sinclair
        - Episode #1.6 (1984) TV episode, Played by Malcolm Sinclair
        - Episode #1.5 (1984) TV episode, Played by Malcolm Sinclair
        - Episode #1.4 (1984) TV episode, Played by Malcolm Sinclair
        - Episode #1.3 (1984) TV episode, Played by Malcolm Sinclair
        - Episode #1.2 (1984) TV episode, Played by Malcolm Sinclair
          (1 more)

  2. The Prisoner of Zenda (1979) Played by Peter Sellers (as Syd Frewin)

  3. "Rupert of Hentzau"
        - The Decision of Fate (1964) TV episode, Played by George Baker
        - A Perilous Reunion (1964) TV episode, Played by George Baker
        - The Wheel of Chance (1964) TV episode, Played by George Baker
        - Audience with the King (1964) TV episode, Played by George Baker
        - Return to Zenda (1964) TV episode, Played by George Baker
  4. "The DuPont Show of the Month"
        - The Prisoner of Zenda (1961) TV episode, Played by Christopher Plummer

  5. Rupert of Hentzau (1957) (TV) Played by John Westbrook
  6. The Prisoner of Zenda (1952) Played by Stewart Granger

  7. The Prisoner of Zenda (1937) Played by Ronald Colman (as Major Rudolf Rassendyll)

  8. Rupert of Hentzau (1923) Played by Bert Lytell (as Rudolph Rassendyll)
  9. The Prisoner of Zenda (1922) Played by Lewis Stone

  10. Rupert of Hentzau (1915) Played by Henry Ainley
  11. The Prisoner of Zenda (1915) Played by Henry Ainley (as Rudolf Rasendyll)
  12. The Prisoner of Zenda (1913) Played by James K. Hackett

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Fun Stuff

From The Prisoner of Zenda (1952)
Rudolf Rassendyll: Well I think everything went off very well don't you? For a coronation. I mean, that is, not that a coronation shouldn't go well. Provided the king puts in an appearance suitably dressed and suitably rehearsed.
Princess Flavia: And suitably sober.
Rudolf Rassendyll: And suitably sober! Yes, I was hoping you would notice that.
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