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Bill Clinton Told Nick Clegg To Read WHICH Book?

Thursday 12th December 2013

Nick Clegg revealed that Bill Clinton recommended he read a book entitled "The End Of Power" when the pair chatted in South Africa.

Cameras caught the Deputy Prime Minister deep in conversation with the former President of the USA at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service on Tuesday.

And when Mr Clegg revealed he was told to read "The End Of Power", Nick Ferrari teased him about a potential hidden message in the book title!

clinton clegg

Nick Clegg revealed: "I know Bill Clinton fairly well as I've met him a few times.

"And funnily enough, we were talking about the last time I met him - in London a few weeks ago - when he recommended to Miriam and I a book we should read called "The End Of Power".

"Miriam dutifully went away and got the book. It's all about power these days is all very fluid and changes all the time. You can't pull the levers you once could in business and politics. So I was saying to him that Miriam had read the book."

Nick Ferrari then teased: "You weren't at all nervous when he recommended a book called 'The End Of Power'?"

Mr Clegg responded: "It hadn't occurred to me, so confident am I of the retention of power 
