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Lovely Planet Xbox One

Lovely Planet Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 4 Ratings

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  • Summary: With boots of speed on your feet, an infinite supply of bullets for your semi-automatic and the ability to jump over twice your own height, you're well equipped to go up against any enemy on your quest to reach Lovely Planet! Balance between jumping around dodging bullets and taking aim forWith boots of speed on your feet, an infinite supply of bullets for your semi-automatic and the ability to jump over twice your own height, you're well equipped to go up against any enemy on your quest to reach Lovely Planet! Balance between jumping around dodging bullets and taking aim for a better shot at your enemies, don't waste time camping at cover spots and waiting for enemies to pop out - artfully evade the onslaught of bullets and defeat all baddies that stand in your way. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Feb 29, 2016
    As long as you favor quirky shooters, you'll take a liking to Lovely Planet.
  2. Jan 12, 2016
    Even if you can only beat the first set of twenty levels, Lovely Planet is a first-person shooter that is worth your time. It's beyond challenging, but when you finally put together the perfect run there isn't anything more satisfying. While it's too bad that the game hasn't seen an easy mode (or crosshair support) added in the console release, it's still a refreshing take on a genre that often feels way too stuck in its ways.
  3. Jan 14, 2016
    Made for the speedrun FPS lovers, Lovely Planet challenges us with colorful and incredibly fast levels where we need to move quickly and with high precision. Its lack of variety in levels structure and mode, though, could end up in quickly tiring the player.
  4. Jan 15, 2016
    Nothing about this planet is lovely. It is unforgiving, challenging and eventually frustrating. If you give up easily, this mixture of shooter and runner is definitely not for you.
  5. Official Xbox Magazine UK
    Mar 5, 2016
    A tough cookie. As a twitch game, it suffers from poor feedback and imprecision, but its snappy pace keeps you hooked. [March 2016, p.86]
  6. Jan 19, 2016
    One of those games that lies to the eye, offering a deep and complicated proposal that only fall flat on delivering a wider variety of challenges.
  7. Jan 9, 2016
    If you're in search of a game to play "pass the controller" with in a group of shooter-loving friends, Lovely Planet may be worth checking out, but is otherwise easily worth a pass.

See all 12 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 2
  2. Negative: 1 out of 2
  1. Jan 8, 2016
    Lovely Planet brings a lot of character to the table in a basic idea, but it works. This game features a conglomeration of shoot ‘em upLovely Planet brings a lot of character to the table in a basic idea, but it works. This game features a conglomeration of shoot ‘em up gameplay with time trials, and toned down Jumping Flash!-style jumping physics. It is addictive and extremely fast-paced; the character felt like it jumped off the screen when I moved around for the first time. The basic idea is to run through different courses featuring enemies and obstacles as fast as possible. It has a star-scoring system, in which you must complete the course to gain one star, defeat all enemies to get the next, and beat the course within a certain time limit to get the third. A great game overall!

    Lovely Planet has a nice aesthetic to it, with a sort of pale pastel color palette that reminded me a lot of the Katamari Damacy art style. This was backed up by the enemies seemingly screaming at you in what appeared to be Japanese text. The game was also very unique in art style in the somewhat random things featured in the world. You were basically running through the levels on clouds with very slight Japanese influence, but there were also things like giant fish floating through the sky, and far off spaceships, that added just enough to entice the eye to look around.

    I found myself figuring out the point of the game fairly quickly with no major set-backs. The game has very basic controls with the only options being to move, shoot, or target lock, which is nice for later in the game where more complex controls would be lost in the speed of things. I was delighted to find out the game, which was meant for speed, could also be played in a different style for the more casual player, with a slight exploration aspect to the game. I discovered several secret areas, as well as short-cuts, which allowed for multiple paths of discovery.

    The levels progress in a Mario-style “World” system where each location, be it the “Village” or “Forest” features around 20+ levels a piece with increasing levels of difficulty.

    As I moved forward, however, I found myself being forced into speed more and more. I didn’t find this to be an issue, but I found myself more and more frustrated by some courses, and the discovery from the early game was left behind for intense, quick twitch FPS gameplay. I will say that the levels never felt repetitive, but the memorization is key in late-game, and unless you remember every step you won’t pass the levels.

    A major negative I found was an extremely trolly enemy placement at times, where it felt very unfair, and like the designer just wanted you to run through the course again. When I say trolly I want to clarify I don’t mean the designers placed enemies around a corner to immediately kill you; they did that, but what I am referring to as an issue of mine were the times I would get to the end of a level and find I had missed an enemy somewhere along the way, and would have to start over. After repeated attempts I could not find the enemy for the life of me, only to discover the enemy floating high up in the air at the very beginning of the course. I did not appreciate that, but luckily that only happened in a few courses.

    I would say the game’s difficulty progression is fair, and progresses nicely, but it does get extremely brutal later in the game, and anyone who isn’t good at those twitch-based shooter games won’t be able to make the precise actions needed to progress past the second world. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, and found myself having to come back and play more even after the frustrating bits here and there. Give this game a go!

  2. Jan 28, 2016
    Lovely Planet is a unique looking shooter that had a lot of promise. The reality here is that it becomes way too boring way too fast and theLovely Planet is a unique looking shooter that had a lot of promise. The reality here is that it becomes way too boring way too fast and the harsh difficulty further in, doesn't help. It may have some cutesy visuals and simplistic gameplay, but the repetitiveness will have you overlook that after an hours play. Expand