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The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 602 Ratings

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  • Summary: The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited includes all the gameplay from the original PC/Mac game, plus all the updates and content additions, including the new Justice and Champion systems. All existing PC/Mac game accounts, open or closed, will be updated to the Tamriel UnlimitedThe Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited includes all the gameplay from the original PC/Mac game, plus all the updates and content additions, including the new Justice and Champion systems. All existing PC/Mac game accounts, open or closed, will be updated to the Tamriel Unlimited edition in March and former players will be invited back to the game at that time to experience all that is new in the world. New players will make a one-time purchase of the game and play, without restrictions, for as long as they like – without game subscription fees. Tamriel Unlimited will be supported with special, optional downloadable content available for purchase and an in-game Crown Store for convenience and customization items. Regular updates and new gameplay will be offered to all players to enjoy free of additional charges. [Bethesda] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Jun 22, 2015
    ZeniMax has made changes that do much better The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited. Best of TESOTU there is no monthly subscriptions and improvements in gameplay, and worst, third person combat controls and servers stability.
  2. Jul 3, 2015
    I am still torn between the well executed integration of typical (offline) Elder Scrolls elements and the necessity to cater to the typical online mechanisms. But the abolition of subscription fees makes it so much easier to get drawn into the world that had its share of problems when it opened the door to an Online-Tamriel more than a year ago on PCs.
  3. Jun 12, 2015
    The Elder Scrolls Online: TU's combat handles well on a gamepad, making it a great way to experience all this content.
  4. Jul 13, 2015
    Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited has addressed many of the issues that plagued the first title. There are still some issues with clipping, connections, and voice chat, but the game is still quite enjoyable with plenty of quests to complete and areas to explore. It isn't the perfect MMO by far, but at least it's one that won't cost you $15 a month and you can come back to it whenever you feel like exploring Tamriel.
  5. Jun 28, 2015
    TESO: Tamriel Unlimited looks torn between being accessible to the classic Elders Scrolls fans and being a proper, full-fledged MMORPG, failing to completely satisfy in both areas. Its early server problems, with disappearing characters and invisible objectives, don't help either.
  6. Jul 3, 2015
    Bethesda have taken the grandiose essence of The Elder Scrolls and diluted it into an MMORPG with some success, but there's still a way to go to fully realise that ambition.
  7. 70
    Vast, occasionally beautiful, and absolutely loaded down with things to do, but rarely as magical as the numbered Scrolls games. Survive the first few hours and it's a memorable adventure.

See all 11 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 173
  1. Jun 9, 2015
    Great game.The story is good giant world charcter creation is fun love the combat good voice acting graphics aint all that but gameplay makesGreat game.The story is good giant world charcter creation is fun love the combat good voice acting graphics aint all that but gameplay makes up for it 10/10 game Expand
  2. Jun 25, 2015
    Great game...Tons of stuff to do..And most importantly it's TES with friends...Zenimax has outdone themselves yet again...Will continue myGreat game...Tons of stuff to do..And most importantly it's TES with friends...Zenimax has outdone themselves yet again...Will continue my subscription... Expand
  3. Dec 29, 2015
    Das erste MMORPG das ich je gespielt habe...und vermutlich auch das einizge! Warum? Weil ESO:TU für mich persönlich nur per Genre ein MMO ist.Das erste MMORPG das ich je gespielt habe...und vermutlich auch das einizge! Warum? Weil ESO:TU für mich persönlich nur per Genre ein MMO ist. Ich bin Singleplayer - und genau so lässt sich ESO:TU zu 95% ohne weiteres spielen! Für mich ein super Singleplayer-RPG im MMO Gewand . Und davon provitiert es.

    Ich bin eingefleischter Skyrim Fan (X360) und habe dem Spiel natürlich die volle Punktzahl gegeben. Allerdings fehlte mir beim Kampfsystem immer das gewisse etwas. Aktive Fähigkeiten! Natürlich gibt es in Skyrim Zauber, Drachenschreie usw. aber für mich war dies eher grundsätzlicher Bestandteil des Kampfsystems.

    Bei ESO:TU habe ich endlich bekommen was mir fehlte. Ein Elder Scrolls mit Skills! Ich liebe es einfach mit meiner Templerin Fähigkeiten zu spammen, die Mobs zu zerlegen und gleichzeitig das Gefühl zu haben, ich befinde mich in einem Singleplayer-RPG im Elder Scrolls Universum!

    Danke ESO!
  4. Jul 13, 2015
    As an Elder Scrolls player since Daggerfall, I suspected the game series would not work well as an MMORPG. I was totally wrong on that. ThisAs an Elder Scrolls player since Daggerfall, I suspected the game series would not work well as an MMORPG. I was totally wrong on that. This game is the best MMO I've played.

    I've been dabbling in multiple class types and across all three factions for a change of scenery at times. PvE battles are fun, the world is massive, crafting is impressive, graphics are the best of any MMO, combat is fun and dynamic...now it's time for me to jump into PvP.
  5. Jun 13, 2015
    Solid game. Needs text chat, but it feels like an Elder Scrolls game. I am enjoying it very much. As an MMO the classes and freedom to doSolid game. Needs text chat, but it feels like an Elder Scrolls game. I am enjoying it very much. As an MMO the classes and freedom to do what you want is great. Dungeons are fun and boss mechanics are a blast. Tanking has been enjoyable. Expand
  6. Jun 10, 2015
    So, you've seen all the reviews. Lots of negatives, and there are a few reasons. For starters, the entire feel and environment is ruined bySo, you've seen all the reviews. Lots of negatives, and there are a few reasons. For starters, the entire feel and environment is ruined by the dozens of other players that are around you all the time. That feel of sneaking around to go through dungeons, that fear of confrontation when you're in the fight, and even the solitude of traveling through the beautiful scenery is tarnished heavily by loads of other players. They kill all the monsters before you can get to them, making quests much easier than they should be. Plus, all the subtle un-screen things (highlighting for item selection, finding bad guys, etc.) is confusing. For example, they should have at least made the hovering over a bad-guy red, and the hovering over other players/npc's green. It all just feels cluttered.

    I wanted to get into this, because I loved the last three ES titles, each with more hours than I'd like to admit. This is definitely not a classic ES game.

    That said, if you've played MMO's in the past, you understand that questing is only a small amount of the game. I haven't leveled enough to give it a fair review, so I will graciously change my score if things get better.

    BUT, I might not even get to that point if the servers are always cluttered and down. I have been kicked and unable to connect basically every time I've played the game. I don't have a lot of time for stuff like this, so I need to be able to dive in and get my fun in 1-2hr. increments throughout the week.

    Anyways, if you have the game, stick with it for a while (as I intend to) and see if things get better.
  7. Mar 5, 2016
    Hi , I work closely with ZOS and this is my honest review :

    Elder Scrolls Online is the s h i t t i e s t most god awful game on the
    Hi , I work closely with ZOS and this is my honest review :

    Elder Scrolls Online is the s h i t t i e s t most god awful game on the planet. I'd
    rather swallow p!ss, sh!t, cum and puke than play another minute of this game!!!

    This is not an ELDER SCROLLS GAME, it's a cash grab! Sure, it's addicting if you're
    an Elder Scrolls fan because you play for a while, invest some hours into it but then you
    start seeing how depressing and soulless the world around you is compared to solo ES
    game and then you think to yourself "an Elder Scrolls game can't be this bad, can it?" ....
    You begin to lie to yourself and ignore any doubts you have and before you know it your
    life is down the s h i t t e r Do not buy it unless you have no life and/or have no interest in good
    story, immersion, etc, or if you're brain dead and retarded.
    ** 0/10 I now need to be lobotomized

See all 173 User Reviews