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The Big Short

The Big Short Image

Universal acclaim - based on 45 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 434 Ratings

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 2 out of 45
  1. Reviewed by: Lawrence Toppman
    Dec 24, 2015
    The Big Short, which he directed and wrote with Charles Randolph from the book by Michael Lewis, jumps off the screen in every scene and pins an elusive subject firmly in place.
  2. Reviewed by: Richard Roeper
    Dec 10, 2015
    It’s impossible to fathom how writer-director Adam McKay has turned this material into one of the funniest and yet most sobering, not to mention one of the most entertaining movies of 2015.
  3. Reviewed by: Bill Goodykoontz
    Dec 23, 2015
    The Big Short manages to entertain you while making you really, really mad.
  4. Reviewed by: Glenn Kenny
    Dec 10, 2015
    It really is quite a movie: entertaining and engaging, but also mortifying; a good alternate title might be "American Horror Story."
  5. Reviewed by: Joshua Rothkopf
    Dec 8, 2015
    When a Hollywood comedy turns the crime of the century into a lark, you know a huge gamble has been chanced and won.
  6. Reviewed by: Inkoo Kang
    Nov 13, 2015
    The film’s compassion for everyday Americans...along with its energetic determination to entertain, enlighten, and infuriate make it a laudable surprise.
  7. Reviewed by: Melissa Anderson
    Dec 8, 2015
    McKay's bumptious movie awkwardly combines fourth-wall-breaking gimmickry and flaccid indignation with the goofball energy that defines his comedies.

See all 45 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 89 out of 102
  2. Negative: 6 out of 102
  1. Dec 11, 2015
    Entertaining, funny, and smart! This movie combines all the right elements to make an intense situation into a fun movie! :-)

    BTW, as of
    Entertaining, funny, and smart! This movie combines all the right elements to make an intense situation into a fun movie! :-)

    BTW, as of this review, it has a user score of 10/10. Seems about right ;-)
  2. Jan 20, 2016
    Loved it! Great all star cast and I wasn't bored for a second. This movie does an amazing job exposing some of America's corporate corruption.Loved it! Great all star cast and I wasn't bored for a second. This movie does an amazing job exposing some of America's corporate corruption. Although it's not a comedy, they did a great job sprinkling lol scenes throughout. Expand
  3. Dec 26, 2015
    It really hits you in the throat how corrupt Wall Street is, and how many people were screwed because of fraudulent systems and greed. YetIt really hits you in the throat how corrupt Wall Street is, and how many people were screwed because of fraudulent systems and greed. Yet there is the comic effect of the ludicrousness of it all, how this is happening everyday, yet most people don't know what it's about. The whole cast is a comedic force. All in all, this was a very entertaining film. I loved it. Expand
  4. Jan 13, 2016
    The Big Short is one of those films that everybody could enjoy, and everybody should see. While the film is not perfect it is very funny,The Big Short is one of those films that everybody could enjoy, and everybody should see. While the film is not perfect it is very funny, probably because the director is comedy specialist Adam McKay, and is also a somewhat important film because it’s very revealing. The Big Short is interesting and educational, features a great ensemble, but is subject to some distracting camerawork. For anybody interested in the 2008 Housing Market Crash this film is perfect.
    The film begins with narration that addresses the biggest problem the film will have, which is that the Housing Market Crash of 2008 was an extremely complicated issue, that is why so few saw it coming. The story is so complicated, because it requires some understanding of how the housing system worked at the time, which apparently most of the people running the system at the time didn’t even have, so the film ends up teaching the audience how the crash happened. That sounds boring, but the film does a brilliant job by doing it through hilarious cameos and lacing the overly informational pieces with humor. The film accomplishes the very hard task of making the mess understandable, and even teaching those interested enough about how it went wrong.
    When looking at it The Big Short clearly had a great script, with dialogue that just rolls, but in such a complicated movie the acting had to be good. Christian Bale is very good as the wacky Dr. Michael Burry, often embodying the odd personality he was tasked with, and even handling the task of showing a misunderstood genius. The other performer who was terrific was Steve Carell, who has consistently proved that he’s not just a great comedy actor. While Carell is known for films like The 40 Year Old Virgin, last years Foxcatcher and now The Big Short prove that he can give a performance with emotional depth, and a sense of humanity.
    The only thing that the film really doesn’t well is it’s camerawork, which in such a complicated story seems too distracting. The Filmmakers felt they needed to rely on Close-Ups, rack focuses, and shaky movement. To be clear the film only feels so shaky, because much of the film is shot handheld, and in close-ups, which will accentuate movement. It’s easy with a lot of soft focus, which this film plays with a lot, to be pulled out of the film, and thus it requires even more effort from the audience to follow what’s happening. To make an example it’s like if somebody pointed at something in a dark cave at night, and then pointed a flashlight in your face, as you looked for it.
    In the end, The Big Short is a funny, intelligent, well-acted, and interesting view of the few men able to make money when everybody else was losing money hand over fist. The entire ensemble of talented big name actors carry their own weight, and some even rise above expectations. To be honest everybody should watch this film, because it tells the ever important story of how ignorance caused a worldwide meltdown, and we’re apt to do it again if we don’t learn from our mistakes.
  5. Dec 27, 2015
    The movie tells the story of several people/groups who predicted the economy crash of 2007 beforehand. It does a great job at showing howThe movie tells the story of several people/groups who predicted the economy crash of 2007 beforehand. It does a great job at showing how things started to crumble. It was very informative, and it felt like a documentary to me at times. It is not an artsy movie though. Expand
  6. Jan 26, 2016
    As a movie; it's okay. There are a lot of funny and witty moments but overall it doesn't tell a great "story". However, what it does do isAs a movie; it's okay. There are a lot of funny and witty moments but overall it doesn't tell a great "story". However, what it does do is give a powerful message of the corruption and influence of money in politics. The actors are fantastic in their roles and they work very well together. If you're looking for another reason to vote for Bernie Sanders you should see this movie. Expand
  7. Jan 21, 2016
    The fact that so many people have written glaring reviews about this film should be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Mike Judge's 2006The fact that so many people have written glaring reviews about this film should be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Mike Judge's 2006 film "Idiocracy" has become a reality.

    This movie is very slow paced (2 1/2 hrs) and it tries to make financial terminology seem "hip" when it is not. I'm interested in finance however, unless you find it completely fascinating most of the terms will go way over your head.

    This film has an all-star cast yet, the only one I thought stood out was Brad Pitt - he had a good presence. The rest (especially Steve Carrell) were hardly an afterthought. Christian Bale's performance was so overrated in this movie and it's not like it was grueling role he needed to prepare for psychically (compared to some of his previous great works).

    Also, none of the characters go though any significant changes - where they have some powerful life insight. The film is also anti-climatic - when the climax arrives, you hardly know it's there.

    There's no scene in this film that stands out in my mind where you''l be like "wow that was memorable" or "wow that's a quotable line"

    If you're a person who wants to see an entertaining film, this probably isn't the best choice.
    Every time a film gets a ton of "critical acclaim" and there are people who are praising a film they haven't seen yet in order to look sophisticated among their friends - it's a huge red flag that the movie is boring as hell.

See all 102 User Reviews


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