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Gilbert Grape
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Quotes for
Gilbert Grape (Character)
from What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Momma: You're my knight in shimmering armor. Did you know that?
Gilbert: I think you mean shining.
Momma: No shimmering. You shimmer, and you glow.

Tucker: How's momma?
Gilbert: She's fat.
Tucker: Come on, man. She's not all that big, Gilbert.
Gilbert: What?
Tucker: Listen, I saw a guy at the state fair who was... a little bit bigger.
Gilbert: A little bit bigger?
Tucker: Look, all I'm sayin' is that she's not the biggest I ever seen, okay?
Gilbert: Tucker, she's a whale!
Tucker: Well, take her out for a walk once in a while.
Gilbert: Take her out for a jog!
Arnie: She's a whale! Tucker, she's a whale!

Gilbert: You know what? You're such a big boy.
Arnie: Yeah!
Gilbert: You're such a big boy.
Arnie: I'm a big boy!
Gilbert: You know what? I bet you could do this all by yourself if you really wanted to. Could you do this by yourself?
Arnie: I'm a big boy!
Gilbert: Yeah, you're a big boy. Now take this...
Arnie: Take this.
Gilbert: Wash everything, your towels are there.
Arnie: Okay!
Gilbert: And your robe is there.
Arnie: Okay! The big boy is gonna wash himself!

Becky: I love the sky. It's so limitless.
Gilbert: It is big. It's very big.
Becky: Big doesn't even sum it up, right? That word big is so small.

Becky: Tell me what you want as fast as it comes to you.
Gilbert: I wanna be a good person.

[Arnie jumps onto Gilbert's back]
Gilbert: God, Arnie, you're getting so big. Pretty soon I ain't gonna be able to carry you no more.
Arnie Grape: No, you're getting littler, Gilbert. You're getting littler, you're shrinking! You're shrinking, Gilbert, you're shrinking! Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking!

Gilbert: [to Becky] I don't know what to say.
Arnie: Say "thank you," Gilbert. "Thank you."
Gilbert: [whispering] Thank you.

Gilbert: [climbing of the water tower] It's not going to happen again. This is the last time. Right Arnie?
Arnie: It's the last time.
Gilbert: Okay. Let's go.
Arnie: But I want to go back up there again.

Gilbert: Bobby, how's business?
Bobby: Oh, not good... nobody's dying.

Gilbert: I know a boy whose name is Arnie... he's, uh, 'bout to turn 18 and have a big party. I know a boy whose name is Arnie. C'mon down, buddy.

Gilbert: Why will I take care of it?
Arnie: Gilbert...
Gilbert: Hmm?
Arnie: 'Cause you're Gilbert.
Gilbert: 'Cause I'm Gilbert.

Gilbert: You don't hurt Arnie, you just don't.

Gilbert: I had a nice time tonight.
Becky: I know.

Gilbert: We don't really move. I mean, we'd like to, but... my mom is sort of attached to the house. Attached is, I guess, not the right word. She's pretty much wedged in.

Gilbert: Ellen? Ellen?
Ellen Grape: What?
Gilbert: Could you not talk with your mouth full?
Ellen Grape: Excuse me?
Gilbert: You're making me sick, I'm gonna throw up.
Ellen Grape: Oh, okay, dad. Sure thing, dad.

Mr. Lamson: What's going on over there at "Food Land"?
Gilbert: [labeling price tags on cans] I wouldn't know, I don't shop there.
[puts a can up and looks at boss]
Gilbert: I'd rather die.

Gilbert: Did you ever see a beached whale on television?
Becky: Yeah.
Gilbert: Yeah. That's her. That's my mom.
Becky: [pauses] What about your dad?
Gilbert: Uh, some other day. Some other day.

Becky: Tell me what you want, as fast as it comes to you.
Gilbert: Uhh...
Becky: Okay?
Gilbert: 'Kay.
Becky: Okay. What do you want?
[He's thinking about it]
Becky: Faster!
Gilbert: Okay. I want a new thing. House. I want a new house. And a family.
[He sighs heavily]
Gilbert: I want Momma to take aerobics classes. I want Ellen to grow up. I want a new brain for Arnie. I want...
Becky: What do you want for you? Just for you?
Gilbert: I want to be a good person.

Gilbert: I'm not gonna let her be a joke.

Becky: It's okay,don worry about it.
Gilbert: no no I'm really... I'm really sorry
Becky: It's okay.
Gilbert: I'm really sorry.
Becky: Don't be sorry,Are you sorry?... no,I'm not sorry,he's not sorry,we're not sorry,don't be sorry.
Arnie: I'm not sorry

Betty Carver: Hey. I could have had any guy, any guy, but I chose you. I chose you.
Gilbert: Why did you?
Betty Carver: [pause] Because... I knew you'd always be there. Because I knew you'd never leave.

Arnie: Gilbert, how many more miles 'til they get here?
Gilbert: Few million, buddy.
Arnie: Three?
Gilbert: Yeah.