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Steven Soderbergh Says He's About To Pitch Next Two “Extreme” Seasons Of ‘The Knick,’ Wants To Direct Again

3 hours ago

**Spoilers ahead** When Steven Soderbergh ended the second season of "The Knick" by killing off Dr. John W. Thackery, and tidying up the storylines of the major characters as much as possible, he effectively blew up the show. But that was by design. From the moment Cinemax said yes to the series, the plan was always for two seasons, before Clive Owen and co. would move on, the show would reinvent itself in a different shape. “I told [the network] that I’m going to do the first two years and then we are going to break out the story for seasons 3 and 4 and try and find a filmmaker or filmmakers to do this the way that I did. This is how we want to do this so that every two years, whoever comes on, has the freedom to create their universe,” Soderbergh told us last fall. “It was always conceived in two-year chunks, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Review: John Carney's Terrific And Joyous Musical 'Sing Street'

3 hours ago

You know the problem with most fictional rock bands? They don’t write good bridges. Whenever a motley group of kids in a movie or TV show come together to make music (and to woo the opposite sex), whoever’s in charge of the original soundtrack usually cooks up decent hooks, yet has a harder time coming up with strong verses or memorable mid-song changes. Pretend pop stars mostly play jingles —they don’t knock out realistic chart hits. The band in John Carney’s “Sing Street” is an exception. Even the first song they write, a fairly goofy novelty number called “Riddle of the Model,” has an unusually complex structure for something that a bunch of working-class Irish teens would have worked up in an afternoon in 1985. As the story plays out, every couple of days the group’s frontman Conor (played by newcomer Ferdia Walsh-Peelo) pops by the »

- Noel Murray

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Sorry, Felicity Jones Isn't Rey's Mom In 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'

4 hours ago

Last week, the excellent first trailer for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" arrived, and of course, there were lots of questions. Who is Ben Mendelsohn playing? Why wasn't there more footage of Ben Mendelsohn? How will my brain and body react if/when Ben Mendelsohn and Mads Mikkelsen share a scene together? These are pressing concerns of our time but course, there were many queries about who exactly Felicity Jones' rebellious Jyn Erso is. The immediate kneejerk reaction around the internet was, "Oh, duh, she's Rey's Mom." But, not so fast fanboy theorists. "I’m not being funny, you guys, but just because she’s white and got brown hair … it doesn’t mean she’s my mom,” Daisy Ridley told MTV. “I think the amazing thing about [Episode VII] is that Finn and Rey don’t come from anywhere, and they find a place. So to me, it’s »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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'Creed' Star Tessa Thompson Joins 'Thor: Ragnarok'

4 hours ago

Marvel may be down a movie, but given their upcoming slate of some very, very big movies, the comic book movie makers have little to worry about. And Chris Hemsworth's Thor is getting ready wield his hammer for his third solo outing, and is getting a love interest to make eyes at. "Creed" and "Dear White People" star Tessa Thompson has joined "Thor: Ragnarok." Of course, there's no exact details on what her role is, but at the very least she's filling the vacancy left by Natalie Portman who has departed the franchise. However, there have been rumors floating for a while that Valkyrie might be appearing in the movie. And that would be a good fit for Thompson, while also checking the "love interest" box, but who knows. We'll just have to wait and see. Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, and Cate Blanchett are set to star in the movie as well, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Disney Already Working On 'The Jungle Book 2'

5 hours ago

The other box office news this weekend, besides "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" slipping from the top spot, was Disney's terrific international debut for "The Jungle Book." Earning $28.9 million abroad before it lands in stateside cinemas this weekend, it did basically double of the live action smash hit "Cinderella," so yes, the studio is feeling confident, and yes, that's means a sequel. Variety reports that director Jon Favreau and screenwriter Justin Marks are in talks to return for their respective roles on "The Jungle Book 2." Obviously, there's no word yet on where the story goes next, but they'll figure something out, because Disney will pay them handsomely to do so. It'll be interesting to see what this means for Warner Bros.' own brewing "Origins: Jungle Book" movie, directed by Andy Serkis, which has already been pushed back a year to 2018. But I can't imagine it'll be very encouraging »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Marvel Pushes Back 'Inhumans' Movie

5 hours ago

If there's one property that fans have been waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for Marvel to bring to the big screen, it's "Inhumans." It's been rumored forever and last year, it seemed the long wait was over when Marvel put it on their slate of upcoming films. Well, looks like fans are gonna have to keep waiting. Marvel has pushed "Inhumans" off its planned July 2, 2019 release date. Why? Well, shit's changed. Notably, Marvel and Sony's handshake deal for Spider-Man means there are now some different opportunities to play with, so it's likely they are going to explore those as fully as possible before getting to "Inhumans." No word yet if "Inhumans" will get a new date or if something will replace it in 2019, but considering Marvel already has "Captain Marvel" and "Avengers: Infinity War — Part 2" set to come out that year, maybe that's enough. “Since we made our initial phase three announcement, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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The 22 Most Anticipated Films Of The 2016 Tribeca Film Festival

6 hours ago

It’s that time of year again. The 2016 Tribeca Film Festival is upon us, and unfortunately things began on a bit of a bum note. Festival head Robert De Niro defended the controversial (and frankly, irresponsible) anti-vaccination documentary, “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” only to rescind those comments and the festival to pull the film the next day. But hey, what's a film festival without some controversy?  That issue aside, Tribeca 2016 has its share of programming goodies, not the least of which are amazing talks with filmmakers and actors like Baz Luhrmann, Francis Ford Coppola, Jodie Foster, Tom Hanks, Tina Fey, Alfonso Cuaron, Ethan Hawke, Patti Smith, J.J. Abrams with Chris Rock, Michael Cera, Catherine Hardwicke, Andrea Arnold, Ira Sachs, Joss Whedon, Mark Ruffalo and many, many more. The eclectic festival has its array of riches. From discovery titles, documentaries (where the fest usually excels in their choices), dramatic titles featuring directors and. »

- Katie Walsh

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Podcast: The Playlist Talks With Jeremy Saulnier & Anton Yelchin About The Punk Rock Thriller 'Green Room'

6 hours ago

The Playlist Podcast returns for an in-depth conversation with Jeremy Saulnier and Anton Yelchin about their new new film, "Green Room," opening this Friday in limited release and expanding nationwide April 29th. Read More: Cannes Review: Jeremy Saulnier's 'Green Room' Starring Anton Yelchin, Imogen Poots & Patrick Stewart The film is Saulnier’s followup to his breakout film "Blue Ruin," and both films share more than just a color in the title. "Green Room" is an extremely tense, visceral cinematic experience, following a touring punk band that takes a gig in rural Oregon at a venue run by neo-nazis. When a murder is witnessed, things go from bad to worse as the film turns on a dime into a desperate survival horror action picture. (Check out Oli Lyttelton's glowing review from last year's Cannes premiere.) Fun fact: the interview took place in the same Portland, Or studio where the actor’s who make. »

- Erik McClanahan

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Listen: Max Landis Talks ‘Mr. Right,’ ‘Batman v Superman,’ ‘Sucker Punch,’ Nepotism & More In 72 Minute Podcast

7 hours ago

Ever wonder why screenwriter Max Landis is so unfiltered, doesn’t mince words and isn’t really afraid to say whatever’s on his mind, whatever the cost? Well, maybe part of the issue, as detailed in his own very unvarnished words, is that he had a very troubled upbringing. “I have very severe behavioral problems, very severe behavioral and emotional problems,” he said in a recent The Q&A Podcast conversation with Jeff Goldsmith. “I had very bad learning disability, I had a very hard time concentrating in class, I didn’t make friends… I was a militant child atheist. They called my parents, ‘You need to tell Max to stop telling other kids that God doesn’t exist.' I was aggressive, but I was like a nerd. I was a nerd bully.” Landis explained how he couldn’t make friends (in high school he, “met, hated, feuded »

- Edward Davis

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Watch: New Trailer And Clip For 'Our Kind Of Traitor' With Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skarsgård, Damian Lewis, More

8 hours ago

Last year we had all manner of spy movies from raunch ("Kingsman: The Secret Service"), to broad comedy ("Spy"), to big franchise vehicles ("Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol," "Spectre"). But this year, we get a rare animal in the genre — a drama — and one based on a book by one of the greatest spy writers of all time, John Le Carré. "Our Kind Of Traitor" brings together the terrific ensemble of Ewan McGregorStellan SkarsgårdDamian Lewis, Naomie Harris and Jeremy Northam, and follows a couple whose holiday in Marrakech soon finds them on the run and not knowing who to trust. Here's the official synopsis:  While on holiday in Marrakech, an ordinary English couple, Perry (Ewan McGregor) and Gail (Naomie Harris), befriend a flamboyant and charismatic Russian, Dima (Stellan Skarsgård), who unbeknownst to them is a kingpin money launderer for the Russian mafia. When Dima asks »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Watch: It's Time To Fight In New Trailer For 'Game Of Thrones' Season 6

8 hours ago

In a just a few weeks we'll find out if Jon Snow is truly dead or if HBO is just trolling everybody. But until then, a new trailer has arrived to provide for fresh speculation, as fans savor footage from the secretive, upcoming season of "Game Of Thrones." As you know, not even press will get a glimpse of season six, so it's anybody's guess what will be happening. Consider this your chance to weigh and make some guesses. Any thoughts on who might get offed this season? Where the story will go next? And seriously, what is up with Jon Snow? Well, we'll all find out shortly — "Game of Thrones" returns on April 24th. »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Review: HBO's Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Drama 'Confirmation' Starring Kerry Washington And Wendell Pierce

9 hours ago

A few years before frenzied media coverage of the Menendez Brothers and O.J. Simpson murder trials, it was arguably the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings that gave America its first contemporary taste of how the 24-hour news cycle would come to bear on stories of national interest. But where the murder cases were mostly tabloid sensation, Anita Hill’s allegations stoked an uncomfortable but direct conversation about gender dynamics and power in the workplace, and sexual harassment, which at the time was still emerging as a serious subject. HBO's drama "Confirmation" tries to balance the broader social context and intimate details of the case equally, but only manages to do so with intermittent success, in a picture that sometimes feels not to be handling the subject matter with the same degree of severity as its characters. Read More: Watch: First Trailers For HBO's Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Drama 'Confirmation' & 'Veep' »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Exclusive: It's Do Or Die In Clip From Documentary 'Above And Below'

9 hours ago

The best stories come from the unlikeliest of places, and the upcoming documentary "Above And Below" goes to the fringes to tell the story of five people who have chosen to live far off the beaten path, with the picture offering a fascinating glimpse at their lives. Directed by Nicolas Steiner, edited by Kaya Inan, lensed by Dp Markus Nestroy, and featuring a carefully crafted sound design by five credited sound artists, "Above And Below" hangs somewhere between documentary and fiction, following April, Dave, Cindy, Rick, and someone known only as "the Godfather," as they exist off the grid. Here's the official synopsis: This not-quite-documentary takes place far away and out of sight, on the margins and off the grid of American society. It tells the stories of April, Dave, Cindy, Rick and a man who calls himself ‘the Godfather.’ From a couple scraping by in the depths of the »

- Edward Davis

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Gary Oldman Doesn't Think 'Spotlight' Had The "Pedigree" Of A Best Picture Oscar Winner

10 hours ago

While there were some who spent the awards season quietly dismissing the excellent "Spotlight" as a "TV movie," and bemoaning the fact it didn't have surface level razzle dazzle, they sort of missed the point. Tom McCarthy's surprise Best Picture Oscar winner is the sort of purely crafted drama that doesn't get made very often, that is terrifically shot without showing off, and features an array of interlocking ensemble performances. However, Gary Oldman is not sure "Spotlight" was worthy of the movie world's top trophy. “There’s a sort of pedigree that ['Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'] had, I’d like to think, worthy of such an honor. Where so many you see, you kind of go ‘really, they won an Oscar for that?’” Oldman told Yahoo. “If you think of some of the movies that have been nominated over the years for Best Picture — 'Gone With the Wind,' 'Lawrence of Arabia »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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David Ayer Clarifies 'Suicide Squad' Reshoot Rumors, Says Warner Bros. "Loves" The Film

10 hours ago

Last month, the word around the superhero campfire was that "Suicide Squad" was undergoing some extensive reshoots to make it funnier, and less serious than a certain Zack Snyder movie. However, that narrative has begun to shift. Last week, cast member Jai Courtney said it was about adding more action, not jokes, and it's the line director David Ayer is taking as well. Hitting Twitter, the director has struck back at those who have posited the studio is worried about "Suicide Squad," saying that Warner Bros. "loves" his movie and have essentially allowed him to go back and add even more awesomeness (read: more action). And really, if last night's trailer is anything to go by, Ayer has nothing to worry about in terms of the movie being "fun." So there you go. If anything, "Suicide Squad" is going to be even more balls to the wall than previously thought. »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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WB Reportedly More "Hands-On" For "Crowd-Pleasing" 'Justice League,' R-Rated 'Batman v Superman' Rumored For Theatrical Release

11 hours ago

After just two weeks, "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" has been dumped from the top of the box office, by a middling, even more terribly reviewed Melissa McCarthy comedy. It's perhaps a fitting way for the superhero movie to start its tumble down the top ten in the weeks ahead, and while Warner Bros. has shown a brave a public face for the critically slammed movie, it will certainly miss earning $1 billion worldwide, a magic marker for mega-tentpole success. Thus, perhaps it's not a big surprise they are getting more involved in the followup. Variety reports that studio suits are expected to be more "hands-on" with Zack Snyder's "Justice League," with production executive Jon Berg and Time-Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes in particular looking in as cameras start rolling today. The problem? There's no Kevin Feige-like person from DC overseeing things, with both Geoff Johns and Diane Nelson »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Paul Thomas Anderson Has Directed Radiohead's New Music Video, Plus Watch 'Spectre' Opening Mashup

11 hours ago

As diehard Radiohead fans know, a new album is imminent. As they've done for past releases, band members have registered new companies, they're about to embark on a big summer tour, and it's likely we'll see their latest LP very, very soon. Now comes another piece of news to add to the mix: Paul Thomas Anderson has directed a music video for the band. On a since-removed episode of the "For Crying Out Loud" podcast, comedian Stefanie Wilder-Taylor revealed her home was randomly selected to be used for part of the filming of the new Radiohead video. “Here’s the cool part. Then the next day, [someone from the production] goes, I wanna bring the director by your house… this guy comes in, says ‘Hey, this is the director, Paul’… really normal looking guy," she added. "Then I say, ‘Hey, you look kind of familiar… Have we met?’ Do you make anything apart from music videos? »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Watch: New Trailer For 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows'

12 hours ago

With Rocksteady, Bebop, Shredder, Krang, and Casey Jones all slated to appear in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows," it looks like it's going to be a fanboy feast for this sequel which steps things up from the surprising, blockbuster original. Dave Green ("Earth To Echo") is behind the camera for this one that finds Donatello, Raphael, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo back in action, once again uniting to the save the day, eat some pizza, and be totally bodacious in this Michael Bay-produced tentpole. Starring Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Jeremy Howard, Stephen Amell, Tyler Perry, Brian Tee, Laura Linney, Sheamus, and Gary Anthony Williams, 'Out Of The Shadows' opens on June 3rd. »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Watch: First Behind-The-Scenes Look At 'Kong: Skull Island'

22 hours ago

While Warner Bros.' DC Films slate might be getting the most ink these days, they've got a couple of other major series on the go. "Harry Potter" continues, sort of, in the forthcoming "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them" (check out the latest trailer), and then, there are the monsters. Next year, King Kong comes roaring back to the big screen in "Kong: Skull Island," which will eventually lead to "Godzilla vs. Kong" in 2020. And today, WB has unveiled their first behind-the-scenes look at the rebooted, classic movie monster. Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, John Goodman, Jing Tian, Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, John Ortiz, Shea Whigham and Toby Kebbell all star in the Jordan Vogt-Roberts ("Kings Of Summer") directed flick about a group of explorers, a mythical island, and you guessed it, a big monster. Check out your first peek below — the movie arrives on March »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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Watch: There's Much More Than Meets The Eye In New Trailer For 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them'

22 hours ago

The world of "Harry Potter" expands with the upcoming spinoff series "Fantastic Beasts And Where The To Find Them," the first in a new trilogy, with longtime franchise helmer David Yates directing. But as fans of the series have grown older, it would seem this new chapter will be more mature as well. " 'Fantastic Beasts' is very much in the spirit of the 'Potter' books but it’s not filled with young children and their issues. I wouldn’t say it’s ‘dark’ but, as with all of Jo [Rowling]’s work, it’s not soft. There is material in all of the books that has a truth about life. Here, there’s darkness within. But there are also these creatures, and an awful lot of humour and heart – which I think will appeal to young and old alike," Yates revealed to Total Film earlier this year. Starring Eddie RedmayneKatherine Waterston, »

- Kevin Jagernauth

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