Read the Full BAFTA Game Awards Winner List Here


The  took place tonight, hosted by Dara O’Briain at Tobacco Dock, London. There were some nice surprises with Life is Strange, Until Dawn and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture winning, and Rocket League walking away with best Multiplayer, Family and Sports game. While Fallout 4 is good, I’m not sure if it was the best game…

New Bad Neighbours 2 Red Band Trailer Released

Bad Neighbours 2 red band trailer

Today we have the new Bad Neighbours 2 Red Band trailer which shows more scenes from the film. With returning stars Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne being joined by Chloë Grace Moretz. Nicholas Stoller again directs in a film that follows what happens when the will of parenthood goes against the bonds of…

The Most Important Titles in the History of Video Games


Video games have evolved a lot since their inception in the early 1950s. It took the industry over 50 years to go from Tennis for Two to the amazing visuals and interactivity of today. What seemed like a crazy idea in the beginning has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry, which has spawned many more, from…

New The BFG Trailer Promises a Magical Adventure


Today we have a new The BFG Trailer where we not only get a good look at the Big Friendly Giant himself, but also get to see the other giants in their full-sized glory. I did hope that they would hold off showing these monsters as it would be a nice surprise to see them…

Four Horsemen of X-Men: Apocalypse Alternative Posters


Today we have a selection of X-Men: Apocalypse alternative posters for the Four Horsemen have been revealed. Featuring Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Psylocke (Olivia Munn), Storm (Ororo Munroe), and Angel (Ben Hardy) in menacing new poses they do a good job of hyping up the dark nature of the mutants, and of course also how badass they…

Meet the Four Horsemen of X-Men: Apocalypse

Xmen Apocalypse

If you’ve seen the trailers for X-Men: Apocalypse you’ll know that a new mutant has risen to bring about the end of civilization. As we’ve seen through history when the “Apocalypse” comes, it brings with it the four horsemen who are used to do his bidding. In a new featurette released today we see the…

‘Black Mama, White Mama’ Review (Arrow Video Blu-Ray)

Black Mama White Mama

With a name like Black Mama, White Mama you know the type of film you are getting. A prison women exploitation flick, its known for Pam Grier, Margaret Markov and Sid Haig and fits into the “Grindhouse” style quite well. Arrow Video have brought the film to Blu-ray in the UK and as usual provides…