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Samorost 3 PC

Samorost 3 Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

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  • Summary: As Samorost 3 begins, a little space gnome finds a strange magical flute that falls from the sky. He uses the instrument's powers to travel to the cosmos in search of its origins, scouring the alien landscapes of five planets and four moons to solve clever mysteries along the way. Each ofAs Samorost 3 begins, a little space gnome finds a strange magical flute that falls from the sky. He uses the instrument's powers to travel to the cosmos in search of its origins, scouring the alien landscapes of five planets and four moons to solve clever mysteries along the way. Each of Samorost 3’s organically inspired biomes presents a uniquely colorful world full of hidden surprises and achievements for keen players to discover. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Apr 4, 2016
    Samorost 3 is a rich and incredibly inspired game, able to guide the player through an extravagant experience and stimulate all the senses.
  2. Mar 25, 2016
    Bursting with charm and vibrant life, the beautiful worlds of Samorost 3 are beguiling, so long as you don’t worry too much about logic or plot and just go with the flow.
  3. Mar 24, 2016
    A warm and joyful adventure through a magical world; obtuse at times, but more interested in delighting than challenging.
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    Samorost 3 is a relatively short journey, taking about five to six hours to beat and a little more to fully complete. That time is jam-packed with delightful characters, stunning scenery, and clever puzzles, so while it may be brief, it's certainly time well spent. For anyone who appreciates Amanita's previous titles or the point-and-click adventure genre in general, Samorost 3 comes highly recommended.
  5. Mar 31, 2016
    Samorost 3 is a fantastic point & click adventure game, and a perfect sequel to the previous two.
  6. Mar 31, 2016
    Samorost is quite simply one of the most beautiful games that I have played in recent times.
  7. 50
    Samorost 3 is as frustrating as it is beautiful. It takes some interesting ideas, a gorgeous environment, and a fantastic soundscape and applies them to a gameplay formula that doesn't work quite as well as it should. And with its short playtime and weak motivation, there's not much reason to embark on a journey in this world.

See all 13 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Mar 25, 2016
    Amanita designs spirits the player away once again to a world of cosmic shroom trips.

    Stunning art, clever puzzles with unique mechanics,
    Amanita designs spirits the player away once again to a world of cosmic shroom trips.

    Stunning art, clever puzzles with unique mechanics, and an incredible soundtrack.

    This game joins Machinarium as some of the best adventure games to come out since the late 90s. Do yourself a rock solid and buy this game.
  2. Mar 26, 2016
    Although all puzzles might not be all that logical, they all contribute to the surreal and magic world of Samorost and in creating an amazingAlthough all puzzles might not be all that logical, they all contribute to the surreal and magic world of Samorost and in creating an amazing visual and musical experience. If you liked Amanita's previous games you'll love this Expand
  3. Mar 27, 2016
    Finally a game as good as Machinarium. Great puzzles, awesome visuals and music.

    The story is a heartwarming fairytale for both old and
    Finally a game as good as Machinarium. Great puzzles, awesome visuals and music.

    The story is a heartwarming fairytale for both old and young.
    If you have kids you can "read" the story to your children as a bedtime-story.

    It's easier to get help when in stuck (by solving a puzzle) than in Machinarium.
  4. Mar 30, 2016
    This game is so thoroughly beautiful and a blast to play. Every sound aesthetic, every frame a painting. Though the negative side of it isThis game is so thoroughly beautiful and a blast to play. Every sound aesthetic, every frame a painting. Though the negative side of it is that the puzzles do not follow a strictly deductive logical formula, so it feels much like old school adventure games, but I guess that is just a part of the journey. Expand
  5. Apr 2, 2016
    Как по мне, так игра всё-таки хуже второй части, больше похоже на гибрид всех игр от Аманиты, чем на продолжение серии Саморост. Очень неКак по мне, так игра всё-таки хуже второй части, больше похоже на гибрид всех игр от Аманиты, чем на продолжение серии Саморост. Очень не понравился голос гнома, во второй части он был довольно забавным, а тут слишком простой. Также и музыка здесь не выдержана в едином стиле, а это очень плохо, особенно странно слышать мотив из Машинариума на одной из планет. И куда подевались персонажи с человеческими лицами? Ведь это была визитная карточка серии! Хоть бы монахам такие сделали, или лучше зверькам некоторым, как была белочка в первой части. В общем, игра-то не плохая, но если в целом на неё посмотреть, то чувствуется, что у авторов образовался кризис видения данной серии, в итоге она просто потеряла свою собственную индивидуальность. Если бы не было с чем сравнивать, то была бы десятка, а так только лишь девятка и то с натяжкой, ближе всё-таки к восьмёрке. Expand
  6. Mar 30, 2016
    Touching and with spirit. Strongly recommended to all arthouse fans. Puzzles too easy though and are mostly based on pixel-hunting. I preferTouching and with spirit. Strongly recommended to all arthouse fans. Puzzles too easy though and are mostly based on pixel-hunting. I prefer Machinarium in most ways. Expand
  7. Apr 1, 2016
    Amanita, we love you so much, and it looks so gorgeous, but it's TOO UNINTUITIVE. And by that i mean not "hard" or "challenging", it justAmanita, we love you so much, and it looks so gorgeous, but it's TOO UNINTUITIVE. And by that i mean not "hard" or "challenging", it just tedious this time. Expand

See all 9 User Reviews