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Far Cry Primal Xbox One

Far Cry Primal Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 138 Ratings

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  • Summary: The era is the Stone Age, a time of imminent peril and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers rule the globe, and humanity is at the low end of the food chain. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to build a deadly arsenal, fight off dangerousThe era is the Stone Age, a time of imminent peril and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers rule the globe, and humanity is at the low end of the food chain. As the last survivor of your hunting group, you will learn to build a deadly arsenal, fight off dangerous predators, and outsmart enemy tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator. You'll assume the role of Takkar, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of your group. You have a single goal: survive in a world where you are the hunted. Grow your tribe and sharpen your skills to lead your people, conquer the land of Oros, and become the apex predator. Encounter a cast of memorable characters who can help push back the dangers of the wild. Face enemy tribes who will do anything to eradicate you and your allies. [Ubisoft] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Mar 11, 2016
    It's almost hard to believe that a first-person shooter set 9,000 years before the invention of gunpowder could be this enjoyable.
  2. Mar 9, 2016
    Which brings us to the key point: is it worth the price of admission? Absolutely. As previously mentioned, it’s a complete, standalone experience and breaks the mold enough that, despite having many familiar gameplay traits, is still a new adventure.
  3. Feb 22, 2016
    With a wealth of new ideas, including taming and controlling animals, a non-linear story and an upgradable village hub, Far Cry Primal isn’t just Far Cry 4 with cavemen. Much of the gameplay will feel familiar, but the additions are just about enough to keep it fresh.
  4. Feb 22, 2016
    Far Cry: Primal adds some interesting and more survival-oriented new mechanics to the usual franchise formula, but the main storyline revealed itself to be quite dull while the environments and gameplay result in a bit too repetitive experience. It remains however an advised buy to open world games lovers, despite its flaws.
  5. 80
    While the time period itself may be a far cry from the rest of the series, the game still manages to feel like a natural progression with some core gameplay elements intact, while also adding plenty of content that makes Far Cry Primal feel likes it own distinct experience.
  6. Mar 22, 2016
    Longtime Far Cry fans might feel that the prehistoric setting is a re-skinning of the previous titles, but despite any déjà vu, Far Cry Primal remains an enjoyable, highly playable title.
  7. Feb 22, 2016
    It feels like it has even less of a story than Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon has, but that's because that story is spread incredibly thinly across a large world that's packed with cookie cutter content. There's nothing inherently wrong with Primal, and I found the game's combat systems to be pretty exciting at times, but the structure of the game and most of the tasks you're given are one-note. It's a monotonous grind that gets a good lift from its approach to combat and a handful of other tweaks to the formula, but it's still the formula.

See all 25 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 41
  2. Negative: 7 out of 41
  1. Feb 23, 2016
    This game is really enjoyable . I love the whole stone age idea and this is something different from the previous installments . Ubisoft tookThis game is really enjoyable . I love the whole stone age idea and this is something different from the previous installments . Ubisoft took a risk but it was a risk well worth the taking . I love the animal taming and the scouting owl . The stealth is just magnificent and all the different ways to accomplish your task and to take outposts make this game pretty fun . I am enjoying every moment of this Expand
  2. Feb 25, 2016
    It's a shame all these people are giving such terrible reviews and probably just hate the Far Cry Series. That being said I am thoroughlyIt's a shame all these people are giving such terrible reviews and probably just hate the Far Cry Series. That being said I am thoroughly enjoying this game, is their a great story? No...Do most of the Far Cry games have a good story? NO. The game is supposed to be fun and engaging which it accomplishes very well. I am about 5 or 6 hours in and I love it I think its better than FC4, story or not its a blast of a game and is different then any other first person game ive played. Giving it a 10 to boost the rating although I believe its an 8.5. Expand
  3. Mar 4, 2016
    For anyone who has said that Far Cry Primal is a reskin is not only wrong but is also a bandwagon riding A-Hole that goes along with anythingFor anyone who has said that Far Cry Primal is a reskin is not only wrong but is also a bandwagon riding A-Hole that goes along with anything they hear a big youtuber or review website say. Play the game for yourself, the open world in Primal is 110% different that Kyrat in Farcry 4, the terrain is so much larger and more widespread. The only relation the Primal map has to its predecessors is the fact that the rivers/bodies of water flow in similar paths, THAT'S IT. The fighting mechanics are completely new considering there's only melee weapons (along with the bow) and the bow even feels more accurate and the sound it makes when you release an arrow is so much more realistic. Point is, don't listen to douchey youtubers/reviewers who just want to say this game is a reskin because they couldn't be more wrong, play the game for yourself then make your own non-biased opinion on it. Expand
  4. Mar 22, 2016
    esta es una entrega que no me sorprende que exista ya que la formula de el genial FAR CRY 3 y lo bueno pero igual FAR CRY 4 pero de hecho meesta es una entrega que no me sorprende que exista ya que la formula de el genial FAR CRY 3 y lo bueno pero igual FAR CRY 4 pero de hecho me pareció una sorpresa que se ubique en la edad de piedra pero el verdadero problema es que se sienta tan igual que los otros 2 mas modernos que talento de los muchachos de ubisoft de hacer todo igual pero lo mas rescatable es que es un sistema de jefes que son duros, los 4 jefes de las tribus son interesantes de vencer pero el punto malo de los de la nieve(es un nombre tan raro que no lo recuerdo) es que si llevas un mamut con el primero se muere de un golpe y el otro solo tiene a sus esbirros y que un ataque te quita toda la vida y eso no lo hace dificil lo hace injusto en cierto modo (mencione que mata a tus bestias de solo 1 o 2 golpes) pero solo es golpear te pega corres y te curas le pongo 8 por el factor diversion pero como una nueva entrega le pondria un 6
  5. Feb 24, 2016
    When I started playing I found the game meh... Not so interesting. Killing animals, taking skins, and so.
    About graphics not that impressive
    When I started playing I found the game meh... Not so interesting. Killing animals, taking skins, and so.
    About graphics not that impressive as far cry 1 2 and 3 was in their time. When I found out that I could grow up my population, my tribe taking new itens, xp I started to enjoy it.
    The best part was the fight between tribes. It was really nice.
    I particularly don't like the idea of only killing animals. But I love the idea of taming then (it's really cool).

    In my opinion, the bigger mistake of this game is the missing co-op. GOD WHY??? It would be AMAZING!! Can u imagine you and your friends with their animals hunting? facing enemies together? hunting together? Oh GOD Why not UBISOFT? WHY????? :(

    Overall I had fun with this game it's really enjoyable if you like open world games unfortunately single player. Graphics is medium and I faced some bugs.

    So this is why my score is 7.
  6. Mar 1, 2016
    The story is... not that interesting. The 'spirit' missions are parallel with the similar annoying nonsense as the drug induced hallucinationThe story is... not that interesting. The 'spirit' missions are parallel with the similar annoying nonsense as the drug induced hallucination missions from the other Far Cry. It feels like they have run out of ways to make this stay fun or original. The environment is too busy where animals which won't necessarily (or don't) attack show in red when scared with the other, actually hostile enemies so just by looking at the mini-map it's hard to see where to go and fight first when it gets heated. The controls are fine but there is no sense of finesse at all so it's all a flat experience. If you want to grind pick up an older Saint's Row 4 game as at least you'll be laughing for some of it... or Diablo.

    Oh ya... the Mammoth missions will more than likely make you mad at how irritating and pointless they are so remember your breathing exercises..... inhale... hold... exhale.

    EDITED: Had to bump this from a 5 to a 6 as it's pretty neat to watch how the sabertooth picks up prey after it's dead and how it kills it by grabbing it's neck sometimes.
  7. Mar 8, 2016
    It is all the boring parts of national geographic without the amazing Morgan Freeman commentary. Now I just need 50 more characters toIt is all the boring parts of national geographic without the amazing Morgan Freeman commentary. Now I just need 50 more characters to complete this review. Expand

See all 41 User Reviews