After the interest and much discussion triggered by my coverage of the JPEG 2000 specification news article and my pointers to the LuraWave plugin I decided to publish a full gallery in LuraWave format. A new gallery, the second samples gallery for the Sony DSC-F505 has just been put up in LuraWave format.

Sony DSC-F505 Review Samples Two (LuraWave format)

I'm fairly happy with the outcome, all images were compressed at 88% compression which fairly closely matched file sizes of JPEG images from other galleries, obviously I've had to make a few changes to my gallery software but otherwise it was a fairly easy transition.

My favourite thing about LuraWave (as a webmaster) is the way the images progressively (and smoothly progressive, unlike JPEG progressive) load. The least attractive thing I guess it that it's not an "embeded" format, requiring a plugin download (if you're using Microsoft IE 3+ the plugin will auto-install)...

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