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iPhone Tweaking CameraSetup.plist to disable the agressive iPhone6 > noise filter

Discussion in 'Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks' started by VooD, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. VooD
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    macrumors newbie

    Oct 13, 2015
    Since the very first photo I took with my iPhone 6 I realized something was wrong. Everything looked like a watercolor painting. In comparison my old iPhone 4 took much more detailed photos. After some tests I started suspecting there was a VERY agressive noise reduction filter algorithm turned on in the iPhone 6.
    In fact...Apple's sold this filter as a feature at their website (even their own sample pictures showed lack of details ought to this filter)

    I waited patiently for a year to Apple to fix that, and even decided to buy their next phone in case they finally fixed it...unfortunatly the 6S noise reduction algorithm is even worse:

    This is the new iPhone 6s:

    Take a look at her hair (1:1 pixels please):

    https://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4096340/iphone6splus_portrait .0.JPG

    Now a normal phone with a normal noise reduction algorithm:

    Galaxy 6 Edge

    https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4096350/gs6edge__portrait.0.j pg

    Also here you will find lots of samples showing how bad iPhone 6 pictures are:


    Of course it doesn't matter if you use a different camera app, since every single camera has to acess the harware using the camera framework.

    Anyway today I started researching and found LOTS of noise reduction parameters in the CameraSetup.plist at my iPhone6's \System\Library\Frameworks\MediaToolbox.framework\N61 folder.

    I've been doing some tweaking and definetively I got some results.

    First I tried just to replace every noise reduction value with 0 and all I got was green photos :p

    Later I just deleted the NR2Parameters keys (apparently Noise Reduction 2 algorithm is the new one added with the iPhone6 which makes everything look like a watercolor)...and in that way the Camera app didn't work.

    But, when I changed




    Something happened. Suddenly some fine details were much bettter than previously. But others were much worse.


    Every time I make a change I have to reboot the iPhone, take a photo and compare with the pc at 1:1, so it's a bit slow.

    So, here I am, asking for help to those of you who know better than me the internals of ios.
    Any idea about which parameters to tweak?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
  3. Paradoxally
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    macrumors 65816

    Feb 4, 2011
    Personally I've had no issue with my 6+ camera, and I owned an iPhone 5 before. The 6+ consistently takes better pictures (the difference is not huge, though), especially in low light situations.

    I've also never seen people on /r/jailbreak complain to the point where it was a front-level post and someone dug into the camera .plists to try and fix it.
  4. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    My only issue is the water paint look in some photos. I've actually been teased for it by my sister. ;(
  5. VooD
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    Oct 13, 2015
    I think you should check the links I posted. I think people not able no notice the issue is probably the same people who can't hear the difference between a 96kbps mp3 and a 320kpbs :p...but definetively there is a problem with Apple's noise reduction algorithm.

    Unfortunately I just lost my Jailbreak, so I won't be able to made additional tests until (if ever) an iOS 9 JB is released.

  6. Prabas
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    macrumors 6502a


    Sep 14, 2010
    What? iOS 9 Jailbreak is available to download.
  7. VooD
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    thread starter macrumors newbie

    Oct 13, 2015
    As soon as I have some free time to install the JB I'll restart researching about the noise reduction parameters.
    Any help appreciated.
  8. Menneisyys2
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    macrumors 603

    Jun 7, 2011
    In my practice (hacking the same files some years back) a simple Camera app kill worked. There was no need to restart. Are you absolutely sure you do need a restart?
  9. VooD, Oct 15, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015

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    thread starter macrumors newbie

    Oct 13, 2015
    For me only after rebooting I was able to notice changes. If closed the app changes didn't show. You mean kill the process with a diferent task manager or shell command?
  10. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
  11. VooD
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    thread starter macrumors newbie

    Oct 13, 2015
    Yesterday I made lots of testings, with several parameters, but changes are very light.
    NR2Parameters tweaks do almost nothing, or I'm not able to configure it properly. NoiseModelParameters changes seems more evident, but still nothing conclusory.

    I also tried other NoiseReductionModel values, but apart I can't notice differences with other values apart from 0 and 2. 2 looks really different but all other seems similar.
  12. Menneisyys2
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    macrumors 603

    Jun 7, 2011
    Then, it must have changed since the iOS8 times. Back then, a simple manual kill from the task manager worked. Or "killall Camera" via an ssh terminal. Or setuid(0); system("killall Camera"); via an Xcode-deployed app like those of my past bitrate configurers and camera enhancers.

    Nevertheless, do give a try to "killall Camera".
  13. VooD
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    Oct 13, 2015
    I tried using ssh some days ago, but I don't know why I constantly losed the connection, so I had to switch back to just rebooting the phone.
  14. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    Damn that's to bad it's only off or on as an option. Its a better camera but they screw it by over filtering to death.
  15. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    Ever since discovering this was due to Apple maxing out the noise reduction for the 6+ I'm going crazy taking pics.
    Still on iOS 8, any word if iOS 9 fixed it? This is enough to drive me away from an iPhone altogether.
  16. VooD, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015

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    Oct 13, 2015
    It's not fixed in iOS 9 :( My tests were done with that version.

    Check this out: http://www.gsmarena.com/piccmp.php3?idType=2&idPhone1=6992&idPhone2=6378&idPhone3=3275 ...and cry.

    Even chinese phone like the meizu m5 takes better pictures (and of coursethe iPhone 4 in spite of its lower resolution)

  17. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    God that's depressing. :( Spending as much as we did for overly compressed pictures. Does Apple even acknowledge the issue or are we forgotten?
  18. VooD
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    thread starter macrumors newbie

    Oct 13, 2015
    Apple thinks this is not a problem but a feature. They believe people hate noisy pictures so they have implemented that excessive filter killing any detail at the same time. They even advertised it at the iPhone 6's camera section at their web with their own sample images showing the same problem... Everything looks like a waterpaint
  19. shifomu
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    Jun 15, 2014
    Man awesome stuff. Just like you I noticed this from the first picture I took with my iPhone 6, hoping that a software update or the new iPhone would change this, but like you said Apple doesn't see this as a problem but instead a feature.

    If there's one thing I always hated about iPhone competitors it was the over processed, compressed, aggressive noise reduction and over sharpening, now the iPhone looks no different.

    In my opinion the last good iPhone camera (and frankly the last good iPhone in general) was the iPhone 5s.

    Unfortunately I probably won't be of any help as I've never even jail broken an iPhone before, let alone messed with any files but I look forward to your results!

    What I really like about this is that it confirms that this is a software level issue and not a hardware level issue!
  20. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    God that's awful, here's praying they've seen enough of us complaining to know it backfired.
  21. Menneisyys2, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015

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    macrumors 603

    Jun 7, 2011
    I've started working on a hack for the 6s Plus.

    Up to now, I've realized the NoiseReductionMethod you referred to only decreases color noise reduction a bit when set to 0. The very strong (and this is the main problem!) luma noise reduction isn't decreased when using 0 instead of 3.

    Will keep you posted.

    Continued (again, iPhone6s+ only!) at 12/04 21:33EET: the NoiseReductionMethod value 1 similar to the 0 case: it only changes CNR. However, it applies slightly more agressive CNR as the 0 case (but still less than the 2/3 case, see below). This also means any LumaDenoiseStrength hacks are ignored, which also means you do NOT want to use these 0/1 values at all.

    The NoiseReductionMethod value 2 seems to be the same as the default 3: very strong CNR (much stronger than the 0/1 cases above) but decreased LumaDenoiseStrength values do have an effect on the LNR.

    Continued (again, iPhone6s+ only!) at 12/04 22:00EET: I've completely get ridden of CNR (but not LNR as yet) by changing all ChromaDenoiseStrength reals to 0.15 and integers to 1. When doing exactly the same for LumaDenoiseStrength, the LNR is decreased but, unfortunately, not that much. (Still, it's better than the default because of the less smearning.) Will keep you posted.

    Continued (again, iPhone6s+ only!) at 12/05 00:23EET:M y new findings:

    there are several arrays named "LumaDenoiseStrength" and "ChromaDenoiseStrength". You'll want to hack these. Let's start with the former as it's much more complicated.

    If you put the same values in all the values of all LumaDenoiseStrength arrays (there are several of them, totalling 256 real and 22 integer values), keeping the real vs. integer distinction:

    a, 0.15 for reals, 1 for integers: everything will work with slightly (not much, but it certainly helps!!) less LNR except for scenes with brightness above 12. (In my tests, around 12 did I start getting messed-up images. All images having significantly less brightness were OK. The lowest non-working value I found was 11.77.)

    b, 0 for everything: never worked in very low light (tested with brightness values 1624-5000)

    c, 0.1 for reals, 1 for ints: the threshold is around 11 (the highest/lowest good/bad brightness was 11,48 and 10.93, respectively)

    d, values under 0.1 were generally useless even in very low light (I'll play with them though).

    It certainly seems the array indexes represent in?de?creasing brightness values. That is, giving the same values won't have the best result.

    Let's talk about CNR and "ChromaDenoiseStrength" now. The situation is far better than with LNR: if you change all array elements (there is exactly 100 of them if you count reals and ints together) 0.15 will result in applying almost no CNR, resulting in significantly less pale colors in low light. (Of course, you'll have a LOT of CN then; even at base ISO in the shadows, as you may have already guessed.) That is, just override these values.

    I'll continue reporting. And, again, this all applies to the 6s+ only, albeit the iPhone 6 may need to use the same values.

    Continued at 12/05 12:48EET: Now I've found the block tuning the LNR for the panorama mode. It's under NR2Parameters_Panorama and has the same structure as other NR2Parameters<_possible postfix> arrays: there are some (here, four) "Bands" taking up much of the code.

    Modding the LumaDenoiseStrength array values of the first "Bands" element (e.g., zeroing all out) has no effect on anything. Doing the same to the second, however, changes everything: all brightness combinations (low light (tested with brightness around 3) / intemediate (brigtness around 7.8) / bright (brigtness around 11.5)) are changed.

    1, By zeroing all these values out, none of the three configs work (all the three images are messed up), as one should suspect based on my previous posts.
    2, I tried changing the indices 3, 5, 7 and 9 to (integer) 1 - no effect (same over-LNR'ed images as with the default config)
    3, changing the first and last reals to 0.101 did work, however - the image became much (luma) noisier and somewhat (but not much) less blurry.

    That is, we're on the right track. Now it's far easier to supply different parameters in here to see what happens - as only one "Bands" element need to be examined (I assume the changes here could equally be applied to other NR2Parameters<_possible postfix> / LumaDenoiseStrength's.)

    Continued at 12/06 01:01EET: 1, I was wrong about the first band not being used in NR2Parameters_Panorama. It is used; by overriding the four values of the ChromaDenoiseStrength array there with, say, 0.1, this can be seen. (Albeit the effects are in no way as strong as doing the same to Band 2 values.)

    2, the third array in these bands, LumaRemixWeight, directly changes post-sharpening. For example, with the generic value of 0...0.1, the pano becomes quite soft; with 10 (much higher than the original), absolutely awful with oversharpening artifacts. Unfortunately, it's insufficient to properly get rid of the LNR artifacts.

    3, I've created an Xcode project for quickly changing the parameters in the pano. It GREATLY speeds up hacking - no longer will you need file transfers and, what is more, restarting the entire device! Yes, the setuid(0); system("killall Camera"); I mentioned earlier in the thread does work - unlike with just killing the camera from the stock handler. This means you only need to run my app once and the changes will be seen by the Camera app after you resume it.

    To run it,

    a, simply give write rights to the single CameraSetup.plist file. (The encompassing directory's flags need not be changed.) Repeat this every time you externally(!) overwrite the file from, say, iExplorer.

    b, if you have a 6s+, you may not need to change "n66" to some other value in the "NSArray* dirNameArr = @[@"N66" ];" instruction. On non-GSM models, it may be in a different directory. Change the name in the instruction.

    c, if you do NOT have a 6s+, do NOT run the app directly before carefully changing:

    1, the default values
    2, the number of array elements
    3, etc.

    It's pretty straightforward.

    d, my code currently supports overwriting all the three arrays in the second and the luma/chroma arrays in the first band. (Will add support for the third band.) With the luma values, you can supply both the same value for all entries or define dividers so that the original value divided by this value are written back to the arrays.

    e, by default, it just writes back the default values to these 3+2 arrays. Change "BOOL RESTORE_DEFAULTS = YES;" to NO if you want to actually apply your changes.

    The Xcode project is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/2bu0arp2vrufccf/iPhone6sPlusCameraEnhancer-01.zip?dl=0 . Will post new links to future versions in my future post updates.

    Note that I just modded my earlier "VideoBitrateConfigurer" app's source. The vast majority of the legacy code isn't executed - look for "return" in VideoBitrateConfigurerViewController.viewDidLoad(). I just didn't have the time to remove the unneeded legacy code.

    Continued at 12/06 15:46EET: 1, Just posted a new, fully cleaned up and, now, 4-band (that is, now, all bands are handled in NR2Parameters_Panorama) version of the app to https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/iPhone6sPlusCameraEnhancer-02.zip . Delete the previous version, this one is much better!

    All you'll need to fine-tune is in VideoBitrateConfigurerViewController.m's viewDidLoad method.

    The first, brand new section of the method defines a bunch of

    a, BOOLeans and
    b, double values.

    BOOLs let for
    1, assigning a single value for all four blocks. Separate values can be defined (these are three of the double's) for the three kinds of groups (luma/chroma/remix).
    2, with luma only, using a divider to be applied on the original value.

    doubles let for
    1, as explained above, assigning a single value for the targeted array type of the four blocks
    2, setting the divider value.

    There is a quick shorthand BOOL, RESTORE_DEFAULTS, which, when given a value of YES, the app will restore all the original values and gets rid any of the previously modified values (by the app) completely.

    2, I still haven't managed to find the configuration section responsible for the massive LNR. Even the lowest possible values (wired-in: around 0.15; divider: around 40) still not overdriving (see my previous posts on the bright scenes producing useless / "negative-like" images) the engine will not help the input, which is hopelessly blurred.

    I've also played with the opposite: very high wired-in values. For example, 99999999999 results in a whopping 50-pixel-wide smearing area (with a very visible "glowing" ("dreamy") effect).

    3, for Chrome, the current 0.06 seems to be the best (the lower the better (less CNR); however, even lower values like 0.02 will result in a complete mess (fully greenish scene)). However, now that I still don't know how to fix the underlying blurring, reducing CNR won't be as useful as with, say, the raw-like JPG images of the Note4. (Please see http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4/general/shooting-light-best-image-quality-note-4-t3012008 for more info on this.)

    4, for Remix, around 1 is the best (or the original values). These values don't seem to be worth playing with.

    I continue playing with these values and will add support for changing other values in the plist file. Nevertheless, feel free to give my current app a try if you want to experiment too. Again, it seems the underlying LRN is set elsewhere, not in these arrays; that is, your experiments will most likely turn out to be futile. However, I may be wrong (fingers crossed!).

    Continued at 12/07 00:46EET:Continued playing with the values.

    1, in NR2Parameters_Panorama,
    I experienced with only keeping one (the first) band (I deleted the three other ones): visibly more CN (without hacking any value). Hacking this to the current wired-in + divider values doesn't help.

    When dropping the last three bands, color smearing becomes much more pronounced, mostly because of "NR2Parameters_Panorama>GammaC". The default gammaC = 0.45 must be decreased to around 0 to avoid color smearing. (Nevertheless, it doesn't help luma smearing.)

    With the four original bands in Bands:
    a, GammaY (defeault: 0.52): 0.001: no visible change? 1000: same effect as very high (e.g., 99999999999) LumaDenoiseStrength values: glowing. Negative values: messup
    b, GammaC: this is directly connected to CNR. With 0: much more CN here. Unlike with the one-band case, the default gammaC = 0.45 doesn't result in any major color bleeding
    c, SlopeFactor (def: 30): 0: no visible change

    I've only tested the BandFactorC, LensShadingFactorLuma, BiasFactor and BandFactorY in one-Bands mode. See the comments in the code for more info. I haven't found them to be able to get rid of the LNR in there.

    2, I've played with the other NR2Parameters_<postfix> dictionaries under 0x0247 (NR2Parameters, NR2Parameters_LongShort, NR2Parameters_TMBNR_SIS, NR2Parameters_TMBNR_LongShort). I've set the GammaY of each of these dictionaries to -1 and looked for the camera modes (pano vs still vs. square vs. video modes) to see which camera mode uses the given dictionary. (That is, which produces immediately bad - greenish, inverted etc. - results.) I coulnd't find any - it seems these aren't used?

    3, I've played the following values directly in 0x0247 (with everything else intact; tests were done in pano and still mode, with both low- and bright light shots):

    a, MicronsPerPixel (default = 1.22): no effect of increasing it to 4
    b, the SharpnessValue array (with 4 integers, all 128 by default): little (if any!) effect in stills mode: 0: a bit less sharpened than the def 128. Pano mode seems to be a bit more affected.
    c, VISRenderMethod (default = 1): tested with 0, 2, 3 - no changes.

    4, the framework for all these experiments are to be found in the latest version of my app with default values for easy default re-setting. Look for the fully commented-out code just before the first occurrence of "NR2Parameters_Panorama". Based on the key names above, you'll easily identify everything. Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/iPhone6sPlusCameraEnhancer-03.zip

    Continued at 12/11 20:46EET: Continued hacking.

    1, I couldn't find any effects on the still image quality or the black curve form (shot in the default Photo mode) of the following values, all directly under *0x0247* (that is, the back camera entry):

    ChromaNoiseReduction with three key/value pairs

    I also re-tested all the sub-0x0247 parameters I spoke about earlier (NR2Parameters, NR2Parameters_LongShort, NR2Parameters_TMBNR_SIS, NR2Parameters_TMBNR_LongShort - all tested with gammaY; the four values of the SharpnessValue array; VISRenderMethod) - none of them had any effect.

    That is, currently, I don't know how the still camera can be hacked. Note that I also tried to apply the same changes to the CameraSetup.plist file in N66m (the other subdirectory with camera plists, in addition to our N66) - no success.

    2, however, I have some very good news! Yes, I've been able to make the LNR(!!!) in the pano mode significantly lower!

    You'll need to change the following two values under NR2Parameters_Panorama:

    GammaY (default: 0.52): this sets the LNR level - the higher the value, the stronger the LNR. You can safely set it to 0, it'll have the least LNR while still being stable, that is, able to shoot any scene.

    Note: it can be negative but, then, panos shot of dark(er) scenes will be messed up; that is, you'll only be able to shoot panos in good light. And, in my tests, even the lowest possible value (for example, for the brightness level of exactly 8.29, -0.745) couldn't deliver better results than 0.

    GammaC (default: 0.45): this sets the CNR level - the higher the value, the stronger the CNR. As with GammaY, you can safely set it to 0.

    The results are very good in good light. (In very low light, it doesn't help much.)

    This is the default 0.52 / 0.45 case with very strong LNR and CNR (make absolutely sure you do compare these three images to each other!): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/IMG_2100 all default.JPG

    This is the gammaY = 0 case with default (very strong) CNR (0.45): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/IMG_2102 gammaY = 0 .JPG

    And this is the one with the least NR (gammaY = 0 and gammaC = 0) and by far the best detail retention: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/IMG_2101 gammaY = 0 gammaC=0.JPG

    Here's the latest version of my app, which sets these two parameters without any manual setup:


    (Again: you must give the file other write rights before running the app! And, again, it's applicable to the 6s+ only, albeit it should run on other models with very small modification.)

    I've streamlined / cleaned up the code and added the new keys/values I talked about above.

    Continued at 12/12 13:00EET: Today, so far, I've tested the following:

    1, is there indeed any difference in in-motion (true) panos? The shots posted yesterday were taken with a 6s+ strictly fixed (I just tapped the shutter button to start taking the pano and, then, immediately tapped it to stop taking; that is, I didn't move the iPhone in between). Today, I did shoot an about 135 degree pano, focussing(*) on the Christmas hat. The hat was around halfway in the pano and about 3-4 feet from the iPhone.

    *: technically, before starting to take the panos, I pre-focussed on another subject in the same focal plane (same distance from the turning axis) at startup so that I don't need to start with the hat itself. This way, I also avoided the problem of the first frame(s) possibly being of higher quality the in-motion ones, probably being imported from the camera verbatim, not by any kind of averaging / interpolation.

    BTW, why did I choose a Christmas hat? Because it has low-contrast, high-detail texture, which is excellent for noise reduction testing as exactly this (low-contrast, high-detail texture) that noise reduction algorithms blur away.

    The results are satisfying: the difference is certainly visible in true panos, not only static ones like the ones posted yesterday. Let me show you two lower-light, low-constrast crops certainly demonstrating this:

    Default configuration: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/122015/20151212hat-in-motion-default.jpg

    GammaY = GammaC = 0 (the ones recommended yesterday): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81986513/122015/20151212hat-in-motion-gammas-zero.jpg

    Pay particular attention to the upper half of the hat - the difference in content resolving is obvious.

    2, I played with additional hacks to my yesterday's GammaY = 0 and GammaC = 0 recommendations. I tried decreasing all the values of all the LumaDenoiseStrength arrays of all the four bands.

    As opposed to the original GammaY = 0.52, GammaC = 0.45 case (where a constant of 0.15 or a divider of 40 worked for most brightness setups), I needed to use much higher values to avoid completely messed-up scenes. With divider, the highest value (resulting in the lowest array element values) was 9. (10 has already caused messed-up images.) The code configuring this:

    allDivider_4th_band= allDivider_3rd_band= allDivider_1st_band= allDivider= 9;

    As opposed to the original GammaY = 0.52, GammaC = 0.45 vs. hacked GammaY = 0, GammaC = 0 case I spoken of above, I couldn't find any differences between the images with the original and the this way hacked LumaDenoiseStrength arrays. Just compare the following in-motion panorama crop of exactly the same subject (the hat):


    That is, it seems it's absolutely futile to try to hack these LumaDenoiseStrength arrays now, with the yesterday-recommended GammaY = 0, GammaC = 0 hacks.

    (Note that I've shot several other panos for testing with the same setup. The results were exactly the same; that is, the differences are not simply sample variance / luck / difference in focussing etc.)

    3, I've also directly compared the TIFF output of one of the TIFF-capable camera apps, Camera+. In a nutshell: they are as noise reduced as stock JPEG's and just can't get rid of the NR. See http://forums.macrumors.com/threads...pect-of-camera-s-645-pros-tiff-files.1944202/ for more info (along with test shots of the same hat).

    Continued at 12/12 14:00EET: I've remade my tests with TuningParameters>NoiseReductionMethod in the N66 directory with an otherwise fully intact plist (no other hacks were applied). Just add the following code snippet to my code to remake them if you want:

    int NoiseReductionMethod = 3;
    //NoiseReductionMethod = -9999;
    NSLog(@"NoiseReductionMethod: %@", [tuningParameters_1st objectForKey: @"NoiseReductionMethod"]);
    [tuningParameters_1st setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:NoiseReductionMethod] forKey: @"NoiseReductionMethod"];

    I've tested all integers between -1 and 5 (inclusive) and also -9999.

    In stills, I couldn't spot any difference. In panos, only 2 and 3 worked: all other values produced a fully messed-up, useless image. There was absolutely no difference between method 2 and 3.

    I've re-run the same tests with the same file in the N66m folder. Absolutely no differences. The pano mode surely doesn't use this file at all as setting the gammas to zero here didn't have any effect on the NR in the pano mode, unlike with the N66 file. That is, it seems nothing uses this file.

    Continued at 12/12 22:40EET: I posted some remarks on AVCaptureSession.plist, that is, the plist setting some of the video recording parameters, to #44

    Continued at 12/15 17:40EET: I posted some additional real-world pano comparisons
    to #49 and #50

    Continued at 12/23 01:40EET: well-lit pano comparisons at #57
  22. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    Wow this is amazing news to hear! And if anyone can make progress on this, it's Menneisyys.
  23. Menneisyys2
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    macrumors 603

    Jun 7, 2011
    Thanks! Just posted my latest findings. Now it has become much easier to experiment - I've managed to find the single array in charge of the pano LNR. Feel free to post your results here if you also start hacking.
  24. kalirob99
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    macrumors 65816


    Dec 24, 2008
    I will! I'm on iOS 8.4 on my 6+ still, so hope it hasn't changed much. Any specifics settings you suggest? I'll try and take test shots before and after.

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