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Meagan Good Address Christian Critics of Her Wardrobe…Again

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  • Meagan Good’s back and forth with Christians who feel her wardrobe is too sexy shows no sign of resolution as Good once again finds herself addressing those who won’t let it go.

    The situation that reignited discussion about Good’s choice of clothing occurred last month when she caught flack during a panel about love and abstinence at a church in Los Angeles.

    In response, the 34-year-old actress opened up to Essence regarding the event, which featured her husband, DeVon Franklin, defending her after an unidentified woman suggested she should “cover up” more when making public appearances.

    "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" UK Premiere - Arrivals"Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" UK Premiere - Arrivals

    03/09/2016 - DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good - "Miracles From Heaven" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals - ArcLight Hollywood Cinemas, 6360 Sunset Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA, USA - Keywords: Vertical, Portrait, Photography, Person, People, Celebrity, Celebrities, Red Carpet Event, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Bestof, Topix, Columbia Pictures, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures, Los Angeles, California Orientation: Portrait Face Count: 1 - False - Photo Credit: PRPhotos.com - Contact (1-866-551-7827) - Portrait Face Count: 103/09/2016 - DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good - "Miracles From Heaven" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals - ArcLight Hollywood Cinemas, 6360 Sunset Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA, USA - Keywords: Vertical, Portrait, Photography, Person, People, Celebrity, Celebrities, Red Carpet Event, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Bestof, Topix, Columbia Pictures, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures, Los Angeles, California Orientation: Portrait Face Count: 1 - False - Photo Credit: PRPhotos.com - Contact (1-866-551-7827) - Portrait Face Count: 1

    “When my husband said that I’m going to ‘wear what I want to wear in the name of Jesus,’ he meant that it is between me and Jesus,” Good said. “While I don’t believe she had ill intent, I can’t believe God would tell someone to publicly humiliate another person. I believe if God told her to share something with me, he also would’ve given her the wisdom to do so, and I don’t think her approach reflected that. But, nevertheless, I have nothing but love for her.”

    The church event isn’t the first time Good has been slammed for her attire. In 2013, criticism rained on the actress for wearing a revealing gown with a plunging neckline and a high slit to the BET Awards. At the time, Good was on hand to present the Best Gospel Artist award at the annual show.


    2013 BET Awards - Backstage Winner's Room2013 BET Awards - Backstage Winner's Room

    During her interview with Essence, Good offered her theory on the criticism, saying that some Christians are focusing on her appearance in an attempt to “discredit” her and her husband’s message around abstinence.

    “The crazy thing is how backwards some of us can be as Christians,” Good stated. “Hubby and I are doing all we can to go out into the world with a God-given message in an area that many of us secretly struggle with, and some others have attempted to discredit a much needed cultural conversation and reduce it to a wardrobe choice… A choice that is and always will remain between me and God.”

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    (Photo Source: PR Photos)

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    19 thoughts on “Meagan Good Address Christian Critics of Her Wardrobe…Again

    1. Can’t judge her, but this book will be opened before her one day. As God will avenge all souls that have bn lost to hell in lusting after her.
      1 Corinthians: 8. 9. But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. 10. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol’s temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; 11. And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12. But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. 13. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

    2. He/she without sin, let him/her cast the first stone. People need to stop judging people. I understand that she is a minister’s wife, but who are we to judge. You want to know the reason why we covered up, it because of sin in the first place. If Eve didn’t sin against God, we wouldn’t have to be covering up, we all would be walking this earth Naked!!

    3. I suggest that they buy you some clothes that they think are fit for you to wear as a Christian…if they can’t do that then they ALL need to KICK ROCKS!!!!!!!

    4. She may be a Christian. She may be a wife. However, first and foremost, she’s an entertainer. She knows what side her bread is buttered on and so does hubby. If she wants to stay relevant and be able to compete in the industry, they both know she can’t go walking around covered up . See where it got Janet Jackson don’t you? The only difference is JJ is married to a gazillionaire. This one here is playing the preacher and sexpot juxtaposition for all it’s worth. She may as well be a marketing tool. Save your breath Christian protesters. Miss than ain’t about to cover up nuttin’. And hubby wouldn’t have it any other way. They gotta’ eat don’t they?

    5. Mannnn, fuck it, she a Sexxy Ass Christian. Say something about Mary Mary, stuffing themselves in them jeans, where you left wondering if that’s a cameltoe, or thigh meat overlapping. Leave Megan Good, da’ fuck alone. God Judge, not us. Half you Hoes from different area codes in clubs on Saturday, and wearing the same shit on Sunday morning in church…didn’t even make it home. So, Do you Megan, and fuck dees hoes

    6. “Judge NOT, lest you be judged”…..Sometimes Christians focus on the most trivial of things. No matter how you feel about the ways she dresses, you DO NOT have a Heaven or Hell to put her in.
      With that being said, I return you back to your regular scheduled program.

    7. Let’s put this in perspective:

      She should understand that her body is a temple (see 1 Corinthians 3:16) and that she has a responsibility to care for, protect, and properly clothe it. As Christ’s representatives, we show respect for our body “at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9) by agreeing to abide by certain standards. The Lord requires that only those who are clean may enter the temple. Your choice to be virtuous is evidence of your respect for the Lord and your physical body. We should also show respect for others’ bodies and help them live virtuous lives by being exemplary Christians. Spreading the word doesn’t do anything if your actions do not line up. Young women need to understand that when they wear clothing that is too tight, too short, or too low cut, they not only can send the wrong message to young men with whom they associate, but they also perpetuate in their own minds the fallacy that a woman’s value is dependent solely upon her sensual appeal. This never has been nor will it ever be within the righteous definition of a faithful daughter of God.

      Yes, the bible say come as you are but it’s also for you to change who you are. If you were to stay the same, why come. In all things, you should seek the perfection of God. Do you think God would show up to your door with his penis almost about to be seen? Really? Be in the world but not of it!

    8. The Bible says for a woman to dress modest. There is nothing modest about her apparel.

      There are a lot of people carrying Bibles and it’s evident they are not studying and reading, because if they were no one would have to address her trashy apparel and there would not be all these man made churches.

      • Jesus said if a man looks on a woman with lust in his heart he has already committed adultery. She is causing a lot of men to stumble. And if you cause others to stumble, the bible says it would be better if a millstone was tied around your neck and you were tossed in the ocean. Everybody repping Christ but don’t know what he said.

    9. I love Meagan’s work and she’s a lovely woman. She’s exmplifying what we all struggle with and that is with “the flesh”. We all struggle with relevance and recognition issues and it’s hard to overcome those fleshly desires. .Showing our body is a way to make us feel edgy and provocative amongst our brothers and sisters, but that’s not Christ like. The Bible says cursed is the man that trusts in man. We need to take our eyes off our self and each other. We need to focus on Christ and reflect his light. Come on Christians let’s pray and fight to get over ourselves because this fight for relevance and recognition is demon inspired. The fight is real saints! God Bless Megan and DeVon and God Bless us all.

    10. v❥━━━————–❥home job for Every one❥—————-━━━❥
      I’ve made $76,000 so far this year working online and I’m a full time student. Im using an online business opportunity I heard about and I’ve made such great money. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it….!!
      Heres what I do ——->
      ➤➤➤➤➤➤ …Special-Work-At-Home…

    11. It’s not a sin to dress provocative, but it is distracting. She can be sexy without showing too much of her breast. I actually like the black gown. It is sexy, but it does leave something to the imagination.

    12. I really do not know why people are fretting over this couple, because he’s not following scriptures. He going to hell and taking a lot of folks with him. The Bible teaches
      1 Faith
      1 Baptism
      Christ Said upon this Rock I will build my Church, which is the Church of Christ!!!!
      Mathew 16:18
      Romans 16:16

    13. There’s only two things Jesus says we must do that’s pleasing to God, (1) Love him with all your heart and soul and (2) Love your neighbors as you love yourself. If we did those two things without fail, this world would be a much better place to live.

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