Blind date: ‘I used the wrong fork for the starter and dropped my knife’

Does a Sunday afternoon on the town help Zak and Mimi hit it off?

Blind date couple Zak and Mimi
Mimi and Zak. Photograph: Sarah Lee, Antonio Olmos for the Guardian

Zak on Mimi

What were you hoping for?
A pleasant Sunday, and maybe a long-term partner.

First impressions?
Quite tall and a nice smile.

What did you talk about?
Lush (the shop), key lime pie with baked beans, glitter.

Any awkward moments?
I didn’t feel any.

Good table manners?
I used the wrong fork for the starter and dropped my knife. Hers were brilliant.

Best thing about Mimi?
She has a great laugh.

Would you introduce her to your friends?

Describe Mimi in three words
Charismatic, energetic, fast-eater (which is great).

What do you think she made of you?

Did you go on somewhere?
Nope, I went to Lush because it was nearly closing time.

And... did you kiss?
Only on the cheek.

If you could change one thing about the date, what would it be?
I probably should have asked more questions.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
I’d like to: we exchanged phone numbers.

Mimi on Zak

What were you hoping for?
A sexy, funny, confident man.

First impressions?
Very smart, good-looking, a lot of piercings.

What did you talk about?
His love of Lush, glitter and food: some of his combos were a bit strange.

Any awkward moments?
Maybe when I heard about the key lime pie/baked beans.

Good table manners?
They were OK. I was looking at his food a lot – I had food envy.

Best thing about Zak?
He was very well dressed.

Would you introduce him to your friends?

Describe Zak in three words
Smart, eccentric, arty.

What do you think he made of you?
He might have thought I have a weird, very loud laugh.

Did you go on somewhere?

And... did you kiss?

If you could change one thing about the date, what would it be?
I’d have had the food he had. And talked less about Lush.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
No, I don’t think so – there wasn’t much of a spark.

Zak and Mimi ate at the Perrier-Jouët Modern Mayfair Garden at Le Caprice, London SW1.

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