Supergirl and The Flash Become Fast Friends in First Crossover Promo"/>   »   [go: up one dir, main page]

Supergirl and The Flash Become Fast Friends in First Crossover Promo

While Superman and Batman pummel each other at the multiplex, TV’s Supergirl will be enjoying a light and friendly rivalry with her new superfriend, The Flash, as seen in the first full promo for next Monday’s crossover episode.

As previously reported, The Flash (played by the CW series’ star, Grant Gustin) will arrive on Supergirl’s turf from an alternate universe and, in exchange for a way home, helps her battle not one but two adversaries: Silver Banshee (the alter ego of Cat Grant’s assistant, Siobhan Smythe, played by Chasing Life‘s Italia Ricci) and returning baddie Livewire (True Blood‘s Brit Morgan).

“It is the most joyous occasion to have these two superheroes together in the same place, at the same time, working together,” Supergirl‘s Melissa Benoist recently shared. “They are both so happy with their powers and what they get to do and how they get to help people, that it’s kind of infectious and exciting and upbeat and happy.”

Indeed, that bubbly dynamic is on display in the above promo, as the two enjoy a “foot race” or two and psych each other up for a two-on-two heroes-vs.-villains showdown.

Watch the promo above and share your anticipation for the super team-up.

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  1. AJJJ says:

    Will only be watching for The Flash

  2. katie says:

    I am almost irrationally excited for this episode! Barry and Kara are going to be amazing and absolutely adorable together. I know it’s a long shot but I’d love for there to be even more episodes like this.

  3. Mr. Tran K says:

    This is going to be an AWESOME episode next week. Barry Allen/The Flash is coming to National City.

  4. Phoenix5634 says:

    This episode is going to be so much fun haha I can’t wait. This trailer is awesome lol. Love the race scenes. There’s definitely chemistry between those two #SuperFlash

    • Radha says:

      Chemistry huh? Sure.

      • Phoenix5634 says:

        Whether it be friend chemistry or something more, they are clearly having fun together. And as a viewer I find it fun to watch as well based on this trailer.

        • Nichole says:

          I agree, it looks like a fun episode and the two stars have great chemistry between them. Some people just have to complain about something. SMDH

          • Phoenix5634 says:

            I know right, I don’t know what trailer he watched if he didn’t see any kind of chemistry between them.

  5. Mo says:

    I was looking forward to this, but this emphasis on the rivalry makes for bland tv. Hopefully it’s just the trailer.

    • Phoenix5634 says:

      Rivalry ? It’s a fun race, just messing around and testing each other, having fun while doing it.

    • Sarah says:

      Seems like every single interview emphasized that this in fact would NOT be a rivalry but rather an instant friendship. Believe the race is purely for fun.

  6. GraceM says:

    I’m so excited, I just can’t fight it!!!!! And the rest of the words to that song!

  7. Jewels says:

    They’re both so adorkable…but I’m a little bummed it’s not “our Earth’s Flash.” (If that’s what all this means…). BUT…any chance for crossovers between all the shows? I’ll be happy and watch.

    • Phoenix5634 says:

      Stephen Amell asked the president of the network about a possibility of a 3 or 4 way cross over in the future, and he got an answer he couldn’t talk about, so take that as you will, but yeah pretty much I’m guessing it’ll happen eventually. I think that’d be epic, a crossover starting Monday or Tuesday and going til Thursday would be amazing.

    • John NYC says:

      OR it’s not “our Earth’s Cat Grant” and I’m sort of okay with that. Lol.

  8. Fido says:

    Has me wondering if the makers of all 4 shows will bring out a direct-to-dvd movie that involves ALL of the heroes from all the series. Methinks it would sell my the bucket load. :)

  9. Phoenix5634 says:

    *cough* tachyon device *cough*
    Hey what’s that on Barrys suit ?
