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Viewed this at Tiff 2011 Midnight Madness, 7 October 2015

And all I can say is that it was madness. Not sure if any other reviewed was at the same showing but they actually had to call the ambulance because a few girls passed out and were hyperventilating. Lets just say it was pretty gory. The plot itself was pretty basic. A couple of young musicians work in the cafeteria to make ends meet. Bad storm results in a power outage. Then all the inmates are running amok since the doors are opened due to the lack of power. Total mayhem ensures. I enjoyed it. The story like I said was pretty basic, with a few twists here and their along with some suspense. I gave it a 7 because I like the mayhem. It made me feel like that's what would happen under those same circumstances. I am sure you will enjoy this film just don't watch it if you have a weak stomach, or after eating a big meal lol

0 out of 3 people found the following review useful:
Great Documentary (unauthorized), 24 September 2015

In this movie Nick Broomfield tells an interesting story. Actually I was at the showing at TIFF where he had to dodge banana peels to get into the theatre. It was interesting as he travelled around Alaska her friends and family wanted to talk with him, seeking fame and fortune, or so it appears. At one point we see what happens when Sarah's people figure out what is going on. He made a number of attempts to let her tell her side of the story, but judging by the way she has been portrayed by the media it is easy to assume she would not make an appearance. Even after saying that she will be talking to him.

It is an very different perspective from our goof friend Michael Moore in that Nick is less confrontational in his approach. It is also very scary to imagine that so many people supported her at one point and to some degree still do. How disillusioned are they with politics and the democratic process that they have decided to pit their faith and hope in her hands. This that are presented in this movie are very disturbing and make me wonder if she could have ever got away with half the things she did in places like California, New York or Massachusetts.

See for yourself after yourself, but I can assure you. After seeing Sarah Palin: You Betcha. You wont be the same.

Not much information on this movie, but it is worth watching., 24 September 2015

I feel personally connected to some degree to this story. I travel frequently to Houston, Texas. The year that Hurricane Katrina hit I was in Houston for a day. the airport was a mess, and I noticed while I was delayed that all the local hotels were booked up. As I sat in the lobby watching the footage of the Louisiana Super dome roof getting ripped off by mother nature I could not help to notice that everybody I was talking too from New Orleans was White. When I finally caught my flight we actually flew right over the Hurricane and I still remember to this day how big it was, and how frightening it looked from 20,000 ft up. I had an eerie feeling that this was going to be bad. By the time I landed in Toronto the number of casualties had started to grown, and the levies had broken. I returned to Houston not a month later and by now we had seen the devastation caused by the storm. On this trip the focus had shifted from the Super dome to the Astro dome. On a recent trip back to Houston I was actually caught up in the middle of a tropical storm and I can assure you even though it was nothing like Katrina it was a very scary sight indeed.

Now the movie, I'm Carolyne Parker: The Good, The Mad, and the Beautiful. Is an incredible tale of survival and on how some people are able to succeed even when they are down. It is a story about community and faith helping people get through the most difficult times. It is a story that allows us to see that the glass isn't always half empty but rather half full. One day I intend to travel to New Orleans and on my journey I hope to meet Carolyn Parker. A women who should be an inspiration to all of us.

The footage was newsworthy, and the camera work and interviewing was perfect. I enjoyed this movie immensely and look forward to seeing it again very soon. If you remember this sad time in American history like I do then you will watch this movie and think. How. how could these events take place in the most advanced nation in the world and with such devastating effects. But at the same time you will also say, how could people who appear to have nothing, and lost everything continue to go on, and not only that but have the will to fight.

Best movie in a long time, 22 September 2015

The day I viewed this movie was the same day that it was announced that this film would be the Lebanese nomination for the Oscar for the Best Foreign Film. I even the the pleasure to be sitting right next to the Director and leading actress Nadine Labaki. I personally told her that she made a very beautiful movie, dealing with difficult topics in today's world. It is a very well written script. And the acting was fabulous even though most of the actors were amateurs. I have seen the movie a number of times since that day and every time I enjoy it as much as the first time. I did recommend it to all of my friends and family and to anybody else I can suggest it too. This is one of the best films I have ever seen and probably the best in a long time. This movie made us laugh out loud and cry at times. But everything works together well and it shows with the finished product that is as close to perfection as you can get on the big screen.

One incredible movie., 21 September 2015

If you like action, then this is the movie for you. It is nonstop action. The story is not the greatest but come on, I didn't go to watch the story. What I did go to see was a lot of action and excitement. And I can assure you I wan not disappointed. Neither were the other thousand people watching it with me. The movie was a world premier and I have told everybody i know who enjoys these types of movies to watch it. A few people who have seen it based on my recommendation have loved it as much as I did. When you watch it make sure you are alert and in the mood to be and prepared to be sitting on the edge of your seat. I guarantee you will be raving about the raid after you see it.

Elles (2011)
Not true to life but enjoyable nevertheless., 21 September 2015

Juliette Binoche was great in this role. I remember when she came out at the end of the movie and spoke to the crowd. I was lucky enough to be near the front of the theatre.All I can say is Juliette is one classy lady. She spoke about her role with a lot of eloquence. She explained how the movie was in a funny way empowering women. Since the girls she was interviewing were all acting on there own. They were taking charge of there lives and by working as prostitutes they had the freedom to do other things. This movie does have a very serious undertone, and manages to give us a few laughs. But overall the message isn't lost. Interesting story, nicely written, and acted to perfection. This is a thought provoking film that makes you think without making you sit through a documentary.

Nuit #1 (2011)
A film focused on dialogue., 19 September 2015

This movie was very engaging. It focuses on the dialogue between two people. It is very intelligent, shot well with a great script. The music helps to tie everything together. I think it would be a great date night film with your significant other. This movie also proves that a film does not need to have a big budget and lots of special effects to work. This one works great with limited resources and it still seems to work. The whole theater was impressed and so was I. Check it out on a rainy night when you and your partner are looking for something to watch that isn't too engaging but yet tells a beautiful story.

Girl Model (2011)
Interesting documentary., 19 September 2015

This movie gives us an interesting perspective of the modeling industry. Troubling as it may be sometimes the truth needs to be told. Like was mentioned earlier back home the families think that they are going to be well off and get pulled out of poverty but in reality the odds are against them. And the girls are lonely and not any better off after traveling to these modeling gigs. I think most people already know the things that are presented to us in this documentary but I think once we see it on the big screen it a little harder to ignore. Great movie to see for young girls and anybody who it involved in the fashion industry.

7 out of 10 people found the following review useful:
I liked the story,, 19 September 2015

I like Susan and Rose in this movie. In addition all the supporting cast was great. The script was well written, and the scenes were shot very well in order to tell the story. The music was also very complimentary to the narration. I also enjoyed recognizing a few locations from my numerous trips to Los Angeles. The Malibu Pier, and the Mall at Glendale were my favorites. I guarantee you will laugh, and maybe even cry a little. This is a must see movie for mothers and daughters. It might even help you with your relationship if you listen and pay attention. I will recommend this to my fiends and especially to the ladies and some mothers.

4 out of 12 people found the following review useful:
I am a sucker for Japanese films., 19 September 2015

This was not the best film I have ever seen. An I agree with the other reviewer that it was a little abstract. The Frog man was something out of the ordinary. As the Director told the crowd after the movie. He had some time, and money and decided to make this movie. It is probably not your usual run of the mill Japanese fight movies, but he wanted to make something different. And he definitely did that. Prepare to be shocked when you see this film because I can assure you it is probably not what you expected but sometimes it is good to mix things up a little. It might work for some people. For me it was barely acceptable. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. I will agree that something unique was made and I suppose if you are into the genre of films. Watch it and see how you feel about it.

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