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Gaza: Make or break

Ahmed Eleiba reports on how Hamas has painted itself into a corner

Gaza: Make or break

EU resolution provokes ire

The Giulio Regeni case continues to shine a light on the state of human rights in Egypt, reports Doaa El-Bey

EU resolution  provokes ire

A costly slip of the tongue

The justice minister has been dismissed after making a comment considered by many to have been blasphemous, reports Ahmed Hamdi

A costly slip of the tongue

Forging coalitions

Parliamentary battle lines are being drawn, with four coalitions of MPs likely to emerge, writes Gamal Essam El-Din

Forging coalitions

Reconciliation no longer taboo?

The reception of Saadeddin Ibrahim’s initiative for reconciliation with the banned Muslim Brotherhood reveals that times are changing, writes Amira Howeidy

Reconciliation no longer taboo?

The Muslim Brotherhood: Falling apart at the seams

At home and abroad, the Muslim Brotherhood is on the verge of collapse, writes Amany Maged

In search of consensus

Libya’s national-accord government is still awaiting a vote of confidence from the Tobruk House of Representatives, writes Kamel Abdallah

In search of consensus

Impacts of the Russian withdrawal

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement this week has given rise to a wave of speculation, writes Camelia Entekhabifard in Geneva

Impacts of the Russian withdrawal

Iraq’s Shia power struggle

As Iraqi Shia leader Muqtada Al-Sadr ratchets up the rhetoric, a face-off between Iraq’s Shia ruling cliques is looming large, writes Salah Nasrawi

Iraq’s Shia power struggle

Commentary: Privatising Egyptian policy

Saadeddin Ibrahim’s recent initiative on reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood is a good example of how personal projects should not ignore popular sentiment, writes Ahmed Youssef Ahmed

Doctors won’t give up

Doctors won’t give up

Doctors protested in front of their syndicate’s headquarters against police brutality, reports Reem Leila

A fare deal?

A fare deal?

The government will legalise the status of car services Uber and Careem, reports Reem Leila

Commentary:Enhancing North Thunder

Commentary:Enhancing North Thunder

The unprecedented joint military manoeuvres in Saudi Arabia belie the dangers that strategic planners say threaten Arab national security. One of those not addressed is intra-coalition disunity, writes Abdel-Moneim Said

Commentary:War by other means

Commentary:War by other means

What were the true objectives behind Saudi Arabia’s recently concluded North Thunder military exercises, asks Emad Awwad

ECONOMY Levelling with the dollar

Levelling with the dollar

This week’s sudden devaluation of the Egyptian pound signals a new way of managing the exchange rate, reports Niveen Wahish

The dollar for dummies

The dollar for dummies

Compiled by Sherine Abdel-Razek

Egypt’s dwindling foreign currency resources

Egypt’s dwindling foreign currency resources

Compiled by Nesma Nowar, Stefan Weichert & Mona El-Fiqi

WORLD Abul-Gheit confirmed,  but just

Abul-Gheit confirmed, but just

The assignment of the post of Arab League chief to Egypt’s former foreign minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit highlights changes in Egyptian-Saudi relations, reports Dina Ezzat

Will Lebanon resolve its garbage crisis?

Will Lebanon resolve its garbage crisis?

A new plan to resolve Lebanon’s garbage crisis may have a chance of success, despite facing obstacles, because it mirrors the sectarian system that is in part responsible for the crisis, writes Hassan Al-Qishawy in Beirut

Back channels in Yemen

Preparations are underway for Yemeni-Saudi talks as a step towards ending the war in Yemen, writes Ahmed Eleiba

Kizilay bombing sparks anger

Kizilay bombing sparks anger

Criticism of the Erdogan regime is growing after Sunday’s terror attack in Ankara, writes Sayed Abdel-Meguid

Whatever happened  to Turkey’s democracy?

Whatever happened to Turkey’s democracy?

With the seizure of Turkey’s bestselling newspaper Zaman, Turkish democracy is falling victim to the success of the Erdogan revolution, writes Alev Yaman

Russia withdraws from Syria

Russia withdraws from Syria

As the Geneva Conference on Syria resumed this week, the sudden Russian decision to withdraw its troops has radically changed calculations on the country’s future, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus

The liberation of Taiz

The liberation of Taiz

The city of Taiz, long occupied by Houthi rebel forces, was liberated by Yemeni government forces this week, writes Ahmed Eleiba

Dos Santos to exit after four decades in power

The announcement by Angola’s José Eduardo dos Santos that he will retire from politics in 2018 raises questions about the oil-rich country’s future, writes Haytham Nuri

SPORTS Top is tripped

Top is tripped

Three Egyptian teams won their African club openers while the best had to settle for a draw, Abeer Anwar reports

LIVING Speaking and spelling

Speaking and spelling

Gamal Nkrumah explores human communication through the life of a young man with a speech impediment


The bankruptcy of US Syria policy

The Plan B episode shows another moment of failed US policy-making on the Syrian crisis, revealing the now-familiar pattern of deep divisions, writes Gareth Porter


Arab media and civil society

There is a deficit in how Arab media treats, and perhaps understands, civil society, which directly impacts the capacity of civil society to play an effective role, writes Awatef Abdel-Rahman


A chaotic ‘American Spring’

Calling Donald Trump, a contender for the US presidency, a fascist is vindicated by the definition of the term, writes Yassin El-Ayouty


Decoding Iran’s elections

The revival of Iran’s reform movement is part of a Tehran backlash against the eight years of humiliation suffered under former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, writes Shahir Shahidsaless


The rise of nations

A new book provides answers to the challenges of Egypt’s economic development, writes Sayed Moawad


Sinai society: The Bedouin epicentre

Traditionally, variations between Bedouin tribes have been ignored in policymaking, to the detriment of an integrated approach to security and development, writes Ahmed Shams


Arab League at the brink

Arab states will not be able to establish effective institutions at the regional level until they first succeed in building democratic institutions at the local and national levels, writes Hassan Nafaa


The Times ‘whitewashes’ Israel poll

Not for the first time, The New York Times appears uncomfortable when ugly facts appear about how Israelis think, writes James Zogby


Reaffirming Egyptian-Saudi ties

Despite recent tensions, the Cairo-Riyadh alliance remains a lynchpin of the Arab regional order, writes Hussein Haridy


An antidote to despair

Nehad Selaiha marvels at how art can transform the bleakest of visions into exhilarating, empowering experiences

Dilwali does it

Bollywood is setting sail for the  skies, flying off to ever more exotic destinations, so why does Egypt not attract the Indian directors even though Indian cinema has a huge following in Egypt, asks Gamal Nkrumah

Hit the ground

Erminia Kamel tells Ati Metwaly about the Cairo Opera Ballet Company’s rising international profile

History’s forgotten chapters

Mohamed El Mansi Kandil, Black Battalion, Dar El-Sherouk, 2015, reviewed by Nazek Fahmy

Boat discovery sheds light

Boat discovery sheds light

A recently discovered 4,500-year-old non-royal boat in the Abusir necropolis is shedding new light on watercraft construction in ancient Egypt, reports Nevine El-Aref

Important documents found

Important documents found

A cache of important Egyptian heritage documents has been discovered in the Cairo district of Abbasiya


Dance like an Egyptian

The history of belly dancing in Egypt is a bittersweet tale of grace, centuries-old choreography, creative improvisation and some prejudice, writes Gamal Nkrumah

Press review


Compiled by Doaa El-Bey