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Big hand for the Samyang 12mm (Northern Ireland shots)

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Marcus Beard
Senior MemberPosts: 1,132Gear list
Big hand for the Samyang 12mm (Northern Ireland shots)
3 days ago

I'm back from a cracking weekend with a buddy in Antrim, Northern Ireland doing some shooting with our Fuji kit. My absolute 'leave on' lens was the Samyang 12mm with which I use my Lee Filters (Big Stopper, Polarizer and 3 stop hard grad).

Those of you considering a wide landscape lens may want to consider this as a cheaper alternative to the Fuji wides. I am absolutely not suggesting that the Samyang out performs any of the Fuji lenses (I have the 23, 35, 56 and know they are wonderful, sharp, and very high quality lenses) - simply that the Samyang might be worthy of consideration and is inexpensive. It is sharp corner to corner and the fact that it is manual focus is absolutely a non-issue for wide landscape work. In fact for 95% of shots I left it at F8 and infinity focus. It works bflawlessly with filters too (in fact I used filters in 95% of the shots I took this weekend).

Here are some sample shots with the Samyang and Fuji X-T10 here (sorry for the links - can't work out how to show the photo in here from my Squarespace site)

Giant's Causeway

Dunseverick Waterfall

Dunluce Castle at Sunset

Kindane Castle

Kindane Castle

Beach near Ballintoy

Fuller set of shots here - note some are not Samyang 12mm


Any questions about the lens - please drop me a line.




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