Genomes & Maps



A database providing information on the structure of assembled genomes, assembly names and other meta-data, statistical reports, and links to genomic sequence data.

A collection of genomics, functional genomics, and genetics studies and links to their resulting datasets. This resource describes project scope, material, and objectives and provides a mechanism to retrieve datasets that are often difficult to find due to inconsistent annotation, multiple independent submissions, and the varied nature of diverse data types which are often stored in different databases.

CloneDB (formerly Clone Registry)

A database that integrates information about clones and libraries, including sequence data, map positions and distributor information.

Database of Genome Survey Sequences (dbGSS)

A division of GenBank that contains short single-pass reads of genomic DNA. dbGSS can be searched directly through the Nucleotide GSS Database.

The dbVar database has been developed to archive information associated with large scale genomic variation, including large insertions, deletions, translocations and inversions. In addition to archiving variation discovery, dbVar also stores associations of defined variants with phenotype information.


This resource enables users to explore and visualize richly-annotated epigenomics datasets. It provides a unique interface to search and navigate epigenomic data in the context of biological sample information, as well as tools to select, download and view multiple sets of epigenomic data as tracks on genome browsers.

Contains sequence and map data from the whole genomes of over 1000 organisms. The genomes represent both completely sequenced organisms and those for which sequencing is in progress. All three main domains of life (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota) are represented, as well as many viruses, phages, viroids, plasmids, and organelles.

Genome Reference Consortium (GRC)

The Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) maintains responsibility for the human and mouse reference genomes. Members consist of The Genome Center at Washington University, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The GRC works to correct misrepresented loci and to close remaining assembly gaps. In addition, the GRC seeks to provide alternate assemblies for complex or structurally variant genomic loci. At the GRC website (, the public can view genomic regions currently under review, report genome-related problems and contact the GRC.

HIV-1, Human Protein Interaction Database

A database of known interactions of HIV-1 proteins with proteins from human hosts. It provides annotated bibliographies of published reports of protein interactions, with links to the corresponding PubMed records and sequence data.

Influenza Virus

A compilation of data from the NIAID Influenza Genome Sequencing Project and GenBank.  It provides tools for flu sequence analysis, annotation and submission to GenBank. This resource also has links to other flu sequence resources, and publications and general information about flu viruses.

NCBI Pathogen Detection Project

A project involving the collection and analysis of bacterial pathogen genomic sequences originating from food, environmental and patient isolates. Currently, an automated pipeline clusters and identifies sequences supplied primarily by public health laboratories to assist in the investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks and discover potential sources of food contamination.

A collection of nucleotide sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, the Third Party Annotation (TPA) database, and PDB. Searching the Nucleotide Database will yield available results from each of its component databases.

Database of related DNA sequences that originate from comparative studies: phylogenetic, population, environmental and, to a lesser degree, mutational. Each record in the database is a set of DNA sequences. For example, a population set provides information on genetic variation within an organism, while a phylogenetic set may contain sequences, and their alignment, of a single gene obtained from several related organisms.


A public registry of nucleic acid reagents designed for use in a wide variety of biomedical research applications, together with information on reagent distributors, probe effectiveness, and computed sequence similarities.

Retrovirus Resources

A collection of resources specifically designed to support the research of retroviruses, including a genotyping tool that uses the BLAST algorithm to identify the genotype of a query sequence; an alignment tool for global alignment of multiple sequences; an HIV-1 automatic sequence annotation tool; and annotated maps of numerous retroviruses viewable in GenBank, FASTA, and graphic formats, with links to associated sequence records.


A summary of data for the SARS coronavirus (CoV), including links to the most recent sequence data and publications, links to other SARS related resources, and a pre-computed alignment of genome sequences from various isolates.

The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) stores sequencing data from the next generation of sequencing platforms including Roche 454 GS System®, Illumina Genome Analyzer®, Life Technologies AB SOLiD System®, Helicos Biosciences Heliscope®, Complete Genomics®, and Pacific Biosciences SMRT®.

A repository of DNA sequence chromatograms (traces), base calls, and quality estimates for single-pass reads from various large-scale sequencing projects.

Viral Genomes

A wide range of resources, including a brief summary of the biology of viruses, links to viral genome sequences in Entrez Genome, and information about viral Reference Sequences, a collection of reference sequences for thousands of viral genomes.

Virus Variation

An extension of the Influenza Virus Resource to other organisms, providing an interface to download sequence sets of selected viruses, analysis tools, including virus-specific BLAST pages, and genome annotation pipelines.


FTP: Genome

This site contains genome sequence and mapping data for organisms in Entrez Genome. The data are organized in directories for single species or groups of species. Mapping data are collected in the directory MapView and are organized by species. See the README file in the root directory and the README files in the species subdirectories for detailed information.

FTP: Genome Mapping Data

Contains directories for each genome that include available mapping data for current and previous builds of that genome.

FTP: RefSeq

This site contains all nucleotide and protein sequence records in the Reference Sequence (RefSeq) collection. The ""release"" directory contains the most current release of the complete collection, while data for selected organisms (such as human, mouse and rat) are available in separate directories. Data are available in FASTA and flat file formats. See the README file for details.

FTP: SKY/M-Fish and CGH Data

This site contains SKY-CGH data in ASN.1, XML and EasySKYCGH formats. See the skycghreadme.txt file for more information.

FTP: Sequence Read Archive (SRA) Download Facility

This site contains next-generation sequencing data organized by the submitted sequencing project.

FTP: Trace Archive

This site contains the trace chromatogram data organized by species. Data include chromatogram, quality scores, FASTA sequences from automatic base calls, and other ancillary information in tab-delimited text as well as XML formats. See the README file for details.

FTP: Whole Genome Shotgun Sequences

This site contains whole genome shotgun sequence data organized by the 4-digit project code. Data include GenBank and GenPept flat files, quality scores and summary statistics. See the README.genbank.wgs file for more information.


BioProject Submission

An online form that provides an interface for researchers, consortia and organizations to register their BioProjects. This serves as the starting point for the submission of genomic and genetic data for the study. The data does not need to be submitted at the time of BioProject registration.

Database of Major Histocompatibility Complex (dbMHC) Microsatellite Markers Submission Template

Guidelines and template for submitting MHC region microsatellite data to dbMHC.

A command-line program that automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank using many of the same functions as Sequin. It is used primarily for submission of complete genomes and large batches of sequences.

Sequence Read Archive Submission

This link describes how submitters of SRA data can obtain a secure NCBI FTP site for their data, and also describes the allowed data formats and directory structures.

Submission Portal

A single entry point for submitters to link to and find information about all of the data submission processes at NCBI. Currently, this serves as an interface for the registration of BioProjects and BioSamples and submission of data for WGS and GTR. Future additions to this site are planned.

Trace Archive Submission

This link describes how submitters of trace data can obtain a secure NCBI FTP site for their data, and also describes the allowed data formats and directory structures.


1000 Genomes Browser

An interactive graphical viewer that allows users to explore variant calls, genotype calls and supporting evidence (such as aligned sequence reads) that have been produced by the 1000 Genomes Project.

Assembly Archive

Links the raw sequence information found in the Trace Archive with assembly information found in publicly available sequence repositories (GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ). The Assembly Viewer allows a user to see the multiple sequence alignments as well as the actual sequence chromatogram.

BLAST Microbial Genomes

Performs a BLAST search for similar sequences from selected complete eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes.

BLAST RefSeqGene

Performs a BLAST search of the genomic sequences in the RefSeqGene/LRG set. The default display provides ready navigation to review alignments in the Graphics display.

Electronic PCR (e-PCR)

A computational procedure that is used to identify sequence tagged sites (STSs) within DNA sequences. e-PCR looks for potential STSs in DNA sequences by searching for subsequences that closely match the PCR primers and have the correct order, orientation, and spacing that could represent the PCR primers used to generate known STSs.

Gene Plot

A tool for pairwise comparison of two prokaryotic genomes that displays pairs of protein homologs that are symmetrical best hits between the two genomes.

Genome BLAST

This tool compares nucleotide or protein sequences to genomic sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm.

Genome Decoration Page

An online tool that assists in the production of journal quality figures of annotations on an ideogram or sequence representation of an assembly.

Genome ProtMap maps each protein from a COG, or in the case of viruses a VOG, back to its genome, and displays all the genomic segments coding for members of this particular group of related proteins. The view can be shifted to focus on an adjacent COG/VOG, and clusters can be searched by name, protein gi, or gene locus tag.

Genome Remapping Service

NCBI's Remap tool allows users to project annotation data and convert locations of features from one genomic assembly to another or to RefSeqGene sequences through a base by base analysis. Options are provided to adjust the stringency of remapping, and summary results are displayed on the web page. Full results can be downloaded for viewing in NCBI's Genome Workbench graphical viewer, and annotation data for the remapped features, as well as summary data, is also available for download.

An integrated application for viewing and analyzing sequence data. With Genome Workbench, you can view data in publically available sequence databases at NCBI, and mix these data with your own data.

Provides special browsing capabilities of maps and assembled sequences for a subset of organisms. You can view and search an organism's complete genome, display maps, and zoom into progressively greater levels of detail, down to the sequence data for a region of interest.

Phenotype-Genotype Integrator (PheGenI)

Supports finding human phenotype/genotype relationships with queries by phenotype, chromosome location, gene, and SNP identifiers. Currently includes information from dbGaP, the NHGRI GWAS Catalog, and GTeX. Displays results on the genome, on sequence, or in tables for download.

A utility for computing alignment of proteins to genomic nucleotide sequence. It is based on a variation of the Needleman Wunsch global alignment algorithm and specifically accounts for introns and splice signals. Due to this algorithm, ProSplign is accurate in determining splice sites and tolerant to sequencing errors.

Sequence Cytogenetic Conversion Service
An online tool that converts sequence and cytogenetic coordinates for human, rat, mouse and fruit fly genomic assemblies.
Sequence Viewer

Provides a configurable graphical display of a nucleotide or protein sequence and features that have been annotated on that sequence. In addition to use on NCBI sequence database pages, this viewer is available as an embeddable webpage component. Detailed documentation including an API Reference guide is available for developers wishing to embed the viewer in their own pages.

A utility for computing cDNA-to-Genomic sequence alignments. It is based on a variation of the Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm and specifically accounts for introns and splice signals. Due to this algorithm, Splign is accurate in determining splice sites and tolerant to sequencing errors.


A tool for comparing genomes on the basis of the protein sequences they encode. To use TaxPlot, one selects a reference genome and two species for comparison. Pre-computed BLAST results are then used to plot a point for each predicted protein in the reference genome, based on the best alignment with proteins in each of the two genomes being compared.

Variation Viewer
A genomic browser to search and view genomic variations listed in dbSNP, dbVar, and ClinVar databases. Searches can be performed using chromosomal location, gene symbol, phenotype, or variant IDs from dbSNP and dbVar. The browser enables exploration of results in a dynamic graphical sequence viewer with annotated tables of variations.
Viral Genotyping Tool

This tool helps identify the genotype of a viral sequence. A window is slid along the query sequence and each window is compared by BLAST to each of the reference sequences for a particular virus.