Adobe has launched Technology Previews for Lightroom on the Web, allowing Lightroom users to test new features before they are officially rolled out. To get things started, Adobe has released a Technology Preview that introduces 'Search,' a feature that uses new image analysis technology to identify photos based on subjects. 

According to Adobe, the search function lets users search for any photograph that has been synced online using Lightroom on the Web, Lightroom for mobile, or one of the Lightroom desktop applications. Search terms like 'food' or 'flowers' will reportedly be indexed whether or not the photos contain any keywords. Users can access the feature by first logging into Lightroom on the Web, then clicking the 'Lr' menu in the top left corner and selecting ‘Technology Preview’ from the menu. Search will then index synced photos.

The new search function is only available in English, though Adobe says it will be provided for other languages once the final version is officially rolled out. Before that happens, though, Adobe plans to expand Search’s functionality, adding support for metadata searches and more. 

Via: Adobe