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Emma (Character)
from San Andreas (2015)

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San Andreas -- After the San Andreas Fault finally gives, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot and his estranged wife make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter. But their treacherous journey north is only the beginning. And when they think the worst may be over ... it's just getting started.
San Andreas -- Get a sneak peek at San Andreas with an introduction from Dwayne Johnson.
San Andreas -- In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter.
San Andreas -- After the infamous San Andreas Fault finally gives, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot and his estranged wife make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter.
San Andreas -- In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter.

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Alternate Names:
Emma Gaines


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  1. San Andreas (2015) Played by Carla Gugino (as Emma Gaines)
    ... aka "California Down" - Japan (English title) (imdb display title)

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Fun Stuff

From San Andreas (2015)
Emma Gaines: [about Mallory] If you couldn't save our daughter, then nobody could have. See more »

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