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David Smith

David Smith has written 25 posts for The Scholarly Kitchen

Sci-Hub: How Does it Work?

Sci-Hub is a pirate website that enables users to access content that is held behind publisher paywalls. This is how it works. Continue reading

Virtual Reality and the Scholarly Publisher

This time, Virtual Reality is not a gimmick. This post summarises my investigations and thoughts on the possibilities for VR in the context of scholarly publishing. Plus there’s a quick primer to get you started. Continue reading

The Curse of Monkey Island

The photographer who got picked on by Wikimedia over his photo of a Back Crested Macaque, resulting in a claim of public domain for the image, has now been sued by PETA who claim that the monkey should hold the copyright and that he should pay damages. You couldn’t make it up. Continue reading

Parallel Worlds? To What Extent are General Internet Trends Applicable to Scholarly Publishing?

A number of recent articles have posited the idea that information distribution on the Internet is undergoing a massive change – driven by the failure of site advertising and subscriptions as a general purpose economic model, and the rise of mobile powered social media as the discovery tool of these times. To what extent is this way of thinking applicable to scholarly publishing? Continue reading

Surveillance and the Scholarly World: What Shall We Do With The Database of Intentions?

When we talk about impact and metrics and understanding the customer, we are actually talking about surveillance data. We should have an open debate about what this means. Continue reading

If a Monkey Takes a Photograph, Who Has The Copyright?

Monkey Copyright… of all the juxtapositions of words; I never thought I’d be entering that particular two word combination into Google. This particular search combo was prompted by (what else) a selection of updates in my twitter feed about a monkey that took a selfie and a takedown notice for the photo in question. Over here it’s … Continue reading

Well, That About Wraps it up for Clayton Christensen

Clayton Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation is critically examined by Jill Lepore in the New Yorker. If he is wrong, why is the idea of disruption such a compelling one? Continue reading

The Measurement of the Thing: Thinking About Metrics, Altmetrics and How to Beat Goodhart’s Law

Can machine readable articles, built on author/editor/publisher curated declarative statements and the associated data (or links thereto), be a way of generating metrics that get us nearer to a ‘standard candle’ of scientific research output? Continue reading

What is Kudos? An Interview with David Sommer, Co-Founder

If there was a word of the year competition for Scholarly Publishing, #Altmetrics would be a favorite to win. David Sommer, co-founder and Director of Kudos discusses how this new service could offer usable measurements of the array of article promotion and influencing activities undertaken by scholars. Continue reading

Help Shape the Society For Scholarly Publishing’s 36th Annual Meeting

Preparations are underway for the 2014 Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting. Lend a hand and help shape the program. Continue reading

October 1st 2013: Government Dysfunction Impacts the Dissemination of Scholarly Research

As the US government shuts down, what happens to the scholarly materials it distributes? Continue reading

Can You Copyright the Act of Curation? And What Constitutes Curation Anyway?

A music label sues a streaming service claiming copyright over playlists of certain tracks in a certain order. Is this level of curation really deserving of copyright protection? Continue reading

SSP 35th Annual Meeting Plenary: Massively Online Open Courses – Send us your questions!

Attending the SSP 35th Annual Meeting in San Francisco? Want to learn more about MOOCs? Ask your questions now, and we’ll try to answer them. Continue reading

Businessman Closes Product, Community Enraged! The Death of Tools of Change

When a popular and iconic product is ended, the outrage doesn’t match the pragmatism and agility we all espouse. TOC’s end is one such example. Continue reading

BBC Contemplating Reality TV Show to Decide How Research Councils UK Block Grants Are Dispersed

Leaked emails show the the BBC and certain university administrators have been contemplating launching a competition reality television show based on the APC allocation battles the RCUK OA policy will create. Continue reading

Is It a Tablet? Is It a Laptop? Digging Into the Microsoft Surface RT

Microsoft’s Surface RT marks the software stalwart’s entry into the hardware and tablet market. Too bad it’s late and awkward. Continue reading

What Google Did Next

Google’s new initiatives show how impressive their knowledge of knowledge might become, especially if they pull off all the surprising and jaw-dropping mobile initiatives (Glass, driverless cars, others) they’re pursuing. Continue reading

Publishers! What Are They Good For? Part Deux: The Debate

The participants in the recent SSP session debating the value of publishers reflect on the session, the audience interactions, and their talks. And, of course, the Romans. Continue reading

Publishers — What Are They Good For?

Time for your input for a session at the upcoming SSP Annual Meeting — pose your questions now! Continue reading

Crossing the Rubicon — Is the UK Going to Enable Open Access for All Taxpayer-Funded Research by 2014?

The UK Government Science Minister articulates a plan for open access and open data for UK research. The implications aren’t clear, but the intentions are. Continue reading

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The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is "[t]o advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking." SSP established The Scholarly Kitchen blog in February 2008 to keep SSP members and interested parties aware of new developments in publishing.
The Scholarly Kitchen is a moderated and independent blog. Opinions on The Scholarly Kitchen are those of the authors. They are not necessarily those held by the Society for Scholarly Publishing nor by their respective employers.

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