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IMDb > Walter Skinner (Character)
Walter Skinner
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Walter Skinner (Character)
from "The X-Files" (1993)

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The X-Files: Season 9: Episode 19 -- When Mulder is accused of murdering Knowle Rohrer, the U.S. military puts him on trial; and hears testimony from a group of defense witnesses who support Mulder's claim regarding a government conspiracy and the existence of extraterrestrial life.

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Skinner is an FBI assistant director who served in the United States Marine Corps in the Vietnam War... See more »
Alternate Names:
A.D. Walter Skinner / Assistant Director Walter Skinner / FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner


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Jump to filmography: Video-game, Archive Footage
  1. "The X-Files"
    ... aka "The X Files" - Canada (original title)
    ... aka "X-File" - Japan (English title)
        - My Struggle II (2016) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi
        - Babylon (2016) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi
        - Founder's Mutation (2016) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi
        - My Struggle (2015) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi
        - The Truth: Parts 1 & 2 (2002) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi
          (80 more)

  2. The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008) Played by Mitch Pileggi
    ... aka "The X-Files" - USA (promotional abbreviation)
    ... aka "The X-Files Movie" - USA (promotional title)
  3. Threads of Mythology, Part 4 (2005) (V) Played by Mitch Pileggi
  4. "The Lone Gunmen"
        - The Lying Game (2001) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi (as FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner)
        - Tango de los Pistoleros (2001) TV episode, Played by Mitch Pileggi

  5. The X Files (1998) Played by Mitch Pileggi (as Assistant Director Walter Skinner)
    ... aka "The X Files: Fight the Future" - South Africa (English title) (cable TV title), USA (working title)
    ... aka "The X-Files" - USA (closing credits title)
    ... aka "X-Files: The Movie" - Japan (English title)
  6. The X-Files Movie Special (1998) (TV) Played by Mitch Pileggi
  1. The X Files: Resist or Serve (2004) (VG) Played by Mitch Pileggi (as A.D. Walter Skinner)

  2. The X Files Game (1998) (VG) Played by Mitch Pileggi (as Assistant Director Walter Skinner)
    ... aka "The X-Files" - USA (alternative title)
Archive Footage:
  1. The Cigarette Smoking Man Revealed (1999) (V) Played by Mitch Pileggi (as Assistant Director Walter Skinner)
  2. Secrets of the X Files, Part 1 (1995) (TV) Played by Mitch Pileggi

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Fun Stuff

From "The X-Files: Piper Maru (#3.15)" (1996)
Scully: You know, it's strange - men can blow up buildings, and they can be nowhere near the crime scene. But we can piece together the evidence and convict them beyond a doubt. Our labs here can recreate out of the most microscopic details their motivation and circumstance to almost any murder. Right down to a killer's attitude towards his mother and that he was a bed wetter. But in the case of a woman...
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