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From Our Blog
November 03, 2015

Holiday Bonus: Earn 10% in Jewelry
Exciting news! Associates on our standard advertising fee plan are eligible to earn 10% on Jewelry from November 1 - December 31, 2015. Get a head start on optimizing this limited time increase by linking to promotions in Jewelry including...

September 29, 2015

Today Only - 20% Off Cards Against Humanity
Take advantage of our Deal of the Day in Toys and Games for 20% Cards Against Humanity. Get the link and banner to promote this special deal in the Promotions Hub. Hurry, offer good only on September 30, 2015.

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    Prime Music Free Trials

    Staring 2/1 - 2/29 triple your earnings with the Prime Music bounty. Earn a fixed advertising fee when your visitors sign up for Prime Music 30-Day Free Trials. Our membership program offers unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs, access to unlimited FREE two-day shipping, and more benefits of Prime
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