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Lives in France France
Joined on Nov 23, 2006

lol101's recent activity

  • I have only invested in my own house... the nice thing about this kind of investment is that, if "the market" goes down, you still can live inside it... try doing that with stocks and index ...
  • Well... that was a lot of gibberish nonsense for one post... So getting more energy efficient is a Communist plot and there is no middle ground between SUV and tricycles...? Your vision of life is ...
  • I believe that in Hollywood, when you hit 40, you strart counting backward...
  • A lot of hate for the US and, more broadly  for Occidental values these days indeed... Maybe we should dump a few more bombs here and there to try to revive the love in these people...?
  • Well never come to Paris then... I just went to the bathroom in Charles due Gaulle airport and, guess what, there is only one male & female bathroom with private stales labelled male or female inside.
  • I pay €20/year to go to the gym (at my workplace). I pay around €100 every now and then for a good pair of running sboes and run between two and four times a week. I have also paid around $2500 in ...
  • You've posted more than your share of uneducated BS but this one is really bad. Oh well, you're probably already trolling the web for some even more unscientific "proof" against ACC... gotta earn ...
  • Replied in MAD works.
    Then I suppose that it's OK for you if any other country in the vicinity have nuclear weapon too? And by extension, any country in the neighboring zone of these countries? And so on, and so forth... ...
  • I agree about showing strength in times like these albeit I'd start with moral strength before going in gun blazing. And at showing any king if moral strength, Western countries have failed ...
  • All well and good but how do we (The Good Guys) defend ourselves against this barbary? By being more barbaric than barbarians as frequently advocated by the OP and other Good Christians / Civilized ...
  • There is no word harsh enough to describe what these murderous freaks are doing. Ordinary people in these countries suffer a great deal, no matter which religion they profess. But tell me why you ...
  • Oh noes...! Looks like you'll have to shop somewhere else.
  • Indeed...
  • Sure... it's Obama's fault... why didn't I think of that...? Let's just bomb the place up continuously until... until what exactly?
  • Nice image but... are the Taliban gone?
  • Afghanistan is one big parking lot now...? Where do you get your infos from?
  • Replied in Idiots
    From my examples it should be pretty obvious that it falls under the first category. Even racist s people have the right to express their views. You are then free to dissent and enforce equality by ...
  • Replied in Idiots
    No. Hate speech should be contradicted, not shut down. That us why freedom of speech is important. It gives you the right to protest and argue your side if you want. But it has to work whatever ...
  • I have to say that this, coming from you, is just hilarious! :-) Do you suffer from short term memory loss?
  • Are you sure you're not confusing with some Iranian leader speech?
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