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10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 43 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 181 Ratings

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  • Starring: , ,
  • Summary: Waking up from a car accident, a young woman (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43
  1. Reviewed by: Drew McWeeny
    Mar 11, 2016
    Economically told from the start, the film moves beautifully.
  2. Reviewed by: Justin Chang
    Mar 8, 2016
    The tension is rooted in psychology rather than gimmickry, and evinces a command of craft that feels old-fashioned in the most refreshing possible sense.
  3. Reviewed by: Stephanie Zacharek
    Mar 10, 2016
    10 Cloverfield Lane...is not an outright Cloverfield sequel but rather, as Abrams has put it, a “spiritual successor.” It’s also a better movie, one with a sense of humor about itself and its genre.
  4. Reviewed by: Steven Rea
    Mar 10, 2016
    Wickedly clever nightmare entertainment.
  5. Reviewed by: Michael Phillips
    Mar 10, 2016
    It's best to approach this crafty, intriguing offshoot as its own thing. And this time you actually notice the people.
  6. 70
    10 Cloverfield Lane does what it needs to do: make you sit and squirm and want very badly to know. It has the appeal of suspense radio plays from the '30s and '40s and even a touch of Orson Welles’s most infamous Mercury Theater broadcast.
  7. Reviewed by: Soren Andersen
    Mar 10, 2016
    Board games, threats from Howard and desperate escape planning by Michelle take up most the picture. And then, first-time feature director Dan Trachtenberg and the screenwriters, apparently realizing that not much has been going on so far, ramp up to a full-bore CG explosion extravaganza finale...Too little. Too late.

See all 43 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 67
  2. Negative: 5 out of 67
  1. Mar 11, 2016
    Maybe the best sci fi movie of the past 30 years. The buildup is tense and the payoff had me digging my nails into the armrests. I'm goingMaybe the best sci fi movie of the past 30 years. The buildup is tense and the payoff had me digging my nails into the armrests. I'm going back again on Sunday. I loved it! Expand
  2. Mar 18, 2016
    Oh how I wanted this movie to be good, and it wasn't just good it's brilliant. Starring the fabulous John Goodman, Scott Pilgrim's girlfriendOh how I wanted this movie to be good, and it wasn't just good it's brilliant. Starring the fabulous John Goodman, Scott Pilgrim's girlfriend and some dude with a beard. The acting and atmosphere is simply amazing. Although not what you expect I'm calling it a monster movie, and it's a monster movie actually worth your time (looking at you Godzilla). Loved it from start to finish, gripping, shocking, intense, it's a definite recommendation. Seriously, get to a cinema and see this movie, Expand
  3. Mar 11, 2016
    If you like films that keep you on the edge of your seat and films that are action packed, 10 Cloverfield Lane is your type of movie. Based onIf you like films that keep you on the edge of your seat and films that are action packed, 10 Cloverfield Lane is your type of movie. Based on these, and more, qualities and great acting from John Goodman, the film is one of the most enjoyable films in 2016 - So far. Expand
  4. Mar 22, 2016
    Tenuously connected to 2008’s ‘Cloverfield’ but very much its own film, this is a superbly acted thriller which is edge of the seat stuff. ATenuously connected to 2008’s ‘Cloverfield’ but very much its own film, this is a superbly acted thriller which is edge of the seat stuff. A lot of the drama takes place in a bunker that is sheltering three people from an unknown outside terror which, according to the viewpoint of one of the three- Michelle, may not exist. The actors are great and the claustrophobic feel in the bunker is well utilised enabling the suspense and tension to build effectively. In fact, so good are the scenes within the bunker at questioning the motives of John Goodman's character that one almost forgets to consider whether the terror they are hiding from is real or not. Only when the action moves outside does one immediately guess what the truth of the situation is. The score and the terrific sound effectively jangle the nerves throughout contributing to a very impressive feature film debut by director Dan Trachtenberg. The ending leaves some room for a sequel which, in the event, could be as different from this film as this one is from ‘Cloverfield’. Expand
  5. Mar 20, 2016
    John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and first time director Dan Trachtenberg takes the audience on a heart pounding thrill ride that is 10John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and first time director Dan Trachtenberg takes the audience on a heart pounding thrill ride that is 10 Cloverfield Lane. Never does this movie slow down, it constantly builds a daunt and claustrophobic atmosphere, that will leave you guessing what is actually happening until the very end that will most likely improve upon multiple viewings. So far, my favorite movie of 2016. Expand
  6. Mar 11, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Be prepared for a very tense, jarring ride. There really is not much in the way of special effects in this film. Maybe 80% is the build-up with the survivalist stuff, but there are many subterranean thrills a la Mission Impossible, Hard Candy, and Night of the Living Dead (though not in the way you might think). The acting is excellent all-around. My only concern is that it gets a little campy toward the end when she escapes and is fighting the "baddies" (won't say what it is). I get the feeling she's doing an Ash impersonation from Evil Dead at times. Worth seeing, but certainly not among the genre's best. Expand
  7. Mar 23, 2016
    This is one of the worst movies I have seen in years. Can't beleive that some people are giving good reviews.

    Don't waste your time and
    This is one of the worst movies I have seen in years. Can't beleive that some people are giving good reviews.

    Don't waste your time and money, it is pretty bad. If you really see it, it doesn't make sense, the effects at the end are the worst.

See all 67 User Reviews


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