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5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night’s WWE Nxt (Mar 16)

9 hours ago


With Nxt TakeOver: Dallas only nine days away, the focus on this week’s episode of the brand’s TV show was the women’s division. In the main event, number one contender to the Women’s Championship Asuka took on Emma in a hard-fought battle, and while champion Bayley was nowhere to be found, she and Asuka were still drawn inexorably closer to one another, and to Dallas.

Nxt Champion Finn Balor was in action, as well, and while his nemesis Samoa Joe didn’t compete in an official match, he showed off his dominance and sent a message to the man he’ll face on April 1. The seeds for one final TakeOver bout were sown, as well, when Apollo Crews and “The Drifter” Elias Samson came face to face early in the show. Finally, both members of the former Dragon Gate USA tandem Ronin were in action »

- Scott Fried

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The Undertaker Celebrates His 51st Birthday With Hell In A Cell Cake!

10 hours ago


Thursday, March 24, marks the 51st birthday of Mark “Undertaker” Calaway, the greatest WWE Superstar of all time.

While Calaway is traditionally a very private man who keeps his personal life to himself for the sake of the preserving The Undertaker character’s mystique, The Phenom accepted a gracious gift from health solutions company Onnit – a birthday cake in the shape of a wrestling ring, complete with a Hell in a Cell surrounding it and an Undertaker action figure watching from on high.

Happy Birthday to our friend The Undertaker! Hope you enjoyed the hell in a cell cake. #wwe #wrestlemania #GetOnnit pic.twitter.com/c987xZCyUh

— Onnit (@Onnit) March 24, 2016

The Undertaker is as synonymous with Hell in a Cell as he is with WrestleMania and WWE. He’s competed in 13 of the company’s 32 Hell in a Cell matches (including the first one, a classic contest with Shawn Michaels »

- Scott Fried

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Former WWE Wrestlers To File Class-Action Lawsuit Over Network Royalties?

11 hours ago


Ever since the WWE Network launched in February 2014, fans and wrestlers alike have shared concerns over how it would affect the pay levied toward current and former talents. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, those concerns have now reached the point where several unnamed former superstars are considering litigation against the company.

Prior to the debut of the Network, WWE’s DVD and Blu-Ray releases were a major part of the company’s merchandise revenues, and any and all talents – past and present – featured on the documentaries, events, and more were compensated with royalties. For the past two years, the network has archived the bulk of its documentary features while also streaming all past PPV (and many television) matches, rendering the DVD and Blu-Ray releases largely obsolete. The company still profits off the footage by charging a monthly fee for the network, but apparently, the wrestlers don’t »

- Scott Fried

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Predicting Summer 2016’s Highest Grossing Movies

12 hours ago

Marvel Studios

It seems like summer blockbuster season kicks off sooner every year, and it goes without saying that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice officially kicks off the annual slugfest between big-budget cinematic juggernauts. The question remains, though: as countless highly anticipated movies will disappoint and fall by the wayside, which will rise to the top?

No, this list won’t contain risky properties with the potential to bomb like the all-female Ghostbusters reboot, the Huntsman spin-off nobody really asked for, and that Now You See Me sequel: it’s all about the inevitable box office champs that are going to square off for a coveted spot in the history books.

From superhero movies to long-awaited sequels, undeniably cynical adaptations and everything in-between, summer 2016 has both its share of ambitious storytelling and bloated studio excess, and it’s going to print a ton of money either way. Here are »

- Jack Pooley

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Arrow Season 4: 12 Big Questions We’re Asking After ‘Broken Hearts’

12 hours ago

The CW

Good news: Arrow is back. 

Bad news: it’s still a bit of a mess, and one that’s going to continue dividing its fanbase. 

After a month off the show returns with Broken Hearts, and very heavily deals with the broken hearts of Oliver and Felicity, after the latter very literally walked out on the show’s hero in the last episode before the break. 

The relationship drama is the focus of half the episode, and it’s the part that’s going to cause division and frustration amongst fans. At this stage, where it’s still refusing to fully commit to a resolution either way, and dedicating large chunks of episodes getting in the way of the overarching story, means it doesn’t do much to serve the characters or the plot, whatever your view on Olicity. 

The other half of the episode is the »

- James Hunt

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12 Things We’ve Always Wanted To Say To Estate Agents

12 hours ago


There are few more frustrating things in life than attempting to rent a property from an estate agent. Even horrifically annoying things like supporting Aston Villa, or finding out too late that the toilet paper is down to its final transparent wisps; nothing compared to the soul-destroying process of renting a roof under which to live.

On paper it should be a straightforward transaction; in reality it requires you to deal with unprecedented levels of rage, frustration, disappointment and rejection. It’s like all your failed romances, bad test grades and horrible nights out rolled into one sadistic, expensive and truly sickening package.

In fact, every step of the rental saga is so fraught with lies, danger and personal insult that you have to summon all of your physical and emotional strength just to get to the point where the keys are being placed into your cold, clammy and by now extremely clenched fist. »

- Jarleth Coelan

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12 Most Underrated TV Shows Ever

12 hours ago

ABC Studios

For every 24, Lost, House or Big Bang Theory, there’s a Human Target, Firefly, Lie To Me, or Community: shows that every fan knows were just as good, if not better, but never became the same kind of massive success. Some didn’t even make it to a second season… or even to the end of their first.

This is not yet another article about those shows. This is not about the Family Guys and the Freaks & Geeks: the ones everyone raves about, bemoaning the stupid, shortsighted networks that let them slip away. There are none of the greatest hits of the armchair TV critic set here.

No, this is for the younger siblings to those prodigal sons, the ones that over-achieved and exceeded the limited prospects afforded them, yet remained overlooked, never receiving the critical attention and popular adoration they deserved.

These are the commercial network shows »

- Ben Cooke

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Batman V Superman: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

12 hours ago

Warner Bros. Pictures

Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man. Day versus night. Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham. The two biggest superheroes of all time are finally sharing the big screen together in Batman V Superman, but their individual movies have been competing for influence and box office dominance almost as long as the duo have existed.

And, in fact, there’s some rather striking parallels between the two. Both had a pre-Bronze Age outing, a popular, big budget series that had tapered off disastrously by the fourth instalment and a dark and gritty reboot, ultimately leading to the pair coming up against each other.

So, as audiences flock to find out who’d win in a fist fight, let’s answer the bigger question; who wins in terms of movie quality?


Honourable Mention: The Serials Columbia Pictures »

- Alex Leadbeater

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10 Wrestlers Too Crazy For WWE

13 hours ago


One has to be a little bit crazy to take on the grueling schedule and immense physical pain that one suffers as part of their job in professional wrestling, but every once in a while, there are those wrestlers so absolutely crazed that their prospects for ever making it to WWE are diminished significantly. That, or they have to undergo significant changes in character to make it to the grandest stage in wrestling, oftentimes setting aside the elements of their act that earned them fame and recognition.

Some succeed in spite of leaving their craziness behind. Others faltered, their weaknesses as wrestlers exposed without the facade of hardcore to hide behind.

Still, others embraced their crazy selves, perfectly content with traveling the world and brutalizing opponents with chairs, forks, tables and other plunder.

Regardless of which side of the proverbial fence they fall on, there is one thing »

- Erik Beaston

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8 Deadly Fighting Styles You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

13 hours ago

© John Springer Collection/Corbis

It would be lovely if we could all just hold hands and skip off into the sunset but, unfortunately, the reality is that humans have been developing new and better ways to inflict pain on one another since before we were even humans.

Those us us who grew up on a steady diet of martial arts films and Wednesday evening Judo classes will be familiar with the big martial arts – karate, kung fu and the like – but with thousands of disciplines out there, there’s a whole world of deadly hand-to-hand combat that’s just waiting to be discovered.

Before the advent of mechanised warfare, most cultures had devised their own systems for attack, defence and general badassery. Even nowadays, in the age of automated weapons, military personnel and civilians alike are still taught the art of pummelling a man to the ground with their bare hands. »

- Stevie Shephard

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The Division Vs. Destiny: What’s The Best Shooter Of 2016?

13 hours ago


Although it still has the potential to see Ubisoft get all money-grubby in the coming years, The Division is one tasty package right now. Many weeks have now passed since launch and Ubi’s Massive studio have been on-hand to field queries, issue patches and fixes where necessary – essentially, they’re single-handedly rebuilding the titanic developer’s tattered reputation, one megabyte at a time.

That said, right now is a crucial time for The Division and Destiny, as the two shooters share a common lifeblood; loot-grinding and group-based matchmaking. Both games were touted to be enjoyable as single and multi-player experiences, both feature open-ended worlds and weapon customisation that favours grinding and visiting vendors every few hours, and both have appeals rooted in exploration and replayability.

In short, there’s a good reason Destiny’s ailing fanbase have jumped ship to post-apocalyptic New York in search of getting their fix, »

- Scott Tailford

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7 Movie Stars Who Flopped On TV

13 hours ago


Time was movie stars would grumble about being on TV, seeing it as the silver-screen’s poor relation. That view’s changed radically in recent years.

In the previous century the presence of a film actor on the small screen meant their career wasn’t going so well. Now the two mediums are blurred in terms of who appears in what.

Decamping to telly didn’t do some of them any favours. You’d be surprised at the quality of performer TV chewed up and spat out. For example, the Sixties screen icon who didn’t cut the mustard in peoples’ front rooms, or the action star whose straight-to-dvd movie reputation couldn’t help him repeat the trick for an episodic format.

Using lucky number seven as a perverse measurement, let’s look at some weighty names who failed to tip the scales on the tube, either back then or in the current marketplace. »

- Steve Palace

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10 Wrestling Matches So Brutal They Hurt To Watch

13 hours ago


Extreme violence is not common in today’s World Wrestling Entertainment, mainly because certain nuances which constitute a brutal match have been outlawed by those calling the shots. Since going PG in June/July, 2008, things like unprotected chair shots and blood have rarely been seen on WWE television. This hasn’t exactly helped matches like Hell In A Cell or Street Fight-style bouts come across as edgy, but it’s perhaps understandable that the company would like to protect performers.

There’s a common misconception that matches are only ‘hardcore’, ‘extreme’ or even brutal if they’re accompanied by the sight of blood. In truth, seeing claret spill from the foreheads of pro wrestlers does add an element of excitement, but it’s not the only aspect of a match that makes those watching wince from the other side of the TV screen. 

In all of the matches listed here, »

- Jamie Kennedy

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5 Creatures You Will Face At Skull Island: Reign Of Kong

13 hours ago

Universal Orlando

Skull Island: Reign of Kong is the newest attraction coming to Universal Orlando Resort’s Islands of Adventure park.

This summer, guests will take a step back in time to join the 8th Wonder Expedition on a journey through Skull Island.

As explorers venture through the island’s mysterious tunnels, visitors will encounter strange creatures and frightening dinosaurs before eventually coming face to face with the ruler of the island, Kong himself.

Over the past few weeks Universal have been unveiling more and more about their uber-exciting upcoming attraction, specifically the ground-breaking technology that has gone into creating the humongous trucks that guests will ride. But these trackless ride vehicles are not the only beasts that guests will encounter…

Today, Executive Producer Mike West revealed some of the terrifying creatures that riders will face as they make their way though the caverns and labyrinths of Skull Island.

Riders »

- Jen Gallie

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John Cena Won’t Return To WWE Until July?

14 hours ago


In early January, John Cena suffered a shoulder injury that threw WrestleMania into disarray and threatened to put him on the shelf for between six and nine months. While Cena has shown an uncanny healing ability in the past and has returned from injuries way ahead of schedule, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that a July return date looks likely for the 15-time world champion.

News of Cena’s injury broke the first week of the year, and he underwent surgery on January 7. Prior to getting hurt, the multi-time WrestleMania headliner was scheduled to face The Undertaker in a “Battle of Legends” at this year’s event. Given Cena’s propensity for returning from injury early, many – including Vince McMahon – held out hope that WWE’s top star would still be able to make the show. In early February, insiders got word that Cena wouldn’t be able to participate, »

- Scott Fried

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Chris Jericho Vs Shinsuke Nakamura At Sumo Hall In July?

14 hours ago


Last month, WWE announced that they would return to Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan (Sumo Hall) for a pair of events on July 1 and 2. Now, it seems like the seeds are being sown for a potential main-event bout on one of the shows.

It had been rumored that recent WWE signing Shinsuke Nakamura – who is legitimately one of the biggest pro wrestling stars in all of Japan – would be headlining the shows against main roster WWE talent. Chris Jericho seems to have thrown his hat into the ring, starting a Twitter feud with “The King of Strong Style” that the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports is scheduled to lead to a singles contest at Sumo Hall.

When compared unfavorably to Nakamura by a fan on the social media site, Jericho replied, “Nakamura means nothing. He’s a minor league Jericho wannabe.” He then tweeted, in response to a completely unrelated Nakamura tweet, »

- Scott Fried

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10 Best Teen Comedies In Movie History

15 hours ago

20th Century Fox

Sex, drugs, cliques, proms, sick days, gross bodily functions and, above all else, youthful rebellion: These are the key ingrediants for any essential teen comedy, and are the very elements that define the most awkward years of our lives.

Although the teen comedy has evolved over the years, from the mindless beach party movies of the 60s to the oddly sentimental debauchery featured in the modern era, at their core, the best of the genre have always shared a humorous, yet totally realistic view of how hard it is to transition into adulthood.

These movies are as much about growing pains as they are the sheer joy of being a young, dumb, hormonal human being whose only responsibility is getting good grades.

The teen comedy is unlikely to ever go away completely. They’ll simply evolve to reflect the changing environments of the modern teenager and, hopefully, »

- Jacob Trowbridge

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Batman V Superman: 13 Biggest Blunders Zack Snyder Makes That Completely Ruin It

15 hours ago

Warner Bros. Pictures

It’s here. After two-and-a-half years that have encompassed controversial casting, title changes, release date shuffling, one of the most divisive marketing campaigns of recent years and cries of major studio worries, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice has been unleashed on the world. And it’s as bad as all the sceptics feared.

With big movies like this it’s usually hard to pin the blame on one person – moviemaking is a highly collaborative process and all manner of production issues can have an impact on the final product (it’s still unclear who was really behind the incompetent-on-all-levels Fant4stic). However, this dud appears to be all the fault of one man, a “filmmaker” lacking in all filmmaking skill and unable to balance what little creativity he has with studio mandates. That’s right, Batman V Superman’s failure is all on Zack Snyder.

I »

- Alex Leadbeater

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10 Terrifying Dark Souls 3 Bosses We Can’t Wait To Fight

15 hours ago


Dark Souls 3 is expected to be the last game in the legendary, tortuous series, and looks set to give us a send-off equivalent to picking you up by the back of your pants, giving you an excruciatingly pleasurable wedgie and throwing you out the front door.

No aspect of Dark Souls better embodies this cruel, challenging spirit than the bosses – menacing demi-gods tormented by their undying state or arisen after a thousand-year slumber to dutifully carry out some oath or another. You’ll die, die, die again as you throw yourself against these goliaths, but when you finally topple them it’s one of the best feelings you can possibly experience from a video game.

With plenty of trailers for us to dig into and Dark Souls lore-ologists (not a real word, but it should be) rigorously analysing everything, we’ve seen plenty of the Dark Souls 3 bosses that await us. »

- Robert Zak

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10 Batsh*t Crazy Japanese Movies You Have To See

15 hours ago

Vitagraph Films LLC

You only need a passing interest in world cinema to realise that no other country makes as many crazy movies as the Japanese. This is a culture which sells used underwear from vending machines and celebrates Christmas with a bucket of KFC, so it isn’t surprising they approach filmmaking a little differently.

Japan’s unique culture is a reflection of its unique history: after centuries of isolation from the outside world, the defeat at the end of the Second World War and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was quickly followed by a huge influx of Western culture. The impact this had on Japanese cinema was enormous, with many films exploring the collective trauma of the war while simultaneously borrowing heavily from American genre movies.

Japanese directors have continued to make films which explore the history and mythology of their country to this day, pushing the »

- Andrew Dilks

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