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Group Name Group Description
ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 Review Ballot (CCM) Voting Pool for ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 Review Ballot. This standard falls under the oversight of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee.
ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 Review Ballot (CCM) Voting Pool for ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 Review Ballot. This standard falls under the oversight of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee (http://www.niso.org/topics/ccm/).
ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 Review Ballot (CCM) Voting Pool for ANSI/NISO Z39.29-2005 Review Ballot. This standard falls under the oversight of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee (http://www.niso.org/topics/ccm/).
ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2005 Review Ballot (CCM) Voting Pool for ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2005 Review Ballot. This standard falls under the oversight of the Content and Collection Management Topic Committee (http://www.niso.org/topics/ccm/).
ANSI/NISO Z39.86-2005 Review Voting Pool Voting pool of NISO members who elected to vote on the review of ANSI/NISO Z39.86-2005, Specifications for the Digital Talking Book.
ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 Review Ballot (D2D) Voting Pool for ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 Review Ballot. This standard falls under the oversight of the Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee (http://www.niso.org/topics/d2d/).
Architecture - Framework Subgroup One of the Architecture Committee’s key responsibilities is to maintain the NISO Framework and revise it when necessary. This subgroup will be reviewing the current framework documents and, from those, create a single formal framework document. The NISO Framework should provide us with the foundation for the rest of the Architecture Committee's activities.
Architecture Committee The NISO Architecture Committee was formed in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring. The Architecture Committee is responsible for providing strategic direction for the organization, provide oversight and leadership for standards development in areas new to NISO, and coordinate with and provide guidance to the NISO Topic Committees (Business Information Topic Committee, Content & Collection Management Topic Committee, and Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee). It was revised in 2010 in order to focus its membership and work.
AVIAC (Automation Vendors Information Advisory Committee)
Ballot 64 (D2D)
Board of Directors
Business Information Topic Committee The NISO Business Information Committee was formed in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring. As part of NISO's organizational structure, topic committees that bring together leaders in specific subjects have been created to provide direction to the organization for standards development in those umbrella topic areas. The Business Information Topic Committee focuses on issues regarding the management structure surrounding the acquisition, licensing, purchasing, and analysis of information. Specific areas include: license expression, online usage data, access management, performance measures and other statistics, etc.
Content and Collection Management Topic Committee

The NISO Content and Collection Management Committee was formed in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring. As part of NISO's organizational structure, topic committees that bring together leaders in specific subjects have been created to provide direction to the organization for standards development in those umbrella topic areas. The Content and Collection Management Topic Committee focuses on issues regarding developing, describing, providing access to, and maintaining content items and collections. Specific topics include: Dublin Core, library binding, SAN, RFID, etc.

CORE The purpose of this specification is to facilitate the transfer of cost and related financial information from an Integrated Library System (ILS) Acquisitions module (the source) to an Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) (the requestor). The population of ERMS financial data from the ILS Acquisitions system makes cost-per-click and other cost-related reports in the ERMS all the more possible. Note that the CORE standard should not be seen as limited to ILS->ERMS data exchange; any two business applications could make use of this format for simple and efficient data exchange.
CORE Standing Committee The CORE Standing Committee provides outreach and support for the NISO CORE Recommended Practice. It is charged with conducting an annual review of the publication for three years following its publication, in addition to regular quarterly reports on the committee's work. This committee is under the oversight of the NISO Business Information Topic Committee.
Demand-Driven Acquisition of Monographs (DDA)
Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee

The NISO Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee was formed in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring. As part of NISO's organizational structure, topic committees that bring together leaders in specific subjects have been created to provide direction to the organization for standards development in those umbrella topic areas. The Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee focuses on issues regarding the finding and distribution of information by and to users, including OpenURL, Metasearch, interface design, web services, etc.

Education Committee

The NISO Education Committee was first formed in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring. In order to respond to its broad constituency and their diverse needs, NISO needs to provide wide-ranging and robust education and training sessions. In addition to bringing in outside expertise and perspective, an education committee formed of individuals from diverse communities allows NISO to separate the content development—the main focus of this group—from the organizational and budgetary aspects of planning education programs and meetings.

The Education Committee will be responsible for determining the topical focus of educational programs, setting an agenda, and recruiting speakers. In addition, the Committee will identify other opportunities for NISO to educate and inform the information communities about its work.

ERM Data Standards & Best Practices Review This working group is charged to undertake a "gap analysis" regarding electronic resource management (ERM) related data and standards. The analysis will begin with a review of the ERMI data dictionary as it presently exists, and a mapping of ERMI data elements to those within relevant standards-related projects (e.g., CORE, SUSHI, ONIX-PL, etc.). Vendors, libraries using ERM systems, and other identified stakeholders will then be consulted via surveys and/or more in-depth interviews to solicit additional feedback. Following the analysis, the working group will make recommendations regarding the future of the ERMI data dictionary within that broader context, to be delivered in a report to the Business Information Topic Committee and made publicly available.
Framework of Guidance for Good Digital Collections

NISO, with the generous support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, has now completed the third edition of A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections. The Framework establishes principles for creating, managing, and preserving digital collections, digital objects, metadata, and projects. It also provides links to relevant standards that support the principles and additional resources.

The Framework was initially developed in 2000 (1st edition) and revised in 2004 (2nd edition). The 3rd edition (December 2007) updates and revises the Framework in order to incorporate it into a website for use by library and museum practitioners. The PDF is now available. In addition, a new web platform is being developed for the Framework that will encourage community participation in the document, soliciting feedback, annotations, resources, and discussion.

I2 (Institutional Identifiers) The I2 (Institutional Identifiers -- pronounced "I 2") working group will build on work from the Journal Supply Chain Efficiency Improvement Pilot (http://www.journalsupplychain.com/), which demonstrated the improved efficiencies of using an institutional identifier in the journal supply chain. The NISO working group will develop a standard for an institutional identifier that can be implemented in all library and publishing environments. The standard will include definition of the metadata required to be collected with the identifier and what uses can be made of that metadata.
IOTA (OpenURL Quality Metrics) This project will build on the work already underway by Adam Chandler (Database Management and Electronic Resources Research Librarian, Central Library Operations, Cornell University Library) to investigate the feasibility of creating industry-wide, transparent and scalable metrics for evaluating and comparing the quality of OpenURL implementations across content providers.
JATS (Z39.96) Standing Committee
KBART (Knowledge Base and Related Tools) KBART is a joint working group of NISO and the UK Serials Group (UKSG). The group is comprised of representatives from publishers, libraries, link resolver and ERM vendors, subscription agents and other parties involved in the creation of, provision of data to, and implementation of knowledge bases. The KBART working group is charged with developing a best practice for supply of data pertaining to e-resources in general.
License Expression Working Group The National Information Standards Organization, Digital Library Federation (DLF), EDItEUR, and Publishers Licensing Society (PLS) have agreed to form a License Expression Working Group to develop a single standard for the exchange of license information between publishers and libraries. The DLF has supported ground-breaking work in this area through its Electronic Resource Management Initiative (ERMI) and EDItEUR has used the ERMI requirements as the foundation of its work in developing its ONIX for Licensing proof of concept model. NISO's May 2005 Digital Rights Expression Workshop identified the need to coordinate and consolidate standards efforts in digital licensing rights expression.

The working group, co-chaired by Nathan Robertson (University of Maryland Law Library) and Alicia Wise (Publishers Licensing Society, UK), has as its initial charge to: 1. Monitor and make recommendations regarding the further development of standards relating to electronic resources and license expression, including but not limited to the ERMI and EDItEUR work. 2. Actively engage in the development of the ONIX license messaging specification. The technical working group will develop the recommendations based on review and comments. A review group will monitor work in progress and provide feedback to the technical group.

MESUR Developing a Generalized and Sustainable Framework for a Public, Open, Scholarly Assessment Service Based on Aggregated Large-scale Usage Data (Project MESUR Mellon Planning Grant Project -- PI: Indiana University, co-PI: NISO)
MetaSearch Initiative

Metasearch, parallel search, federated search, broadcast search, cross-database search, search portal are a familiar part of the information community's vocabulary. They speak to the need for search and retrieval to span multiple databases, sources, platforms, protocols, and vendors at one time. Metasearch services rely on a variety of approaches to search and retrieval including open standards (such as NISO's Z39.50), proprietary API's, and screen scraping. However, the absence of widely supported standards, best practices, and tools makes the metasearch environment less efficient for the system provider, the content provider, and ultimately the end-user.

To move toward industry solutions NISO sponsored a Metasearch Initiative to enable:

  • metasearch service providers to offer more effective and responsive services
  • content providers to deliver enhanced content and protect their intellectual property
  • libraries to deliver services that distinguish their services from Google and other free web services.
Metasearch Initiative - TG1 - Access Management The Access Management Task Group was charged with gathering requirements for Metasearch authentication and access needs, inventorying existing processes now in place, and developing a series of formal use cases describing the needs. Specific deliverables include:
  • A definitions document of Access Management and Metasearch terms
  • Defined distinctions in Access Management between user access and agent access
  • Understanding basic requirements of constituents
  • An inventory of methods and techniques in use today
  • Use cases describing authentication and access needs
  • Defined statistics that must be kept to satisfy access management systems
Metasearch Initiative - TG2 - Collection Description Content providers (publishers, database providers) must be able to communicate information about the collections they offer in a uniform way. Task Group 2 on Collection Description is working with other organizations examining this problem to produce:
  • A list of data elements needed to describe a collection;
  • A document containing guidelines for maintaining and exchanging collection information;
  • Recommendations on further steps needed, including development of best practices, implementation guidelines and formal standards.
Metasearch Initiative -TG3 - Search/Retrieve The interdependent nature of search-retrieval protocols and techniques demands that the investigation of one be done in the context of the other. Task Group 3 will investigate and report on several related aspects of search and retrieval to produce a series of documents including:
  • A description of the current practice in Metasearching search and retrieval
  • Defining a standard vocabulary and terms
  • Defining a template for exchange of search and retrieval functionality
  • Inventorying proprietary XML interfaces and best practices for Metasearch search and retrieval
  • Recommend the data elements to describe a Result Set and a record within a Result Set
  • Review SRW/SRU and recommend modifications for use as the basis of a Metasearch search and retrieval standard.
NISO Marketing Information related to NISO marketing activities.
NISO Staff
NISO Voting Members NISO Voting Members workroom. Provides a repository for documents and forum in which to present NISO Voting Members with NISO ballots. This Group is for NISO Voting Members Only.
NISO Z39.7-201x Voting Pool Voting pool to review and approve the revision to Z39.7, Information Services and Use: Metrics & statistics for libraries and information providers - Data Dictionary.
NISO Z39.85-201x Voting Pool Voting pool for the approval of the revised standard: NISO Z39.85-201x, The Dublin Core Element Set.
NISO Z39.96-2012 Voting Pool (CCM) Voting pool to approve Z39.96-201x
ONIX-PL Working Group The ONIX-PL Working Group, created in 2008 upon the disbandment of the original License Expression Working Group (LEWG), is charged to: 1. Actively support and contribute to the continued development of the ONIX – PL standard for licence expression to ensure it is fit for use by all types of stakeholders. 2. Communicate with all stakeholders about the current state of ONIX – PL development and what it means to them, and champion its use. 3. Report regularly to the sponsoring bodies - DLF, EDItEUR, NISO, and PLS - about progress and plans.
Open Discovery Initiative (ODI)
Physical Delivery of Library Resources The increased volume and costs of library delivery is creating a demand for more information about how to run efficient and effective delivery operations. The Physical Delivery for Library Resources Working Group (under the oversight of NISO's Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee) is charged with developing a Recommended Practice to help facilitate library resource sharing.
PIE-J (Presentation and Identification of E-Journals) This group is charged with developing a Recommended Practice that will provide much-needed guidance on the presentation of e-journals—particularly in the areas of title presentation, accurate use of the ISSN, and citation practices—to publishers and platform providers as well as to solve some long-standing concerns of serials librarians.
RFID for Library Applications The committee is charged with the following deliverables: - Develop a set of guidelines that lay out current best practices for the use of RFID in library applications. - Prepare an input document that outlines US practices and concerns to an ISO TC46 working group on an RFID data model for library applications. - Serve as a sounding board for the NISO representative to the ISO TC 46 working group. Continue to work with ALA/BISG working group around the interaction of technology and privacy issues.
RFID Revision Working Group In order to ensure that the NISO Recommended Practice (Recommended Practice, RFID in U.S. Libraries (NISO RP-6-2008; available online at http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/RP-6-2008.pdf) is up to date and provides United States implementers of RFID tags in libraries with sufficient guidance to conform with the ISO work, a revision of the NISO Recommended Practice is necessary. This working group is charged with that revision.
SC9WG8/Project 25964 This international ISO working group is merging and revising the two existing ISO thesauri standards (ISO 2788:1986 on monolingual thesauri and ISO 5964:1985 on multilingual thesauri).
SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding) The Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU) Working Group is charged with developing Recommended Practices to be used to support a new mechanism for publishers to sell e-resources without licenses if they feel their perception of risk has been adequately addressed by current law and developing norms of behavior. The document will be an expression of a set of shared understandings of publisher and library expectations regarding the sale of an electronic resource subscription. Negotiation between publisher perspectives and library perspectives will be needed to develop a useful set of practices. The working group will build on considerable work to identify key elements of a best practices document already begun during a one-day meeting sponsored by ARL, ALPSP, SSP, and SPARC. All of the participants in that scoping meeting expressed a strong desire to continue to work on this project and form the proposed working group to develop best practices.
SERU Standing Committee The SERU Standing Committee provides maintenance support for the NISO Recommended Practice, NISO RP-7-2008, SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding, available at: http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/RP-7-2008.pdf Visit the SERU website at www.niso.org/workrooms/seru
SIP (Standard Interchange Protocol)
SSO Authentication SSO Authentication Working Group Goal: achieving seamless, item-level linking through single sign-on authentication technologies in a networked information environment.
Standardized Markup for Journal Articles The goal of this work item, "Standardized Markup for Journal Articles Based on the NLM's Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite," is to take the currently existing National Library of Medicine (NLM) Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite version 3.0, the three journal article schemas, and the documentation and shepherd it through the NISO standardization process. The intent of this proposal is for the Tag Suite to be a NISO standard and each of the schemas to be a "sub-standard" or appendix to the Tag Suite standard. To achieve this objective, this proposal is to convene a NISO Working Group with the intention of proposing that the Tag Suite, as it currently stands, be accepted as a Draft Standard following a brief period of review within the group.
Standards Community Calendar This is a public group containing calendar information about NISO events, industry events, working group activities and presentations, and related deadlines. NISO welcomes standards-related event information from other groups. If you would like to add your event, please e-mail nisohq@niso.org with details. All conferences and dates are subject to change.
Supplemental Journal Article Materials Coordinating Group This group will be the coordinating body for the three sub-groups for the Supplementary Materials for Journal Articles. It includes the chairs of the sub-groups and the NISO/NFAIS supporting personnel.
Supplemental Journal Materials Business Working Group The Business Working Group (BWG) for the NISO-NFAIS Supplemental Materials Recommended Practices Group will address the semantic and policy issues related to delivering materials that are supplemental to scholarly journal articles.
Supplemental Journal Materials Technical Working Group The Technical Working Group (TWG) for the NISO/NFAIS Supplemental Materials Recommended Practices Group will address the technical issues related to materials that are supplemental to scholarly journal articles. This includes such items as metadata, persistent identifiers, linking mechanisms, packaging, exchange, delivery, and accessibility practices.
SUSHI (Z39.93) Standing Committee The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.93) defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data utilizing a Web services framework. It is intended to replace the time-consuming user-mediated collection of usage data reports. The protocol was designed to be both generalized and extensible, meaning it could be used to retrieve a variety of usage reports. An extension designed specifically to work with COUNTER reports is provided with the standard, as these are expected to be the most frequently retrieved usage reports. The SUSHI Standing Committee provides maintenance support for the standard. To read the SUSHI abstract or download a copy of the standard, visit www.niso.org/standards/z39-93-2007. For information on SUSHI schemas, please visit http://www.niso.org/schemas/sushi/. To view registry information, press coverage, FAQ information, and other reference material, visit http://www.niso.org/workrooms/sushi.
SUSHI Servers Working Group SUSHI Servers Working Group: Improving SUSHI Servers through Enhanced Reporting
TC46 Interest Group What is ISO TC 46/SC 11? * ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. * TC 46 is ISO's Technical Committee (TC) for information and documentation standards. * SC 11 is the TC 46 Subcommittee (SC) that develops and maintains ISO standards on archives and records management.
TC46 SC 11 Interest Group
TC46 SC 4 Interest Group U.S. members of NISO that have expressed interest in seeing informational documents (other than ballots) for TC46/SC4, Technical interoperability.
TC46 SC 8 Interest Group
TC46 SC10 Interest Group
TC46 SC9 Secretariat What is ISO TC 46/SC 9? * ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. * TC 46 is ISO's Technical Committee (TC) for information and documentation standards. * SC 9 is the TC 46 Subcommittee (SC) that develops and maintains ISO standards on the identification and description of information resources.
Z39.7 Standing Committee The Z39.7 Standing Committee is responsible for the continuous maintenance of the Data Dictionary. Comments and change proposals from the public are reviewed and evaluated at the ALA midwinter and annual conferences.
Z39.83 (NCIP) Standing Committee NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol) Standing Committee. This committee maintains the current ANSI/NISO standard, provides support to those interested in NCIP, and develops education and outreach on NCIP.
Z39.85 Maintenance Agency Advisory Group (Dublin Core)
Z39.86 Maintenance Agency Advisory Group (Digital Talking Book) The DAISY Consortium has been selected by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) as the official maintenance agency for the DAISY/NISO Standard, officially, the ANSI/NISO Z39.86, Specifications for the Digital Talking Book, known as DAISY 3. This Advisory Committee develops the standards and maintains the Specification. Additional information and supporting resources can be found at http://www.daisy.org/z3986/
Z39.88 (OpenURL) Review Panel Review Panel for ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 (R2010), The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services The OpenURL standard is maintained by OCLC. For more information, visit http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-88-2004/ or http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/openurl/default.htm