In this article I want to talk about a subject which might not seem specifically connected to landscape photography, but which in my opinion is very relevant to this field, and indeed all types of photography.

Naming artworks has always been important, not only because it's useful to have a way to refer to the piece, but also, and much more importantly, to present a window to the creator's vision and ideas, to clarify his intentions when creating the piece and to provide additional content to the visual. In 'artistic' photography it seems that the situation is similar, and an image's title sometimes holds much more than can be seen in the image itself, insinuate as to the photographer's motives and feelings and hint at things which can be missed otherwise. Even 'Untitled' images are often left untitled for a good reason. The title, or lack thereof, is a critical part of the art.

'Canary Cave', Katla Glacier, Iceland, January 2014.

It appears to me that nature and landscape photographers often neglect giving attention to naming their images. It might be because they produce too many images to come up with original names for each of them (unless you count 'Crater Lake Sunset XVIII'), or it may be due to lack of a deep connection to the art they produce. In any case, I think it's a shame.

Titles can add a whole lot to a landscape image. Take for example the first image shown here, 'Canary Cave', shot in Katla Glacier, Iceland, on a beautiful winter day. The vast majority of responses I got to the image were from people who were delighted to have discovered the canary-shaped contour. They told me they had liked the image for its overall appearance, for the colors in the ice and for the top-view of the mountains in the background, but once they read the title and saw the canary, a whole new dimension opened up, they could better share my views and most importantly, understand the art is it was supposed to be understood.

One of my most successful shots, 'Spot the Shark', is perhaps the best example from my portfolio. What could contribute more to an image than a hint to the very thing which I think makes it so special? I've had people go crazy over the 'shark', debating where it is and enjoying the revelation. This most definitely made people more exposed to the image, and it even appeared in a National Geographic book, dare I say due, in part, to its title.

'Spot the Shark', Breiðamerkursandur, Iceland, January 2013

A deeper meaning is carried in the title of the following image, 'The Harp of Kleifarvatn'. It is very poetic to cross-attribute natural phenomena, and a beautiful display of Aurora Borealis can be seen as music to the eyes. In this particular shot, the aurora created a shape that to my eye looked like a harp – what could be more fitting than naming it accordingly, connecting the visual impact with the sensation of heavenly music?

'The Harp of Kleifarvatn', Kleifarvatn, Iceland, January 2014

Let's move on. How about film references? I'm not a huge film buff, but I know what I like, and I love incorporating movie quotes in my daily life and in my art. How about Star Wars for starters? The beautiful dunes of Sossusvlei, shrouded in mist, immediately reminded me of Cloud City, the floating metropolis from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

'Cloud City', Sossusvlei, Namib Naukluft Park, Namibia, May 2014

What about TV series? Comic books? 

'Green Lantern', Jökulsárlón, Iceland, January 2014. I'm not a comic book reader at all, but the name adds depth and rings a bell to fans of the series.
'Lost in Space', Kirkjufell, Iceland, February 2013. The TV series of the same title was aired from 1965–1968, way before my time, but I've always known the name, so it added an extra dimension to a fitting image.

And it goes on and on. Music has always been a big part of my life. I have very eclectic tastes and I listen to many musicians from very different fields. I just love referencing album names, song titles and even lyrics in the titles of my images.

This image from a sunset in Anse Source d'Argent, La Digue Island, Seychelles, is entitled 'Kingdom of Gold', which is also the title of a song by Mark Knopfler, one of my favorite musicians.
'Evolution in Reverse', Jerusalem, Israel, March 2010. This image and its title communicate with many aspects of my life. First of all, as an atheist, I see it as an echo of the famous illustration of Darwin's theory. Secondly, the title is a reference to a lyric by Swedish metal band Meshuggah. I've been 'offered' several alternative titles, but the people who were so generous to offer them had no idea about the title's meaning to me!
'The Trinity', Huacachina, Peru, September 2012. The title doesn't only refer to the three hills and three matching clouds. It's also the name of a Sean Paul album, to whom I listened a lot during my partying nights in South America. A title doesn't always have to be serious, and this one always reminds me of those simple, happy days.

Finally, there are subjects which look too much like other places to pass mentioning them in the title.

'Arc de Triomph', Disko Bay, Greenland. This huge arched iceberg reminded me of the Parisian monument. 'HMS Fitz Roy', Torsukattak Strait, Greenland. I couldn't decide what this iceberg looked like more - a battleship or mount Fitz Roy in Patagonia. The title is a good compromise.

There can be even more kinds of contribution a proper title can supply. Don't ignore its importance to your art, give it the respect it deserves and your photography will benefit greatly, not only in terms of its visual content but in the amount of connection both you and the viewers feel toward it.

Erez Marom is a professional nature photographer, photography guide and traveler based in Israel. You can follow Erez's work on InstagramFacebook and 500px, and subscribe to his mailing list for updates.

If you'd like to experience and shoot some of the most fascinating landscapes on earth with Erez as your guide, you're welcome to take a look at his unique photography workshops around the world:

Land of Ice - Southern Iceland
Winter Paradise - Northern Iceland
Northern Spirits - The Lofoten Islands
Giants of the Andes and Fitz Roy Annex - Patagonia
Tales of Arctic Nights, Part I and Part II - Greenland
Earth, Wind and Fire - Ethiopia

Selected articles by Erez Marom: