Our digital camera reviews have evolved over the last two years to cover almost every detail of the camera in design, operation, performance and image quality. The Nikon Coolpix 885 review (below) and Minolta S304 review (above) mark the first of a new reorganized review style which should make finding the right information in the right place easier, and make writing the reviews a quicker process for us.

Here's a summary of changes (and review layout):

  • Introduction, Specifications, Body / Design, Operation, Display, Menus - all unchanged.
  • Features - now only covers image size / quality options, in-camera algorithms and any unique or specific camera features
  • Timings & Sizes - unchanged (now includes standard battery test)
  • Photographic tests - combination of features and image quality tests:
    • ISO sensitivities and visible noise
    • White balance
    • Macro focus
    • Low light focus (wide & tele)
    • Flash performance
    • Night exposures / noise reduction
    • Barrel and pincushion distortion
    • Purple fringing (chromatic aberrations)
    • Visual dynamic range *
    • Overall image quality & any specific issues
  • Compared to (specific comparison)
  • Compared to (three other cameras from tests database)
  • Conclusion
  • Samples

* Coming soon

I'm also working on a new 'short review style' for lower end / entry level digital cameras.