US photographic trade body PMA and are conducting a survey looking for the views of dedicated amateur photographers. The five ten minute survey asks about your photographic use, the features you'd like to see in cameras and your use and experience of photo sharing sites and printing services (as well as helping us make dpreview a better place). It aims to get a clearer understanding of what committed non-professional photographers want from their cameras and related services and may even result in those things getting a bit better. Responses will be discussed at the forthcoming 6Sight conference. As a reward one lucky respondent will be sent a shiny new Apple iPad.

You need only provide an email address to have the chance of winning an Apple iPad. Email addresses are used only for this prize draw and will be discarded after the draw is conducted.

Update: The survey will close 12:00 midnight Pacific time on Tuesday August 31st, so if you'd like your chance to win, time is running out!

Click here to let us know what you think