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Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Spar In Florida Ahead Of Primary

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  • MIAMI (AP) — Fighting for Florida and beyond, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tangled in an intense debate Wednesday night over who’s the true friend of American Hispanics, trading accusations over guest worker programs “akin to slavery” and the embracing of “vigilantes” against immigrants.

    They had even worse things to say about Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

    Facing off just six days before Florida gives its verdict on the presidential race, Clinton faulted Sanders for repeatedly voting against a 2007 comprehensive immigration reform bill; he faulted her for opposing a 2007 effort to let people who were in the country illegally obtain driver’s licenses.

    Had the immigration package passed back then, Clinton said, “a lot of the issues we are still discussing today would be in the rearview mirror.”

    Sanders retorted that he opposed the legislation because it included a guest worker program “akin to slavery.”

    The debate opened with a question that appeared to startle Clinton.

    Univision’s Jorge Ramos asked her if she would drop out of the race if indicted over the handling of her email while secretary of state.

    “Oh for goodness, that is not going to happen,” Clinton declared. “I’m not even answering that question.”

    The FBI is investigating the possibility of mishandling of sensitive information that passed through Clinton’s private email server.

    Sanders, as he has in the past, declined to bite on the issue, saying, “The process will take its course.” He said he’d rather talk about the issues of wealth and income inequality.

    Both candidates were bidding for momentum after Sanders surprised Clinton with an upset victory in Michigan on Tuesday.

    Clinton stressed that she has a strong lead in the delegates, declaring, “This is a marathon, and it is a marathon that can only be carried by the kind of campaign I am running.”

    Sanders said his Michigan surprise was evidence that his message is resonating.

    “We are going to continue to do extremely well,” he said, adding that he expects to convince superdelegates who are backing Clinton to switch to his column.

    Immigration commanded considerable attention for good reason: Florida is home to nearly 1.8 million Hispanics, including about 15 percent of the state’s Democrats.

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    7 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Spar In Florida Ahead Of Primary

    1. Recently I’ve come in contact with (2) individuals who by their actions, and words clearly weren’t college material, and both of them went out of their way to tell me they were in college. No offense….but it was like being a dumb A in college warrants a badge of honor. NOT! One a male works in a dollar type store, (long story but) a man behind me in line told the guy you may be in college but you can’t figure out simple math. The other person a young lady works in fast food, and I’m not even going to take time to explain that ridiculous encounter. But she also let it be known that she’s a college student SMDH!! These are just (2) of my many encounters. Stop the madness people!

    2. Bern you are so likable as a person BUT please stop with the FREE COLLEGE rhetoric. It appears that you think everyone should go to college…..NOT. Sorry Bern….but NOTHING IS FREE. Your plan would have to be paid for with our tax $$, and I’m not down with that. I’ve encountered soooo many kids that don’t know things they should have learned in high school. In short they aren’t college material. Yet sooooo many people are telling ALL kids to go to college. In my opinion unless someone is on track for a career (that really requires higher education) i.e., doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, nurse, etc. I’m not down with paying for their college, and they come out making $8 to $10 a hour working in fast food, or a department store. Every one doesn’t need to go to college; that’s just common sense!!

    3. If the FBI get any closer to an indictment her campaign staff better hire a lawyer
      I saw clips from Her and Bern’s debate it was like watching the old folks version of the Republican debates

    4. Hillary’s campaign should hire Michael Baisden for their staff. Democrats aren’t fired up, and they need to be to get Hillary elected. Do I know Baisden personally….NO; but I have met him before during President Obama’s first run. Baisden is young, energetic, charismatic, intelligent, and has what it takes to fire up a base (Especially he would help to fire up YOUNG PEOPLE

    5. From what I witnessed of the debate last evening-Hill is one arrogant b–ch!

      She came off rather sure of herself that all this E-mail scandal will simply bite the dust and no one will ever be held accountable-INCLUDING HER!!!!!

      Whether Hill realizes it our not-the E-mail debacle calls into question her “credibility.”
      If her actions were and still are questionable-what other skeletons could their still be in her closet?????

      • Hillary probably has LESS skeletons than OTHERS that are running for Prez….because her business has been put out there for years….even before she became Secretary of State. GO HILLARY – 1st Woman President 2016!!!

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