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University College Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of University College?

The purpose of University College is to enhance your college journey for the first two years at Delaware State University! Our central focus is to help you establish a strong collegiate academic foundation that will enable you to persist and progress towards becoming a competitive graduate of DSU.

We are meeting students where they are to get them where they need to be.

2. When does it start? 

It starts right now in your first year! We are devoted to enhancing your college journey for the first two years at Delaware State University!

3. How is University College different from the other Colleges at DSU?

University College (UC) is the “service college” of DSU that is designed to help students achieve high academic goals by providing integrated academic program support services (i.e. tutoring, test-taking skill building, writing and math help), college-skill enhancement courses and advisement that will foster academic, career, and leadership development.

4. Do I have to live on campus to be a part of University College?

No, University College begins with all students who begin their first-year at DSU, whether you live on-campus or commute.

5. What are the advantages (benefits) of participating in University College?

As a student affiliated with University College, we want you to take a personal responsibility for your educational journey. That being said, you will be taught how to navigate campus-wide resources efficiently, how to resolve issues related to your course work, and how to be a strong self-advocate and champion for your academic success. University College is dedicated to helping you with your transition to college.

6. What services are available through University College?

University College is designed to help you achieve high academic goals by providing integrated academic program support services (i.e. tutoring, writing and math help), college-skill enhancement courses and advisement that will promote your academic, career, and leadership development.

7. Where do I find information about the services or resources available to me?

You can begin by clicking on DSU’s University College website to see all the services and resources available to you in your first- and second-year.

8. I am an Undecided major.  How is my class schedule determined?
9. I am undecided, how do I declare a major?

UC will also serve as the official “academic home” for students who have not selected a major-undecided students- and is devoted to help guide and support (through academic advisement) these students’ decision-making process as they explore the different academic colleges and what each have to offer. If you have not decided on a major, University College Staff will help guide and support your decision-making process as you explore the different colleges and what each have to offer.  You will receive guidance and support from an UC advisor until the requirements to declare a major are met (1 -2 years). In other words, we will help you choose the right major for you.

10. What academic services are offered & where is it located?

Housed in William Jason Library on the 2nd Floor are integrated academic support services that include:  Information on University College course; Mentoring, Tutoring; Supplemental Instruction, Academic Workshops; The Writing Studio; The Quantitative Reasoning; and UC College Advisement.

11. What is freshman seminar?

University Seminar is a two semester, general education course sequence designed to provide students with the essentials for a smooth transition to college life and academic success.

12. I have a documented disability and need accommodations for my classes.  Is this service under University College?

Yes.  Student Accessibility Services is a part of University College.   It is where you can request services and submit your most recent documentation of your disability.

13. What are the summer bridge programs?

Project Success is a comprehensive academic learning community that begins in the summer and last throughout the first-year.  It is a conditionally admit program for students with an hsgpa of 2.0 and SAT score between 750-799.  

Jumpstart is a leadership development learning community for first-year students who want to fast-track their academic success by completing up to eleven (11) college credits during Summer Session II.  Students with an hsga of 2.7 or better and with a SAT of 800 are invited to participate in the program.

14. How do I stay actively engaged with University College and my overall college experience?

Research has revealed that students who are actively engaged in both curricular and co-curricular activities perform better in their course work, tend to complete their degrees in 4 years or less, and are more competitive for graduate or professional school and marketable employment. Therefore, I encourage you to seek out opportunities and plan to get involved in Learning Communities, Service Learning and Undergraduate research. Such opportunities will enhance your overall academic experience.

15. What are the college ABC’s?

Positive Attitude, responsible & respectful Behavior, and academic Commitment.  These three simple key elements are essential for a successful matriculation.