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  Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)

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 Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)

The purpose of the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is to continue building a self-sustaining basic and translational biomedical research capability in Delaware.

Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health—National Institute of General Medical Sciences Institutional Development Award [NIH-NIGMS: P20GM103446] and the state of Delaware, the Delaware INBRE program has four specific goals and serves to build the academic and research pipelines in Delaware by creating student and researcher opportunities involving a diverse cohort of students and researchers in biomedical exploration.

Delaware State University (DSU) is proud to be a part of a collaborative effort with University of Delaware, Delaware Technical Community College, Wesley College, Christiana Care Health System, and Nemours/A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children.

Under this program, DSU is pursuing diverse educational and research activities aimed at particularly increasing diversity in the Biomedical workforce. It is home to several pilot projects led by DSU researchers and with the participation of talented DSU students. Moreover, DSU is an active member in the Delaware INBRE Summer Scholar Program.


INBRE Core Activities:

  · Administration and Evaluation

· Centralized Research Instrumentation

· Bioinformatics

· Education & Professional Development

· Developmental Research Project Program


Program Goals:

  · Foster a statewide network for biomedical research

· Develop independent and inter-dependent researchers and institutions

· Cultivate Delaware INBRE initiatives

· Enhance Delaware’s knowledge of biomedical science and technology

Project Staff

DSU Principal Investigator 
DSU Project Coordinator
Participating Faculty Researchers:

Dr. Qi Lu

Dr. Michael Gitcho

Dr. David Pokrajac

Dr. Thomas Planchon

Dr. Tomasz Smolinski (Bioinformatics)

Dr. Wafa Amir (Imaging Facility)


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Courie Foster
DSU INBRE Project Coordinator
Email: couriefoster@desu.edu
Phone: 302.857.6668