
We go farther

A feeding program is good, but it’s not enough.
Clean water is good, but it’s not enough.
Education is good, but it’s not enough.
Children need all of these, plus the transforming power of Jesus Christ. LACC helps to provide all of these to thousands of children in 21 countries throughout Latin America & the Caribbean.

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What your sponsorship gives to a child in need…

The Gospel.

First and foremost, your sponsorship exposes a child to the Good News about Jesus Christ.


Excellent Education.

Just attending school is a luxury in many parts of the region, but our students are truly learning – and our academic standards are high.

Nutritious Meals.

Many schools provide a daily healthy meal for their students. For some children, this is the only meal of the day.


Many of our schools provide uniforms for students. These new clothes bolster their self-esteem and identify them as Latin America ChildCare students.


We invite you to write your sponsored child as often as you like. Your words will delight and inspire, reinforcing in the child’s heart and mind the reality of your commitment.


Your sponsorship tells a child “You matter”… provides a springboard out of poverty… and offers a life-transforming faith!

Where we are.

We work in 300 schools, in 21 countries throughout Latin America & the Caribbean.

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